
An ESP32-based project for reading/writing GameCube controller signals and sending them over a network.


Remote Cube

An ESP32-based project for reading/writing GameCube controller signals and sending them over a network.

Status: It works! Use make menuconfig to define whether the ESP32 is a "client" (sending controller data) or a "server" (receiving and playing back controller data). The server needs a listening port specified, and the client needs a target IP + port to send to. Currently only UDP is used. This has been tested with a RISC-V ESP32 C3 as the "client" and a plain dual-core ESP32 as the "server".

This project has been confirmed to work on first-party controller adapters. Third-party adapters have given some trouble in the past, they need to be tested again.


  • Use the --recursive flag when cloning to pick up the ESP-IDF


  • ESP-IDF Tools
    • cd esp-idf
    • export IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS=""
    • ./


$ make menuconfig


$ make -j8 # Or pick your favorite parallel number

Run (and see serial output)

$ make -j8 flash monitor

Monitor Serial Output

$ make monitor

Exit with Ctrl + ].

Erase Flash

$ make erase_flash

Code Format

clang-format is used for code formatting.

$ make format