
tvx: TVX is a portable full-screen editor for CP/M, MS-DOS, GEMDOS, RT-11, RSX-11, VAX/VMS, and UNIX, written in C by Bruce E. Wampler

OTHER License

TVX - A full screen editor in C

=========================================================================== **************************** RELEASE NOTES ********************************

Version 3/6/86

* This is the second major release of TVX, distributed
  on mod.sources.  All files needed to build TVX for other
  systems are included on this distribution, also.

* The last section of the manual contains instructions for
  porting TVX to other environments.


Developed by:
	Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
	University of New Mexico
	Department of Computer Science
	Farris Engineering Center
	Albuquerque, NM 87131
..{ucbvax | seismo!gatech | ihnp4!lanl}!unmvax!wampler

This version of TVX Copyright (c) 1986 by Bruce E. Wampler

Permission is hereby granted for free, unrestricted nonprofit use of this software. Please feel free to modify, distribute, and share this software as long as you aren't making any money from it. If you want to use this code in a profit making environment, please contact the author for permission.


********* Description of files included in distribution: *********

README 	- this file

tvx_ref1.doc - documentation, ready for 80 col, 10 cpi, 66 line printer
tvx_ref2.doc - 2nd part, use cat to combine 1 and 2
tvx_tut.doc - short beginner's tutorial

tvx.ref - text quick reference charts for TVX
vix.ref - quick reference chart for vi emulator
emax.ref - quick reference chart for emacs emulator

Makefile.BSD - Makefile for BSD unix build
Makefile.SYSV - Makefile for System V unix build

tvx_1.c	   - main part of code (part 1), mostly os/terminal independent
tvx_2.c	   - main part of code (part 2), mostly os/terminal independent
tvx_lex.c  - defaults, some os dependent stuff in here.  Major
	     changes in defaults can be fixed by recompiling this file.
tvx_io.c   - almost all I/O, including screen, confined to this file.
tvx_lib.c  - misc library routines needed by TVX.
tvx_unix.c  - contains unix specific code, including termcap driver

tvx_defs.ic - #define's for version, os, terminal, defaults
    tvx_glbl.ic - global data structures
tvx_term.ic - definitions for various terminals and systems

tvx_cfg.c   - used to build CONFIG.TVX file for -c switch
tvx_ptch.c  - used to apply CONFIG to TVX.EXE permanently

----- Misc. files for other systems ------

tvx_make.bat - batch file to compile IBM-PC tvx with cii c-86
tvx_ibm.c  - IBM-PC screen driver - misc files needed to build TVX on an Atari ST
