
Tvheadend is the leading TV streaming server for Linux with ATSC, DVB-C/C2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, IPTV, SAT>IP and unix pipe input sources

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TVHeadend in Docker

TVHeadend can be run within a Docker container. This provides isolation from other processes by running it in a containerized environment. As this is not and in-depth tutorial on docker, those with Docker, containers or cgroups see

Building the TVHeadend image

While it is recommended to pull the image from the GHCR (GitHub Container Registry), it is certainly possible to build the image locally.

To do so, clone this repository:

$ git clone

Then, from within the repository

docker image build
    --rm \
    --tag 'tvheadend:issue-123' \

The tag 'issue-123' in the example, is just that, an example, anything can be used for the tag.

Note: Omitting the tag, will use latest by default.

Running the TVHeadend image

If the container wasn't built with the above instructions, it can be optionally be pulled from the GHCR first instead.

docker image pull

Note: The latest tag can be replaced with any desired tag, including master for the git development version.

Running the TVHeadend container is then done as follows.

docker container run \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    '' \

Note: Docker will try to pull a container it doesn't know about yet. So if the container was not previously built or pulled, the run sub command will try to pull it instead. Likewise, --pull always can be used to force a pull. See the docker documentation for more details.

The above will now run TVHeadend and the log output should be visible.

In the snippet above, the --firstrun flag was used. This flag is of course optional. Please do read the remainder of the next chapter Persistently storing configuration to learn more about where configuration is stored.

Persistently storing configuration

Containers do not store files persistently, they are ephemeral by design. Obviously, storing of configuration (or video) data is desirable and of course is there a solution for this. There are three (probably more) potential options.

It is also important be aware that the configuration directory can be different depending on how TVHeadend is started. If tvheadend is started, and a directory exists in /var/lib/tvheadend or /etc/tvheadend which matches the UID of the user executing TVHeadend, those locations will be preferred. Since the container will always run as the user tvheadend and these locations are always created, TVHeadend in the container will always use /var/lib/tvheadend as its configuration directory.

Before diving more deeply into things, the current container has two default volumes defined, /var/lib/tvheadend and /var/lib/tvheadend/recordings. These can also be defined as named/external volumes as well as more that can be added.


Docker secrets are files that can be mounted in a container. They are not ever written to disk (they live in /run/secrets/). While useful, not applicable, as they can't be controlled runtime, and store one file per secret.


Very similar to Secrets, but stored on disk within the container.


Volumes come in a few flavors actually, but the basics are the same. A local directory is mounted inside the container. The flavors come in the form of where to get the source directory from.

Local directory

Lets say the docker container should share the configuration files with the local user. In such case, the local .config/hts directory is needed within the container, can be easily mounted with the following example. Note that the --volume flag requires a absolute path.

docker container run \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume '/home/user/.config/hts:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \

Note: The --user flag is also used here, to ensure file-ownership does not change. By default the TVHeadend container runs as user tvheadend which may not have the same UID or GID as the local user. If the id command is not available, "1000:1000" could be used instead, where 1000 would be the actual UID and GID for the current user. The rw (read-write) or ro (read-only) flags can set the access mode, but are optional.

Anonymous Volumes

Docker manage volumes also internally. This is actually very common when using docker containers, as the volumes are fully docker managed. It is even possible to share volumes between containers, e.g. have multiple TVHeadend instances running, with their own configuration, but sharing the recordings volume.

The TVHeadend container already creates an anonymous volume by default, so that configuration is stored/re-used. Anonymous volumes are not 'forever persistent' and are removed by regular cleanup actions (docker system prune for example).

Named Volumes

Docker named volumes are manually created and persistently stored. For long term use (using a server for example), they are the preferred way of handling data. Docker compose can create them automatically (more on that later) but generally, a volume is created beforehand as such.

$ docker volume create 'hts_config'

and mounted as:

docker container run \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume 'hts_config:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \

Additional files

It is possible to use the volumes concept to add additional files to an dockerized setup. For example if there is a volume holding various picons, which are created and managed/updated through a different container. The volume can be simply added in the same way.

docker container run \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume 'hts_config:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \
    --volume 'picons_volume:/usr/share/picons' \

Note: The same can be done for directories holding binaries or scripts but beware that this may not always work as expected. For example if a python script is added, and requires the python interpreter, which is not available in the TVHeadend container, the binary will be there, but it cannot run. The same is true for an executable, if the libraries it depends on are not there, it will fail to run. If in doubt, entering the container by appending /bin/sh and running the binary or ldding may give a clue.

Environment variables

TVHeadend can also consume environment variables for additional configuration. Most notably being the timezone. Environment variables can be easily added from the commandline.

docker container run \
    --env 'TZ="Etc/UTC"' \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume 'hts_config:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \
    --volume 'picons_volume:/usr/share/picons' \

Configuring devices

TVHeadend gets most of its use via external devices, DVB tuners and the like. The following section is completely optional however if no devices need to be mapped to the container however.

There are a some caveats depending on static or dynamic devices.

In both cases, the device needs to exist however when starting docker and the permissions to access the device need to be correct. The TVHeadend container is by default part of the video, audio and usb groups, which seems to use the same UID on at least Gentoo and Alpine, but Arch has different GID's.

Note: If there is no shared GID, and no desire to change the GID of the host, it is also possible to give HIGHLY UNRECOMMENDED 666 permissions to the device.

Static devices

For static devices, that are not added or removed while the container is running, this is easy enough with the add the --device flag. Assuming TVHeadend is to take care of all devices, the entire dvb directory can be shared.

docker container run \
    --env 'TZ="Etc/UTC"' \
    --device '/dev/dvb' \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume 'hts_config:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \
    --volume 'picons_volume:/var/lib/picons' \

Dynamic devices

Dynamic devices are a lot harder to deal with, due to their dynamic nature. For DVB devices, that only create and remove themselves from /dev/dvb this should work. Devices however that get exposed by their exact path, things are less easy.

