
Zip Archiving, Unarchiving and Utilities in Objective-C or Swift

MIT License




ZipUtilities, prefixed with NOZ for Nolan O'Brien ZipUtilities, is a library of zipping and unzipping utilities for iOS and Mac OS X.


The need can occasionally arise where easy compressing and decompressing of data is desired from a simple API. There are many zipping/unzipping utilities out there but all of them can be found wanting in some way or another.

  • too low level
  • too complex
  • poor code quality
  • old coding practices/style (basically really old)
  • lack a service oriented approach (request, operation and response pattern)

The goal is to provide an easy to use modern interface for archiving and unarchiving zip files. As a particular focus, providing a service oriented approach can provide powerful support for NSOperation composition.


The ZipUtilities Xcode project has targets to build iOS and OSX dynamic frameworks. You can build these and add them to your project manually, or add a subproject in Xcode.

Alternatively you may use one of the following dependency managers:


Add ZipUtilities to your Podfile

pod 'ZipUtilities', '~> 1.13.0'


Add ZipUtilities to your Cartfile

github "NSProgrammer/ZipUtilities"


You can either build the documentation with appledoc locally or you can visit the documentation online at


Service Oriented Interfaces (NSOperations)

The primary value of ZipUtilities is that it provides an easy to use interface for archiving data or files into a single zip archive and unarchiving a zip archive to the contained files. The primary approach for ZipUtilities is to provide a service oriented pattern for compressing and decompressing.


NOZCompress.h contains the service oriented interfaces related to compressing into a zip archive.

  • NOZCompressRequest is the object that encapsulates the what and how for the compression operation to act upon
  • NOZCompressOperation is the NSOperation subclass object that performs the compression. By being an NSOperation, consumers can take advantage of cancelling, prioritization and dependencies. Progress is also provided with the operation and can be observed via KVO on the progress property or via the delegate callback.
  • NOZCompressDelegate is the delegate for the NOZCompressOperation. It provides callbacks for progress and completion.
  • NOZCompressResult is the object that encapsulates the result of a compress operation. It holds whether or not the operation succeed, the error if it didn't succeed, the path to the created zip archive and other informative metrics like duration and compression ratio.


- (NSOperation *)startCompression
	NOZCompressRequest *request = [[NOZCompressRequest alloc] initWithDestinationPath:self.zipFilePath];
    [request addEntriesInDirectory:self.sourceDirectoryPath 
                       filterBlock:^BOOL(NSString *filePath) {
        return [filePath.lastPathComponent hasPrefix:@"."];
    [request name:@"Aesop.txt"];
    for (id<NOZZippableEntry> entry in self.additionalEntries) {
        [request addEntry:entry];

    NOZCompressionOperation *op = [[NOZCompressOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
    [self.operationQueue addOperation:op];

    // return operation so that a handle can be maintained and cancelled if necessary
    return op;

- (void)compressOperation:(NOZCompressOperation *)op didCompleteWithResult:(NOZCompressResult *)result
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
	    self.completionBlock(result.didSuccess, result.operationError);

- (void)compressOperation:(NOZCompressOperation *)op didUpdateProgress:(float)progress
	dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
func startCompression() -> NSOperation
    let request = NOZCompressRequest.init(destinationPath: self.zipFilePath)
    request.addEntriesInDirectory(self.sourceDirectoryPath, filterBlock: { (filePath: String) -> Bool in
        return ((filePath as NSString).lastPathComponent as NSString).hasPrefix(".")
    }, compressionSelectionBlock: nil)
    request.addDataEntry( name:"Aesop.txt")
    for entry in self.additionalEntries {

    let operation = NOZCompressOperation.init(request: request, delegate: self)
    // return operation so that a handle can be maintained and cancelled if necessary
    return operation

func compressOperation(op: NOZCompressOperation, didCompleteWithResult result: NOZCompressResult)
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
        self.completionBlock(result.didSuccess, result.operationError);

func compressOperation(op: NOZCompressOperation, didUpdateProgress progress: Float)
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {


NOZDecompress.h contains the service oriented interfaces related to decompressing from a zip archive.

  • NOZDecompressRequest is the object that encapsulates the what and how for the decompression operation to act upon
  • NOZDecompressOperation is the NSOperation subclass object that performs the compression. By being an NSOperation, consumers can take advantage of cancelling, prioritization and dependencies. Progress is also provided with the operation and can be observed via KVO on the progress property or via the delegate callback.
  • NOZDecompressDelegate is the delegate for the NOZDecompressOperation. It provides callbacks for progress, overwriting output files and completion.
  • NOZDecompressResult is the object that encapsulates the result of a compress operation. It holds whether or not the operation succeed, the error if it didn't succeed, the paths to the output unarchived files and other informative metrics like duration and compression ratio.


