
100% XXTEA authenticated, chunked file encryption



XXTEA file encryption

An experiment using XXTEA as the primitive for all of encryption, authentication, and key derivation. The ciphertext is authenticated in strictly-ordered chunks, so it efficiently supports streaming and large files while avoiding any unauthenticated output. The wire / file format is headerless and indistinguishable from random data.

XXTEA supports variable length blocks, but here it's hardcoded to 128-bit blocks for all uses. It uses a Merkle–Damgård construction, with special handling regarding length-extension attacks, for both the custom KDF and EtA-MAC. The cipher is used in CTR mode, so like with the hash function, only half of XXTEA is ever needed. See comments in the source for details about cryptographic design and implementation.

Fully supported on both POSIX and Windows systems, with no dependencies or byte-order issues.


Options follow the usual conventions.

xxtea <-E|-D> [-h] [-o FILE] [-p PASSWORD] [FILE]

Example, encrypting message.txt to file.enc (prompts for password):

$ ./xxtea -E -o file.enc message.txt

Then decrypting output to the terminal:

$ ./xxtea -D file.enc

Potential Weaknesses

The XXTEA cipher has weaknesses, but fortunately they do not apply in this context, a boring, command-line file encryption tool.

All hash inputs are keyed, so the likely second pre-image or known-key weaknesses on the Merkle-Damgård construction using XXTEA should not matter. Attackers do not know the hash state when choosing their inputs.


I wanted to study XXTEA and experiment more with Merkle–Damgård constructions. I also wanted to dogfood w64devkit, so except for the unix bits, this was entirely implemented from scratch within w64devkit in a fresh Windows installation. To build with w64devkit:

make EXE=.exe

This implementation does not exploit it, but chunks can be authenticated and decrypted in parallel since the MAC is keyed with both the MAC key and mode counter. Similarly, all blocks within a chunk can be encrypted and decrypted in parallel. In other words, the encrypted format supports random access without sacrificing authentication.