
A native, user-mode, multi-process, graphical debugger.

MIT License


The RAD Debugger Project

Note: This README does not document usage instructions and tips for the debugger itself, and is intended as a technical overview of the project. The debugger's README, which includes usage instructions and tips, can be found packaged along with debugger releases, or within the build folder after a local copy has been built.

The RAD Debugger is a native, user-mode, multi-process, graphical debugger. It currently only supports local-machine Windows x64 debugging with PDBs, with plans to expand and port in the future. In the future we'll expand to also support native Linux debugging and DWARF debug info.

The RAD Debugger is currently in ALPHA. In order to get the debugger bullet- proof, it'd greatly help out if you submitted the issues you find here, along with any information you can gather, like dump files (along with the build you used), instructions to reproduce, test executables, and so on.

You can download pre-built binaries for the debugger here.

The RAD Debugger project aims to simplify the debugger by simplifying and unifying the underlying debug info format. In that pursuit we've built the RAD Debug Info (RDI) format, which is what the debugger parses and uses. To work with existing toolchains, we convert PDB (and eventually PE/ELF files with embedded DWARF) into the RDI format on-demand.

The RDI format is currently specified in code, in the files within the src/lib_rdi_format folder. The other relevant folders for working with the format are:

  • lib_rdi_make: The "RAD Debug Info Make" library, for making RDI debug info.
  • rdi_from_pdb: Our PDB-to-RDI converter. Can be used as a helper codebase
    layer, or built as an executable with a command line interface frontend.
  • rdi_from_dwarf: Our in-progress DWARF-to-RDI converter.
  • rdi_dump: Our RDI textual dumping utility.

Development Setup Instructions

Note: Currently, only x64 Windows development is supported.

1. Installing the Required Tools (MSVC & Windows SDK)

In order to work with the codebase, you'll need the Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools v15 (2017) or later, for both the Windows SDK and the MSVC compiler and linker.

If the Windows SDK is installed (e.g. via installation of the Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools), you may also build with Clang.

2. Build Environment Setup

Building the codebase can be done in a terminal which is equipped with the ability to call either MSVC or Clang from command line.

This is generally done by calling vcvarsall.bat x64, which is included in the Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools. This script is automatically called by the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS <year> variant of the vanilla cmd.exe. If you've installed the build tools, this command prompt may be easily located by searching for Native from the Windows Start Menu search.

You can ensure that the MSVC compiler is accessible from your command line by running:


If everything is set up correctly, you should have output very similar to the following:

Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30151 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

usage: cl [ option... ] filename... [ /link linkoption... ]

3. Building

Within this terminal, cd to the root directory of the codebase, and just run the build.bat script:


You should see the following output:

[debug mode]
[msvc compile]
searching C:\devel\raddebugger/src... 309 files found
parsing metadesk... 15 metadesk files parsed
gathering tables... 96 tables found
generating layer code...

If everything worked correctly, there will be a build folder in the root level of the codebase, and it will contain a freshly-built raddbg.exe.

Short-To-Medium-Term Roadmap

The Initial Alpha Battle-Testing Phase

The first priority for the project is to ensure that the most crucial debugger components are functioning extremely reliably for local, x64, Windows debugging. This would include parts like debug info conversion, debug info loading, process control, stepping, evaluation (correct usage of both location info and type info), and a robust frontend which ensures the lower level parts are usable.

We feel that the debugger has already come a long way in all of these respects, but given the massive set of possible combinations of languages, build settings, toolchains, used language features, and patterns of generated code, there are still cases where the debugger has not been tested, and so there are still issues. So, we feel that the top priority is eliminating these issues, such that the debugging experience is rock solid.

Local x64 Linux Debugging Phase

The next priority for the project is to take the rock solid x64 Windows debugging experience, and port all of the relevant pieces to support local x64 Linux debugging also.

The debugger has been written to abstract over the parts that need to differ on either Linux or Windows, and this is mainly going to be a task in building out different backends for those abstraction layers.

The major parts of this phase are:

  • Porting the src/demon layer to implement the Demon local process control
    abstraction API.
  • Implementing an x64 ELF Linux unwinder in the src/ctrl layer.
  • Creating a DWARF-to-RDI converter (in the same way that we've built a
    PDB-to-RDI converter). A partial implementation of this is in
  • Porting the src/render layer to implement all of the rendering features the
    frontend needs on a Linux-compatible API (the backend used on Windows is D3D11).
  • Porting the src/font_provider layer to a Linux-compatible font
    rasterization backend, like FreeType (the backend used on Windows is
  • Porting the src/os layers to Linux. This includes core operating system
    abstraction (virtual memory allocation, threading and synchronization
    primitives, and so on), and graphical operating system abstraction (windows,
    input events, and so on).

Once the above list is complete, and once every part is rock solid, the Windows debugging experience we'll have worked diligently to create will also be available natively on Linux machines.

And Beyond!

There are several directions we might take after these two major phases, like remote debugging, porting to different architectures, further improving the debugger's features (like improving the visualization engine), and so on. But for now, we're mostly focused on those first two phases.