One thing that seems to work quite well, is to create a specific udev rule, that creates a symlink the device seems to work well. The following example exposes a USB serial converter as /dev/myserialdevice.


Note: Worse comes to worst, the entire /dev directory could be device mounted or the --privileged flag, but are HIGHLY UNRECOMMENDED from a security (and isolation) perspective. Also udevadm info -q all -n '/dev/mydevice' can be used to inspect a device and also show any currently installed symlinks. Finally, if permission access is not working, the MODE could be set to an insecure 666.

Other devices

The above section spoke mostly of adding DVB devices to the container, but other devices can be added as well, for example /dev/dri to map a GPU for encoding acceleration, assuming the needed tools are available to do so.

Tip: It is actually better to have a dedicated container running conversion and share storage locations via volumes instead.

Network access

TVHeadend is a network connected device, but by default, docker will not map any ports that a service listen to the host. Full network isolation. As such network ports need to be published to the host. The --publish flag does so. In the example below, a range of ports gets published to all devices via the IP address This can be restricted to a specific interface via its specific IP address.

docker container run \
    --device '/dev/dvb' \
    --env 'TZ="Etc/UTC"' \
    --interactive \
    --name 'TVHeadend_container_01' \
    --publish "" \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume 'hts_config:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw' \
    --volume '/home/user/Videos:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw' \
    --volume 'picons_volume:/var/lib/picons' \

Note: A proper docker setup isolates container's networking completely with unique interfaces per container. The default run command as used throughout this guide however, uses the default docker network, which means that individual containers are actually on the same network internally. Think of it as a networking router controlled by docker, where all containers are plugged into. A proper setup can be done with the normal docker run, but is out of scope, as it is better to use docker compose for that. More on this later.

CAClient access

Using a CAClient over the network, requires that both containers are on the same network, as they have to be to reach each other. With the default network setup of docker run, this shouldn't be an issue generally.


There currently exists a bug with docker, in that a default firewall policy of DROP on the INPUT chain breaks certain container to container traffic.

While it is possible to craft iptables rules to fix this, the dynamic nature of everything makes this very tricky in general. The only work around is to set the default policy to ACCEPT and ensure the chain DROPS all packets.

Assuming ppp0 is the internet connection that is a monitored interface and everything else is okay. On an empty/firewall;

$ iptables -A -i ppp0 -j DROP $ iptables -P INPUT DROP


To trouble shoot device pass through, networking, or other permission related ales, it is possible to start the container in privileged mode, connect directly to the host network and run TVHeadend as root.

All are NOT recommended for normal use, but can help isolate issues.

$ docker container run --privileged --user 'root:root' --network 'host' ...

Tip: After running the container as root, make sure to change all ownership back to tvheadend:tvheadend, most likely the configuration files. This is best done from within the container using

$ chmod -R 'tvheadend:tvheadend' '/home/tvheadend'


Docker compose can be used to define whole cluster of services. While this entry will not be an expert piece on how to properly define compose services and setup whole service clusters, here is an example that puts all of the above in a single file. It is here for reference only and users are expected to know what they are doing when using this.

  tvheadend: {}
  oscam: {}


    image: # TODO
      - all
      nproc: 64
        soft: 1024
        hard: 65535
      - /dev/cardreader
      - common.env
      - oscam:/etc/oscam:rw
      - oscam
      - "1988/udp"
      - "15000/tcp"
      - "8888:8888/tcp"
    command: -d 64
    restart: unless-stopped
      test: wget localhost:8888 2>&1 | grep -q 'connected'

      - all
      nproc: 256
        soft: 8192
        hard: 65535
      - /dev/dvb/
      - TZ: 'Europe/Amsterdam'
      - tvheadend:/var/lib/tvheadend:rw
      - /export/recordings:/var/lib/tvheadend/recordings:rw
      - tvheadend
      - oscam
      - "9981-9982:9981-9982/tcp"
    command: --config '/var/lib/tvheadend' --nosatip
    restart: unless-stopped
      test: wget -O - -q 'http://localhost:9981/ping' | grep -q 'PONG'

Tip: The ulimits are optional but recommended. Oscam uses a common.env file holding the Timezone, TVHeadend uses a variable, both achieve the same.

Note: TVHeadend automatically detects the location for storage, the above is just an example, if the location is changed here however, make sure to update the configuration in the UI to match.

Developing using a container

While it is certainly easy and possible to develop using docker image build, it is quite slow, as some setup and teardown work needs to be done before compilation can be done, also already compiled objects get discarded.

Instead, the builder container, an intermediate step, can be used instead and the source directory volume mounted herein.

docker image build
    --rm \
    --tag 'tvheadend:builder' \
    --target 'builder' \

Note: Because the way the builder is set up, it will build everything once regardless. This is to keep the current Containerfile simple. Other then the cost of some time, it is harmless.

With the built builder image, the container can be entered, and make can be issued as normal.

docker container run \
    --interactive \
    --rm \
    --tty \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --volume "$(pwd):/workdir" \
    --workdir '/workdir' \
    'tvheadend:builder' '/bin/sh'

Tip: It might be tempting to short-circuit the command /bin/sh by replacing it with make. However it will still be slower due to the container creation/teardown, but otherwise functionally identical.

Note: As the current working dir is volume mounted into the container, all changes done by the container will be made on the regular source code directory. As such, exiting and re-starting the container won't remove any intermediate object files etc. As the build-container runs normally runs as root, the --user flag has to be set as otherwise files created will be owned by root when exiting the container.