- (NSOperation *)startDecompression
    NOZDecompressRequest *request = [[NOZDecompressRequest alloc] initWithSourceFilePath:self.zipFilePath];

    NOZDecompressOperation *op = [[NOZDecompressOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
    [self.operationQueue addOperation:op];

    // return operation so that a handle can be maintained and cancelled if necessary
    return op;

- (void)decompressOperation:(NOZDecompressOperation *)op didCompleteWithResult:(NOZDecompressResult *)result
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
	    self.completionBlock(result.didSuccess, result.destinationFiles, result.operationError);

- (void)decompressOperation:(NOZDecompressOperation *)op didUpdateProgress:(float)progress
	dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
func startDecompression() -> NSOperation
    let request = NOZDecompressRequest.init(sourceFilePath: self.zipFilePath)
    let operation = NOZDecompressOperation.init(request: request, delegate: self)
    return operation

func decompressOperation(op: NOZDecompressOperation, didCompleteWithResult result: NOZDecompressResult)
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
        self.completionBlock(result.didSuccess, result.destinationFiles, result.operationError);

func decompressOperation(op: NOZDecompressOperation, didUpdateProgress progress: Float)
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {

Manual Zipping and Unzipping

Additional, the underlying objects for zipping and unzipping are exposed for direct use if NSOperation support is not needed.


NOZZipper is an object that encapsulates the work for zipping sources (NSData, streams and/or files) into an on disk zip archive file.


- (BOOL)zipThingsUpAndReturnError:(out NSError **)error
    NOZZipper *zipper = [[NOZZipper alloc] initWithZipFile:pathToCreateZipFile];
    if (![zipper openWithMode:NOZZipperModeCreate error:error]) {
        return NO;

    __block int64_t totalBytesCompressed = 0;

    NOZFileZipEntry *textFileZipEntry = [[NOZFileZipEntry alloc] initWithFilePath:textFilePath];
    textFileZipEntry.comment = @"This is a heavily compressed text file.";
    textFileZipEntry.compressionLevel = NOZCompressionLevelMax;

    NSData *jpegData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(someImage, 0.8f);
    NOZDataZipEntry *jpegEntry = [[NOZDataZipEntry alloc] initWithData:jpegData name:@"image.jpg"];
    jpegEntry.comment = @"This is a JPEG so it doesn't need more compression.";
    jpegEntry.compressionMode = NOZCompressionModeNone;

    if (![zipper addEntry:textFileZipEntry
            progressBlock:^(int64_t totalBytes, int64_t bytesComplete, int64_t bytesCompletedThisPass, BOOL *abort) {
            totalBytesCompressed = bytesCompletedThisPass;
                    error:error]) {
        return NO;

    if (![zipper addEntry:jpegEntry
            progressBlock:^(int64_t totalBytes, int64_t bytesComplete, int64_t bytesCompletedThisPass, BOOL *abort) {
            totalBytesCompressed = bytesCompletedThisPass;
                    error:error]) {
        return NO;

    zipper.globalComment = @"This is a global comment for the entire archive.";
    if (![zipper closeAndReturnError:error]) {
        return NO;

    int64_t archiveSize = (int64_t)[[[NSFileManager defaultFileManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:zipper.zipFilePath] fileSize];
    NSLog(@"Compressed to %@ with compression ratio of %.4f:1", zipper.zipFilePath, (double)totalBytesCompressed / (double)archiveSize);
    return YES;


NOZUnzipper is an object that encapsulates the work for unzipping from a zip archive file on disk into destinations (NSData, streams and/or files).


- (BOOL)unzipThingsAndReturnError:(out NSError **)error
    NSAssert(![NSThread isMainThread]); // do this work on a background thread

    NOZUnzipper *unzipper = [[NOZUnzipper alloc] initWithZipFile:zipFilePath];
    if (![unzipper openAndReturnError:error]) {
        return NO;

    if (nil == [unzipper readCentralDirectoryAndReturnError:error]) {
        return NO;

    __block NSError *enumError = nil;
    [unzipper enumerateManifestEntriesUsingBlock:^(NOZCentralDirectoryRecord * record, NSUInteger index, BOOL * stop) {
        NSString *extension =;
        if ([extension isEqualToString:@"jpg"]) {
            *stop = ![self readImageFromUnzipper:unzipper withRecord:record error:&enumError];
        } else if ([extension isEqualToString:@"json"]) {
            *stop = ![self readJSONFromUnzipper:unzipper withRecord:record error:&enumError];
        } else {
            *stop = ![self extractFileFromUnzipper:unzipper withRecord:record error:&enumError];

    if (enumError) {
        *error = enumError;
        return NO;

    if (![unzipper closeAndReturnError:error]) {
        return NO;

    return YES;

- (BOOL)readImageFromUnzipper:(NOZUnzipper *)unzipper withRecord:(NOZCentralDirectoryRecord *)record error:(out NSError **)error
    CGImageSourceRef imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateIncremental(NULL);
    custom_defer(^{ // This is Obj-C equivalent to 'defer' in Swift.  See for more info.
        if (imageSource) {