Top-Level Directory Descriptions

  • data: Small binary files which are used when building, either to embed
    within build artifacts, or to package with them.
  • src: All source code.

After setting up the codebase and building, the following directories will also exist:

  • build: All build artifacts. Not checked in to version control.
  • local: Local files, used for local build configuration input files. Not
    checked in to version control.

Codebase Introduction

The codebase is organized into layers. Layers are separated either to isolate certain problems, and to allow inclusion into various builds without needing to pull everything in the codebase into a build. Layers correspond with folders inside of the src directory. Sometimes, one folder inside of the src directory will include multiple sub-layers, but the structure is intended to be fairly flat.

Layers correspond roughly 1-to-1 with namespaces. The term "namespaces" in this context does not refer to specific namespace language features, but rather a naming convention for C-style namespaces, which are written in the codebase as a short prefix, usually 1-3 characters, followed by an underscore. These namespaces are used such that the layer to which certain code belongs may be quickly understood by glancing at code. The namespaces are generally quite short to ensure that they aren't much of a hassle to write. Sometimes, multiple sub- layers will share a namespace. A few layers do not have a namespace, but most do. Namespaces are either all-caps or lowercase depending on the context in which they're used. For types, enum values, and some macros, they are capitalized. For functions and global variables, they are lowercase.

Layers depend on other layers, but circular dependencies would break the separability and isolation utility of layers (in effect, forming one big layer), so in other words, layers are arranged into a directed acyclic graph.

A few layers are built to be used completely independently from the rest of the codebase, as libraries in other codebases and projects. As such, these layers do not depend on any other layers in the codebase. The folders which contain these layers are prefixed with lib_, like lib_rdi_format.

A list of the layers in the codebase and their associated namespaces is below:

