
Simplistic cli music player built on mpv and curses

GPL-3.0 License



vim music navigator is a simple, barebones commandline music player. vmn aims to provide a highly customizable, configurable interface to handle massive music libraries with ease. One feature of vmn is that it makes use of mpv's client API for playback which gives you all of the power of mpv's options integrated into a nice interface for browsing and listening to your music.


There is an AUR package available for arch users.

Building from source

Make sure you have the following dependencies installed.

  • ffmpeg
  • meson (0.54 or higher)
  • mpv
  • ncurses
  • scdoc (optional: for man pages)

After checking out the source, navigate to the directory, and then simply run.

meson build
meson compile -C build
sudo meson install -C build


See the options page for details.


The default keybindings are the following.

  • beginning: g
  • command: :
  • end: G
  • escape: Ctrl+[
  • move backward: h
  • move down: j
  • move forward: l
  • move up: k
  • mpv kill: Q
  • mute: m
  • page down: Ctrl+f
  • page up: Ctrl+b
  • playnext: >
  • playpause: Space
  • playprev: <
  • queue: i
  • queue all: y
  • queue clear: u
  • search: /
  • search next: n
  • search prev: N
  • start: Enter
  • visual mode: v
  • vmn quit: q
  • vmn refresh: a
  • voldown: 9
  • volup: 0

To change keybindings, see the options page.

For more information on command mode, see the command page.

All items that are queued will be played by mpv upon hitting enter. If no items are selected, then the currently highlighted items will be played upon hitting enter. Items can be a directory, a metadata tag, or individual audio files. Playing back a directory or metadata tag will add all valid audio files to mpv for playback.
