
Integrate PhysFS with raylib to load images, audio, and fonts, from .zip files.

ZLIB License



Load raylib images, sounds, music, fonts and shaders from data archives, like .zip files, through PhysicsFS.


  • Load various assets from data archives, including Images, Textures, Music, Waves, Fonts, Text, Data and Shaders
  • Check if directories and files exist within archives
  • Enumerate across multiple archives and mounted paths
  • Save files through PhysFS
  • Set all file loading to use PhysFS via SetPhysFSCallbacks()
  • Find the user's configuration directory with GetPerfDirectory()


This is a header-only library. To use it, you have to do two things...

  1. Link both the raylib and physfs libraries. With CMake, you will see examples of linking physfs in examples/CMakeLists.txt
  2. Define RAYLIB_PHYSFS_IMPLEMENTATION in one .c source file before including raylib-physfs.h


The below example will initialize PhysFS, mount a .zip file, and then load an Image directly from the .zip.

#include "raylib-physfs.h"

int main() {
    // Initiatize the file system.

    // Mount a directory or archive into a given namespace.
    MountPhysFS("assets.zip", "assets");

    // Load an image through PhysFS directly from assets.zip.
    Image dog = LoadImageFromPhysFS("assets/dog.png");

    // Close the file system.


bool InitPhysFS();                                              // Initialize the PhysFS file system
bool InitPhysFSEx(const char* newDir, const char* mountPoint);  // Initialize the PhysFS file system with a mount point.
bool ClosePhysFS();                                             // Close the PhysFS file system
bool IsPhysFSReady();                                           // Check if PhysFS has been initialized successfully
bool MountPhysFS(const char* newDir, const char* mountPoint);   // Mount the given directory or archive as a mount point
bool MountPhysFSFromMemory(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, const char* newDir, const char* mountPoint);  // Mount the given file data as a mount point
bool UnmountPhysFS(const char* oldDir);                         // Unmounts the given directory
bool FileExistsInPhysFS(const char* fileName);                  // Check if the given file exists in PhysFS
bool DirectoryExistsInPhysFS(const char* dirPath);              // Check if the given directory exists in PhysFS
unsigned char* LoadFileDataFromPhysFS(const char* fileName, unsigned int* bytesRead);  // Load a data buffer from PhysFS (memory should be freed)
char* LoadFileTextFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);             // Load text from a file (memory should be freed)
bool SetPhysFSWriteDirectory(const char* newDir);               // Set the base directory where PhysFS should write files to (defaults to the current working directory)
bool SaveFileDataToPhysFS(const char* fileName, void* data, unsigned int bytesToWrite);  // Save the given file data in PhysFS
bool SaveFileTextToPhysFS(const char* fileName, char* text);    // Save the given file text in PhysFS
FilePathList LoadDirectoryFilesFromPhysFS(const char* dirPath);  // Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)
long GetFileModTimeFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);            // Get file modification time (last write time) from PhysFS
Image LoadImageFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);                // Load an image from PhysFS
Texture2D LoadTextureFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);          // Load a texture from PhysFS
Wave LoadWaveFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);                  // Load wave data from PhysFS
Music LoadMusicStreamFromPhysFS(const char* fileName);          // Load music data from PhysFS
Font LoadFontFromPhysFS(const char* fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount);  // Load a font from PhysFS
Shader LoadShaderFromPhysFS(const char* vsFileName, const char* fsFileName);  // Load shader from PhysFS
void SetPhysFSCallbacks();                                      // Set the raylib file loader/saver callbacks to use PhysFS
const char* GetPerfDirectory(const char *organization, const char *application); // Get the user's current config directory for the application.


Have a look at Cmake config to see how to define different things that change the behavior of physfs, raylib, and raylib-physfs.


To build the examples locally, and run tests, use cmake.

git clone https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-physfs.git
cd raylib-physfs
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
cd examples


While physfs is great, there are alternative file systems available...


raylib-physfs is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.

Extracted from project README
Tests Screenshot of textures_image_loading example