
Yet Another Window Manager (or just "the day")

MIT License



YaWm is just Yet Another Window Manager which is used by me from early 2012. Another meaning of the name is al-yawm [the day] (YaWm/wiki):

Originaly inspired by suckless's dwm. Reworked, patched, polished for my needs. Have not pretensions to be compatible with the original anymore.

The main project's goal is to build comfortable X environment for myself in true unix way: simple, flexible and strictly functional binary code that should help user to work with his tasks with a maximal performance and to bring a high usability. Not more But not less.

Minimal toolset (also partialy covered by this repo):

  • yawm
  • yawmstatus
  • tinyterm (but xterm is pretty fine too)
  • slock (has fallback to xscreensaver)
  • dmenu

Other stuff for a minimal comfort:

  • clipit
  • volumeicon-alsa

In order to run the WM xinit and base X stuff are required.

Happy hacking!


Despite the fact there are no active commits for a long time - the project is still active and maintained. The main binary is rock-stable and thus not requires changes. At least for author's needs. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in and/or have any issues regarding the project.

Known issues

After a long period of inactivity the project became currently actual again.

As for now there're a lot of small (but terrible) issues in WM controls caused by a changes of related libraries.

  • manual change of window geometry may work with bugs
  • windows list is ugly and not usable
  • window focus may change the windows stack position
  • applications with full-screen mode behave strange and may sporadicaly not able for roll out on the full screen
  • slock is not so compatible anymore with powersave mode of the screen as previously