
Rogue Craft is an ncurses based roguelike/sandbox/RPG game

GPL-3.0 License


Rogue Craft

Rogue Craft is a roguelike (kinda sandbox/RPG/survival) game, based on ncurses, in an early development stage. Please read the Wiki (in progress) for the guide and documentation. You can also follow the development here.

Click here to watch a video of it.

Latest updates:

  • Basic menu
  • Collectable materials
  • Tools will wear out
  • Items can be dropped, or put on a shortcut


For running ncursesw5 is required (panelw5 too but usually it comes with ncurses), and vlc. Your terminal must support 256 colors, (for example you could set $TERM to xterm-256color) and needs mouse interaction support too.

Currently tested only on Linux.

From release tar

Choose a release from here then

tar -xf rogue-craft-*.tar.gz
cd rogue-craft
sudo ./

From source

Please keep in mind that master branch is might be unstable. To compile you'll need gcc, on Debian based systems you'll needlibncursesw5-dev (and maybe libncurses5-dev too) and libvlc-dev, they might be called differently on your OS, or even comes with the base package, and no separate dev package need to be installed.

git clone --recursive
cd rogue-craft
sudo make install

You can remove the build objects with make clean, or run the tests with make run-test

To play, simply run rogue-craft in your terminal. Please note that it's still development version.


If the project got your attention, feel free to contribute with your ideas, and code. :-) Help with the TODO, or the ISSUES is highly appreciated. Please open an issue/PR if you found a bug, or have an idea, or contact me.