
a C library to easily create CLI's

MIT License



You can get started using rim by including the rim.h and rim.c files in your project and then importing them to use the library.

Here's a sample peice of code using rim

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rim.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv){
	app_t* app = new_app((app_config_t){
                .name = "rim_test",
                .desc = "test program for rim arguement parser",
                .creator = "Japroz Saini<[email protected]>",
                .license = "MIT",
                .version = "0.0.1"
	app_t* app = new_app(config);
	add_flag(app, "--list", "-L", "lists something...");
	add_value(app, "--name", "-N", "name value");
	add_cmd(app, "echo", "echoes something...");
	app_run(app, argc, argv);

	if(rim_passed(app, "--list")){
		printf("list option passed\n");
	if(rim_passed(app, "echo")){
		printf("echo option passed\n");
	if(rim_passed(app, "--name")){
		printf("value of option name :: \"%s\"\n", rim_value(app, "--name"));

  • First, we create an app_config_t object to add basic information information regarding the CLI like name, license, creator, version and so on.

  • Then we create an app_t app object. This app object will be used to manage your CLI throughout the project.

Then, there are some commmands to add certain flag, options or values to your CLI.


The add_flag function has the following signature:

void add_flag(app_t* app, char* name, char* alias, char* desc);

You can use this to create flags for your CLI which can be accessed via their name as --<name> or their alias as -<alias>


The add_value function has the following signature:

void add_value(app_t* app, char* name, char* alias, char* desc);

You can use this to create value options for your CLI which take a value as so:

$ ./cli --name=John # option name get the value John
$ ./cli --name John # option name get the value John
$ ./cli -N John # referenced here by the alias
$ ./cli -N=John # also referenced here by the alias


The add_cmd function has the following signature:

void add_cmd(app_t* app, char* name, char* desc);

You can use this to create a command for your CLI and then check if it has been passed using the rim_passed function.


You can use the rim_passed function to check if a flag/option/command has been passed by the user to the CLI by passing a pointer to the app_t object and the name/alias of the flag/option/value that you want to check.


This function can be used only for values in your CLI to get the value passed to them. This function returns a value if a value is passed, otherwise just returns an empty string.


This is the main function that parses all the CLI options. You use it by passing the app_t object and argc and argv provided to you by your compiler.

Build Instructions

git clone https://github.com/japrozs/rim
cd rim

License : MIT