
A simple DPDK application that calculates stats for dropped and forwarded packets depending on the command line.

MIT License


The DPDK Stats


A small DPDK application that increments a basic packet counter for TCP or UDP packets depending on what's specified in the command line (UDP is default). The amount of packets per second is outputted on a new line each second and total packets is outputted before the program exits.

Dropped and forward (TX) mode is supported (dropped mode is default). When TX is specified in the command line, the source and destination MAC and IP addresses are swapped along with the TCP/UDP ports. Afterwards, the packet is forwarded.

This repository uses my DPDK Common project in an effort to make things simpler.


  • The DPDK - Intel's Data Plane Development Kit which acts as a kernel bypass library which allows for fast network packet processing (one of the fastest libraries out there for packet processing).
  • The DPDK Common - A project written by me aimed to make my DPDK projects simpler to setup/run (included as a submodule to this project).

Building The DPDK

If you want to build the DPDK using default options, the following should work assuming you have the requirements such as ninja and meson.

git clone
cd dpdk/
meson build
cd build
sudo ninja install
sudo ldconfig

All needed header files from the DPDK will be stored inside of /usr/local/include/.

You may receive ninja and meson using the following.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install meson # Pip3 is used because 'apt' has an outdated version of Meson usually.
sudo apt install ninja-build

Building This Project

You may use git and make to build and install this application.

git clone --recursive
cd The-DPDK-Stats/
sudo make install

The dpdk-stats executable will be available inside the build/ directory. If you use sudo make install, it will be installed to /usr/bin/ which should be in your $PATH. Therefore, you can simply run the application with dpdk-stats from any directory.

EAL Parameters

This application supports DPDK's EAL paramters. These may be found here.

This is useful for specifying the amount of l-cores and ports to configure for example.

Command Line

The following command line options are available.

-p --portmask => The port mask to configure (e.g. 0xFFFF).
-P --portmap => The port map to configure (in '(x, y),(b,z)' format).
-q --queues => The amount of RX and TX queues to setup per port (default and recommended value is 1).
-x --promisc => Whether to enable promiscuous on all enabled ports.
-t --tx => Forward packets instead of dropping them.
-z --tcp => Only count TCP packets instead of UDP.

Here is an example.

dpdk-stats -l 0-1 -n 1 -- -q 1 -p 0xff -t
