
Hardware video encode/decode on the raspberry pi using the MMAL API


Raspberry PI MMAL Examples

This repository contains a bunch of examples for the MMAL (Multimedia Abstraction Layer) API. MMAL is a C library designed by Broadcom for use with the Videocore IV GPU found on the Raspberry Pi.

Everything written in this document is a personal opinion from myself (t-moe). Feel free to contribute to the respository via Pull-Requests, but please don't send me general MMAL questions, as I am not an expert on the Topic.

The goal of this repository is to help others getting started with MMAL. MMAL can be a real pain, because it's poorly documented and the relevant GPU Source-Code is closed source.

Official resources

Examples in this repository

File Description Known Working rpi-firmware versions
example_basic_2.c Copied from the official userland repo. Takes a video-filename as argument and decodes that video a5b781c
graph_decode_render.c Decodes test.h264_2 and renders it to the gpu output. Uses the graph api a5b781c
connection_decode_encode.c Decodes test.h264_t and re-encodes it again. Uses the connection api a5b781c
manual_decode_overlay_encode.c Decodes test.h264_t, draws some basic overlay on it (CPU) and re-encodes it. Manipulates the buffers manually. a5b781c

Just type make to build them to individual programms.

Debugging Notes

  • export VC_LOGLEVEL="mmal:trace" will enable log output of the MMAL client library (CPU)
  • sudo vcdbg log msg will dump the server-side messages (GPU)
  • vcgencmd version will print the GPU firmware version.
  • Ensure that you have enough GPU Memory allocated (check /boot/config.txt) and the required license keys, for what you're trying to achieve.
  • The people over at the Raspberry PI Community Forum are really helpful. Provide them a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example along with the log outputs from the commands listed above and they may be able to help you.

Problem Notes

  • The Doxygen documentation of the MMAL library is out of date.
    • The container reader and writer components do not work. They were initially designed for a project where the GPU had access to the filesystem. This is no longer the case. So you have to read/write media containers on the CPU and send the data via buffers to the GPU
    • The MMAL Library provides a generic way to access "components". The general concept is documented in doxygen but the individual components are not documented. You have to guess the inputs, outputs & parameters for every component by looking at examples.
  • The Offical MMAL examples are partially broken.
    • example_connections.c and example_graph.c use the reader component, which will not work
    • example_basic_2.c has a small typo. A fixed version is in this repository.
    • I didn't look at example_basic_1.c
    • All examples lack Makefiles and the input data to test it with.
  • Whether your MMAL Program will work depends a lot on the GPU firmware. What may have worked once, will not nececessarily work now.
    • Run sudo rpi-update to update to the latest firmware.
    • Run sudo rpi-update <version> to install a specific version.
    • Always include the used firmware version in your problem description.
  • The video decoder component expects a h264 raw stream without audio as input.
    • The file test.h264_2 in this repository is a suitable example.
    • You can convert to the requested format using ffmpeg. ffmpeg -i input_720p.mp4 -bsf h264_mp4toannexb -an -f h264 output.h262
  • The video encoder component expects a specific input format:
    • encoding: I420
    • the width must be a multiple of 32 and the height a multiple of 16. Use the VCOS_ALIGN_UP Macros to calculate the aligned lengths and provide the effective size via the "crop" parameter.
  • The video encoder component opens the codec when you enable the output port. At this point the input format must be commited. Changing it afterwards will result in an error.
  • If you use the Graph API, you cannot use "Zero Copy" on inputs and outputs.
    • This is probably because mmal_graph is using mmal_pool_create, whilst to get zero_copy working correctly requires the use of mmal_port_pool_create.
    • Connect your components manually or do not use "Zero copy"