STREAM benchmark

OTHER License



STREAM is the de facto industry standard benchmark for measuring sustained memory bandwidth.

Documentation for STREAM is on the web at:


UPDATE: October 28 2014:

"stream_mpi.c" released in the Versions directory.

Based on Version 5.10 of stream.c, stream_mpi.c brings the following new features:

  • MPI implementation that distributes the arrays
    across all MPI ranks. (The older Fortran version
    of STREAM in MPI replicates the arrays across
    all MPI ranks.)
  • Data is allocated using "posix_memalign"
    rather than using static arrays. Different
    compiler flags may be needed for both portability
    and optimization.
    See the READ.ME file in the Versions directory
    for more details.
  • Error checking and timing done by all ranks and
    gathered by rank 0 for processing and output.
  • Timing code uses barriers to ensure correct
    operation even when multiple MPI ranks run on
    shared memory systems.

NOTE: MPI is not a preferred implementation for STREAM, which is intended to measure memory bandwidth in shared-memory systems. In stream_mpi, the MPI calls are only used to properly synchronize the timers (using MPI_Barrier) and to gather timing and error data, so the performance should scale linearly with the size of the cluster. But it may be useful, and was an interesting exercise to develop and debug.

=============================================== UPDATE: January 17 2013:

Version 5.10 of stream.c is finally available!

There are no changes to what is being measured, but a number of long-awaited improvements have been made:

  • Updated validation code does not suffer from
    accumulated roundoff error for large arrays.
  • Defining the preprocessor variable "VERBOSE"
    when compiling will (1) cause the code to print the
    measured average relative absolute error (rather than
    simply printing "Solution Validates", and (2) print
    the first 10 array entries with relative error exceeding
    the error tolerance.
  • Array index variables have been upgraded from
    "int" to "ssize_t" to allow arrays with more
    than 2 billion elements on 64-bit systems.
  • Substantial improvements to the comments in
    the source on how to configure/compile/run the
  • The proprocessor variable controlling the array
    size has been changed from "N" to "STREAM_ARRAY_SIZE".
  • A new preprocessor variable "STREAM_TYPE" can be
    used to override the data type from the default
    "double" to "float".
    This mechanism could also be used to change to
    non-floating-point types, but several "printf"
    statements would need to have their formats changed
    to accomodate the modified data type.
  • Some small changes in output, including printing
    array sizes is GiB as well as MiB.
  • Change to the default output format to print fewer
    decimals for the bandwidth and more decimals for
    the min/max/avg execution times.

=============================================== UPDATE: February 19 2009:

The most recent "official" versions have been renamed "stream.f" and "stream.c" -- all other versions have been moved to the "Versions" subdirectory and should be considered obsolete.

The "official" timer (was "second_wall.c") has been renamed "mysecond.c". This is embedded in the C version ("stream.c"), but still needs to be externally linked to the FORTRAN version ("stream.f"). The new version defines entry points both with and without trailing underscores, so it should link automagically with any Fortran compiler.


STREAM is a project of "Dr. Bandwidth": John D. McCalpin, Ph.D. [email protected]


The STREAM web and ftp sites are currently hosted at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia under the generous sponsorship of Professor Bill Wulf and Professor Alan Batson.
