
Qflow full end-to-end digital synthesis flow for ASIC designs


qflow v.1.4

Tim Edwards
Open Circuit Design
v1.0 April 2013
v1.1 May 2015
v1.2 May 2018
v1.3 December 2018
v1.4 December 2018

GPL Copyright (c) 2018

Default technology uses OSU open source digital cell libraries
See http://vlsiarch.ecen.okstate.edu/flows/

To compile and install:

make install

See full instructions on http://opencircuitdesign.com/qflow/

The ./configure needs arguments for each tool of the tool chain that is not in the standard search path. Qflow will need to be able to find the following tools:


All of these tools typically install in a standard location that is in the normal user path, such as /usr/local/bin/.

"qflow" is the original verilog digital flow from opencircuitdesign, reorganized for the following reasons:

(1) All the technology-independent scripts and programs can be organized in one place, and not be copied for every project.

(2) All the technology-dependent files can be organized under a single tech directory, with the technology specified on the command-line, or even pulled from a file in the layout directory.

(3) Various working directories can be reassigned by setting environment variables

(4) The C source code files can be compiled under a standard "make" process

(5) The compile and install process can be put under gnu automake/autoconf.

(6) The location of external programs (e.g., qrouter and graywolf) can be searched for by autoconf, or passed as arguments to the configure script

(7) Try to convert and handle all files in standard formats: mainly RTL verilog, LEF, and DEF.

(8) Consolidate all configuration information into a single
config file that can call out each tool or tools for
which the configuration information applies, much like
graywolf does, except extended to include the other
tools in qflow.