
A terminal pixel art creator

MIT License


pxlart is a pixel art editor written in C using the ncurses library that has vim like keybindings. I got the idea from a bash script called pxltrm.


  • ncursesw


  • Clone the repo

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mananapr/pxlart

  • Compile using make

cd pxlart && make

  • Install

sudo make install

Arch Linux users can use the AUR package.


Key Function
h j k l Navigation keys
d/Space Draw
e Erase
b Change Brush
c Set FG Color
B Set BG Color
s Save
o Load
q Quit

A note about colors

pxlart uses shell color numbers (0-255) for color input. You can use a script like this to see what number corresponds to what color.

Image Export

Saved projects can be exported to image formats using the mkppm utility included with pxlart.

A saved project called "foo" will generate a file called "foo.data", which can be passed into the mkppm utility to create "foo.ppm".

mkppm foo.data foo.ppm

The PPM file can then be converted to a PNG file using imagemagick:

convert foo.ppm foo.png


  • Add ability to save and load
  • Add ability to export to image formats
  • Make PKGBUILD for AUR
  • Write a manpage