
a beep that really beeps - cross-platform command line tool to toot "tooot" - it's also a C C++ library


SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib Copyright (c) 2017 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille ________________________________________________________________ | | | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename all .c files as .cpp | |________________________________________________________________|

I've got tired of beep not working, here is toot (cross-platform C C++), toot works. It simply tries to call different ways to produce a sine wave that might be present on your machine.

/ /_____ ____ / /_ / / __ / __ / / / // // / // / / _/_/_/_/ a beep that beeps

it's both a C/C++ library and a command line tool Windows OSX Linux BSD Solaris Minix Raspbian

toot v1.2.2 [Jan 23, 2024] git clone _____________________________________________________________ | | | my email address is at the top of the header file tootlib.h | || ________________________________________________________________ | | | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename all .c files as .cpp | || ____________________________________________________________ | _________ ______________ ____________ ____________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | NO INIT | | NO MAIN LOOP | | NO LINKING | | NO INCLUDE | | | || || || || | |____________________________________________________|

void toot(float aFrequency_Hz, int aLength_ms) ;

Usage: toot [-f frequency_Hz] [-l length_ms] toot [-v] [--verbose] toot [-h] [--help] toot [--version] Default: toot -f 440. -l 400 Example: toot

the release pane contains windows and osx executables

make sure the volume is on (though some beeps may use the hardware speaker) if you can't adjust frequency / length (or if it doesn't beep) on osx: install sox (from or on unix: install sox

If you know of any other way to reliably generate sine wave sound or beep on anykind of machine, I'll be happy to add them to toot.

UNIX (including MacOS) : $ clang -o toot tootlib.c toot.c ( or gcc tcc icx) ( or g++ clang++ icpx )

MinGW :

gcc -o toot.exe tootlib.c toot.c -luser32

Windows Borland C :

bcc32c -o toot.exe toot.c tootlib.c -luser32

Windows TinyCC v0.9.27 :

tcc -o toot.exe toot.c tootlib.c -luser32

Windows Intel C :

icx-cc -o toot.exe toot.c tootlib.c -luser32 icx-cl -o toot.exe toot.c tootlib.c user32.lib

Windows cli :

cl toot.c tootlib.c user32.lib /W4

VisualStudio : Create an application project or an empty project (it links against user32.lib)

I am also the author of tiny file dialogs it's a cross-platform C C++ file that offers many native dialogs no init, no main loop, no include, no linking

/ \ NotifyPopup InputBox PasswordBox MessageBox ColorPicker |tiny file| OpenFileDialog SaveFileDialog SelectFolderDialog | dialogs | ASCII UTF-8 (and also MBCS UTF-16 on windows) ____ ___/ Native dialog library for WINDOWS MAC OSX GTK+ QT CONSOLE |