
💡 quarqd is a daemon for communicating with an ANT+ device

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



This repository is a copy of the original https://opensource.quarq.us/quarqd/ but with a revised README

quarqd is a daemon for communicating with an ANT device and reading ANT+ sport data. Data is communicated over a network socket.


quarqd may be run by itself. It does not detach from the terminal.

Control files

quarqd can take some information from the file

$HOME/.quarqd_config, e.g.:

QUARQD_PORT=8168    # the port quarqd should listen for connections on
ANT_TTY=/dev/ttyS0  # the device name of the Ant serial port 
ANT_BAUDRATE=115200 # the baudrate of the Ant device
QUARQD_DEBUG=1      # debug is a bitmask.  
                    # 1 -> print runtime error information
                    # 2 -> print Ant connection status changes
                    # 4 -> (quarq builds only) print all Ant messages 
                    # (default is 1)

Environment variables of the same names may be used, overriding the settings in $HOME/.quarqd_config

Getting data

Connect to $QUARQD_PORT. Data is streamed out as XML.


Single thread. All data input comes from a select loop.

Data output is buffered, and the messages are (hopefully) short enough that I/O doesn't block.

The part of the code that generates messages comes from the Python script quarqd_messages.py, which generates the messages with the help of ant_messages.py.

About XML messages

<$xml_message id=$ID time=$TIME $xml_message_dataname=$value [$xml_message_dataname=$value [...]] />

$ID is the Ant device_number for the sensor followed by:

  • 'h' (heart rate),
  • 'p' (power sensor),
  • 's' (speed sensor),
  • 'c' (cadence sensor),
  • 'd' (dual speed+cadence sensor)

$TIME is seconds past the epoch.

For values of $xml_message and $xml_message_dataname, see message_format.txt

Example with heart rate, power, cadence and speed: output.txt

Out-of-band values


<SensorFound id=$ID type=$SENSORTYPE [paired]>

A new sensor has been found. if paired, then the device was found through the pairing process.


<SensorStale id=$ID type=$SENSORTYPE>

The data from the sensor hasn't been updated for the stale timeout. (time to blank the display)


<SensorDropped id=$ID type=$SENSORTYPE>

The sensor has not been heard from for the drop timeout.


<SensorLost  id=$ID type=$SENSORTYPE>

The sensor is missing. To restart scan, resend X-set-channel for the channel.


<Timeout type=$TIMEOUT_TYPE value=$V>

Reports timeout.

$TIMEOUT_TYPE is one of:

  • blanking: timeout before a "stale data" message is reported.
  • drop: timeout before a drop is reported.
  • scan: initial scan timeout. Lower values for quicker initial connection with sensors.
  • lost: timeout in seconds before giving up on a sensor. Set to "0" to reserve a channel for a specific sensor always.


<Error> message </Error>


X-set-channel: $ID[,channel_number]

  • $ID is the Ant device_number of the sensor, followed by the one-character sensor type. "0" for any device_number of the specified type.
  • channel_number is the Ant channel to use for the device. Four channels, numbered 0-3. The previous occupant of the channel will be booted if necessary. Leave blank for next-available-channel.


  • X-set-channel: 17p (power meter #17)
  • X-set-channel: 0h,1 (scan for heart rate sensor)

X-unset-channel: $ID

Channel is closed and removed.

X-set-timeout: timeout_type=$TIMEOUT_TYPE

Value is in seconds, floating-point. message is returned.


Will cause quarqd to output SensorFound messages for all the channels it is connected to.

X-pair-device: $ID[,channel_number]

Looks for a device with the pairing bit set. device_number in $ID should be 0.

X-calibrate: $ID

Sends the calibration message to the power channel $ID

X-set-test-mode: $ID

Sets the test mode for $ID (must be a CinQo meter)

X-unset-test-mode: $ID

Unsets the test mode for $ID

X-get-slope: $ID

Retrieves the slope value for $ID

X-set-slope: $ID $SLOPE

Sets the slope value for $ID to $SLOPE

Setup notes

macOS (OS X)

With Garmin driver:

Use the following .quarqd_config:


With generic SiLabs driver:

Uses cp210x driver. Download from SiLabs: http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx

Then edit /System/Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext/Contents/Info.plist and change the idProduct to 4100 and the idVendor to 4047.

Then reboot. Look for the device at /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

Set .quarqd_config:


Thanks to Mark Liversedge for access to his computer for testing this.

Sparkfun ANT stick:

Uses FTDI driver. http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm

Set .quarqd_config:

ANT_BAUDRATE=4800 # SparkFun baudrate
ANT_TTY=/dev/cu.usbserial-A7005G7c # SparkFun FTDI driver

Thanks to Justin Knotzke for access to his computer for testing this.


The required drivers are already in the kernel. ANT_TTY will be /dev/ttyUSB0 or similar and ANT_BAUDRATE will be the same as on OS X.

iOS (iPhone)

Quarqd can talk to the hardware serial port. This was tested with an Ant module connected to the +3.3v, ground, and serial RX/TX lines of the dock connector. Tested with a jailbroken iPod touch. (When Apple-sanctioned ANT devices hit the market, it is likely that they will have an intervening microprocessor and quarqd won't be compatible.)



  • ANT+ network key. Edit main.c and remove #error Fix NetworkKey to ANT+ key.
  • Python 2.x at /usr/bin/python
  • ANSI C compiler (gcc)

To build single target, using the default native C compiler:

cd quarqd/src ; make

To build all targets:

cd quarqd ; make

(This will fail unless you have installed the same cross compilers as me.)

Please report bugs to Mark Rages.


Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Quarq Technology Inc. Please see LICENSE.txt.