  • base (no namespace): Universal, codebase-wide constructs. Strings, math,
    memory allocators, helper macros, command-line parsing, and so on. Depends
    on no other codebase layers.
  • codeview (CV_): Code for parsing and/or writing the CodeView format.
  • coff (COFF_): Code for parsing and/or writing the COFF (Common Object File
    Format) file format.
  • ctrl (CTRL_): The debugger's "control system" layer. Implements
    asynchronous process control, stepping, and breakpoints for all attached
    processes. Runs in lockstep with attached processes. When it runs, attached
    processes are halted. When attached processes are running, it is halted.
    Driven by a debugger frontend on another thread.
  • dasm_cache (DASM_): An asynchronous disassembly decoder and cache. Users
    ask for disassembly for some data, with a particular architecture, and other
    various parameters, and threads implemented in this layer decode and cache the
    disassembly for that data with those parameters.
  • dbgi (DI_): An asynchronous debug info loader and cache. Loads debug info
    stored in the RDI format. Users ask for debug info for a particular path, and
    on separate threads, this layer loads the associated debug info file. If
    necessary, it will launch a separate conversion process to convert original
    debug info into the RDI format.
  • dbg_engine (D_): Implements the core debugger system, without any
    graphical components. This contains top-level logic for things like stepping,
    launching, freezing threads, mid-run breakpoint addition, some caching layers,
    and so on.
  • demon (DMN_): An abstraction layer for local-machine, low-level process
    control. The abstraction is used to provide a common interface for process
    control on target platforms. Used to implement part of ctrl.
  • draw (DR_): Implements a high-level graphics drawing API for the
    debugger's purposes, using the underlying render abstraction layer. Provides
    high-level APIs for various draw commands, but takes care of batching them,
    and so on.
  • eval (E_): Implements a compiler for an expression language built for
    evaluation of variables, registers, types, and more, from debugger-attached
    processes, debug info, debugger state, and files. Broken into several phases
    mostly corresponding to traditional compiler phases - lexer, parser,
    type-checker, IR generation, and IR evaluation.
  • eval_visualization (EV_): Implements the core non-graphical evaluation
    visualization engine, which can be used to visualize evaluations (provided by
    the eval layer) in a number of ways. Implements core data structures and
    transforms for the Watch view.
  • file_stream (FS_): Provides asynchronous file loading, storing the
    artifacts inside of the cache implemented by the hash_store layer, and
    hot-reloading the contents of files when they change. Allows callers to map
    file paths to data hashes, which can then be used to obtain the file's data.
  • font_cache (FNT_): Implements a cache of rasterized font data, both in
    CPU-side data for text shaping, and in GPU texture atlases for rasterized
    glyphs. All cache information is sourced from the font_provider abstraction
  • font_provider (FP_): An abstraction layer for various font file decoding
    and font rasterization backends.
  • fuzzy_search (FZY_): Provides a fuzzy searching engine for doing
    large, asynchronous fuzzy searches. Used by the debugger for implementing
    things like the symbol lister or the Procedures view, which search across
    all loaded debug info records, using fuzzy matching rules.
  • geo_cache (GEO_): Implements an asynchronously-filled cache for GPU
    geometry data, filled by data sourced in the hash_store layer's cache. Used
    for asynchronously preparing data for visualization.
  • hash_store (HS_): Implements a cache for general data blobs, keyed by a
    128-bit hash of the data. Also implements a 128-bit key cache on top, where
    the keys refer to a unique identity, associated with a 128-bit hash, where the
    hash may change across time. Used as a general data store by other layers.
  • lib_raddbg_markup (RADDBG_): Standalone library for marking up user
    programs to work with various features in the debugger. Does not depend on
    base, and can be independently relocated to other codebases.
  • lib_rdi_format (RDI_): Standalone library which defines the core RDI types
    and helper functions for reading and writing the RDI debug info file format.
    Does not depend on base, and can be independently relocated to other
  • lib_rdi_make (RDIM_): Standalone library for constructing RDI debug info
    data. Does not depend on base, and can be independently relocated
    to other codebases.
  • mdesk (MD_): Code for parsing Metadesk files (stored as .mdesk), which
    is the JSON-like (technically a JSON superset) text format used for the
    debugger's user and project configuration files, view rules, and metacode,
    which is parsed and used to generate code with the metagen layer.
  • metagen (MG_): A metaprogram which is used to generate primarily code and
    data tables. Consumes Metadesk files, stored with the extension .mdesk, and
    generates C code which is then included by hand-written C code. Currently, it
    does not analyze the codebase's hand-written C code, but in principle this is
    possible. This allows easier & less-error-prone management of large data
    tables, which are then used to produce e.g. C enums and a number of
    associated data tables. There are also a number of other generation features,
    like embedding binary files or complex multi-line strings into source code.
    This layer cannot depend on any other layer in the codebase directly,
    including base, because it may be used to generate code for those layers. To
    still use base and os layer features in the metagen program, a separate,
    duplicate version of base and os are included in this layer. They are
    updated manually, as needed. This is to ensure the stability of the
  • msf (MSF_): Code for parsing and/or writing the MSF file format.
  • mule (no namespace): Test executables for battle testing debugger
  • mutable_text (MTX_): Implements an asynchronously-filled-and-mutated
    cache for text buffers which are mutated across time. In the debugger, this is
    used to implement the Output view.
  • natvis (no namespace): NatVis files for type visualization of the codebase's
    types in other debuggers.
  • os/core (OS_): An abstraction layer providing core, non-graphical
    functionality from the operating system under an abstract API, which is
    implemented per-target-operating-system.
  • os/gfx (OS_): An abstraction layer, building on os/core, providing
    graphical operating system features under an abstract API, which is
    implemented per-target-operating-system.
  • path (PATH_): Small helpers for manipulating file path strings.
  • pdb (PDB_): Code for parsing and/or writing the PDB file format.
  • pe (PE_): Code for parsing and/or writing the PE (Portable Executable)
    file format.
  • raddbg (RD_): The layer which ties everything together for the main
    graphical debugger. Implements the debugger's graphical frontend, all of the
    debugger-specific UI, the debugger executable's command line interface, and
    all of the built-in visualizers.
  • rdi_breakpad_from_pdb (P2B_): Our implementation, using the codebase's RDI
    technology, for extracting information from PDBs and generating Breakpad text
  • rdi_dump (no namespace): A dumper utility program for dumping
    textualizations of RDI debug info files.
  • rdi_format (no namespace): A layer which includes the lib_rdi_format layer
    and bundles it with codebase-specific helpers, to easily include the library
    in codebase programs, and have it be integrated with codebase constructs.
  • rdi_from_dwarf (D2R_): Our in-progress implementation of DWARF-to-RDI
  • rdi_from_pdb (P2R_): Our implementation of PDB-to-RDI conversion.
  • rdi_make (no namespace): A layer which includes the lib_rdi_make layer and
    bundles it with codebase-specific helpers, to easily include the library in
    codebase programs, and have it be integrated with codebase constructs.
  • regs (REGS_): Types, helper functions, and metadata for registers on
    supported architectures. Used in reading/writing registers in demon, or in
    looking up register metadata.
  • render (R_): An abstraction layer providing an abstract API for rendering
    using various GPU APIs under a common interface. Does not implement a high
    level drawing API - this layer is strictly for minimally abstracting on an
    as-needed basis. Higher level drawing features are implemented in the draw
  • scratch (no namespace): Scratch space for small and transient test programs.
  • task_system (TS_): Implements a system for kicking off asynchronous tasks
    and obtaining artifacts from those tasks once they've completed.
  • texture_cache (TEX_): Implements an asynchronously-filled cache for GPU
    texture data, filled by data sourced in the hash_store layer's cache. Used
    for asynchronously preparing data for visualization.
  • text_cache (TXT_): Implements an asynchronously-filled cache for textual
    analysis data (tokens, line ranges, and so on), filled by data sourced in the
    hash_store layer's cache. Used for asynchronously preparing data for
    visualization (like for the source code viewer).
  • third_party (no namespace): External code from other projects, which some
    layers in the codebase depend on. All external code is included and built
    directly within the codebase.
  • ui (UI_): Machinery for building graphical user interfaces. Provides a
    core immediate mode hierarchical user interface data structure building
    API, and has helper layers for building some higher-level widgets.