    NSMutableData *imageData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:record.uncompressedSize];
    if (![unzipper enumerateByteRangesOfRecord:record
                                    usingBlock:^(const void * bytes, NSRange byteRange, BOOL * stop) {
                                        [imageData appendBytes:bytes length:byteRange.length];
                                        CGImageSourceUpdate(imageSource, imageData, NO);
                                         error:error]) {
        return NO;

    CGImageSourceUpdate(imageSource, (__bridge CFDataRef)imageData, YES);
    CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, NULL);
    if (!imageRef) {
        *error = ... some error ...;
        return NO;


    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
    if (!image) {
        *error = ... some error ...;
        return NO;

    self.image = image;
    return YES;

- (BOOL)readJSONFromUnzipper:(NOZUnzipper *)unzipper withRecord:(NOZCentralDirectoryRecord *)record error:(out NSError **)error
    NSData *jsonData = [unzipper readDataFromRecord:record
    if (!jsonData) {
        return NO;

    id jsonObject = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData
    if (!jsonObject) {
        return NO;

    self.json = jsonObject;
    return YES;

- (BOOL)extractFileFromUnzipper:(NOZUnzipper *)unzipper withRecord:(NOZCentralDirectoryRecord *)record error:(out NSError **)error
    if (record.isZeroLength || record.isMacOSXAttribute || record.isMacOSXDSStore) {
        return YES;

    return [self saveRecord:record toDirectory:someDestinationRootDirectory options:NOZUnzipperSaveRecordOptionsNone progressBlock:NULL error:error];

Extensibility - Modular Compression Encoders/Decoders

NOZEncoder and NOZDecoder

ZipUtilities provides a modular approach to compressing and decompressing individual entries of a zip archive. The Zip file format specifies what compression method is used for any given entry in an archive. The two most common algorithms for zip archivers and unarchivers are Deflate and Raw. Given those are the two most common, ZipUtilities comes with those algorithms built in with Deflate being provided from the zlib library present on iOS and OS X and Raw simply being unmodified bytes (no compression). With the combination of NOZCompressionLevel and NOZCompressionMethod you can optimize the way you compress multiple entries in a file. For example: you might have a text file, an image and a binary to archive. You could add the text file with NOZCompressionLevelDefault and NOZCompressionMethodDeflate, the image with NOZCompressionMethodNone and the binary with NOZCompressionLevelVeryLow and NOZCompressionMethodDeflate (aka Fast).

Since ZipUtilities takes a modular approach for compression methods, adding support for additional compression encoders and decoders is very straightforward. You simply implement the NOZEncoder and NOZDecoder protocols and register them for the related NOZCompressionMethod with a NOZCompressionLibrary (including the sharedInstance). For instance, you might want to add BZIP2 support: just implement MyBZIP2Encoder<NOZEncoder> and MyBZIP2Decoder<NOZDecoder> and update the known encoders and decoders for NOZCompressionMethodBZip2 in ZipUtilities before you start zipping or unzipping with the NOZCompressionLibrary.


[[NOZCompressionLibrary sharedInstance] setEncoder:[[MyBZIP2Encoder alloc] init] forMethod:NOZCompressionMethodBZip2];
[[NOZCompressionLibrary sharedInstance] setDecoder:[[MyBZIP2Decoder alloc] init] forMethod:NOZCompressionMethodBZip2];

Apple compression library as an extra

NOZXAppleCompressionCoder has been written as an example of how to construct your own coders. Supports all algorithms provided by libcompression, including LZMA which is specified as a known compression method in the ZIP archive format.

Example of registering the Apple compression library coders:

- (BOOL)updateRegisteredCodersWithAppleCompressionCoders
    if (![NOZXAppleCompressionCoder isSupported]) {
        // Apple's Compression Lib is only supported on iOS 9+ and Mac OS X 10.11+
        return NO;

    NOZCompressionLibrary *library = [NOZCompressionLibrary sharedInstance];

    // DEFLATE
    // Replace existing default DEFLATE coders with Apple Compression variant

    [library setEncoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder encoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_ZLIB]
    [library setDecoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder decoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_ZLIB]
    // LZMA

    [library setEncoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder encoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZMA]
    [library setDecoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder decoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZMA]

    // The following coders are not defined as known ZIP compression methods, 
    // however that doesn't mean we can't extend the enumeration of ZIP methods
    // to have custom compression methods.
    // Since compression_algorithm enum values are all beyond the defined ZIP methods values
    // and are all within 16 bits, we can just use the values directly.
    // Puts the burden on the decoder to know that these non-ZIP compression methods
    // are for their respective algorithm.

    // LZ4

    [library setEncoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder encoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZ4]
    [library setDecoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder decoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZ4]

    // Apple LZFSE - the new hotness for compression from Apple

    [library setEncoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder encoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZFSE]
    [library setDecoder:[NOZXAppleCompressionCoder decoderWithAlgorithm:COMPRESSION_LZFSE]

    return YES;

ZipUtilities CLI (aka noz)

ZipUtilities includes a command-line interface for convenient tooling integration and scriptability. It can be built via the Xcode project directly or installed via Homebrew.

Installing via Homebrew

Tapping the NSProgrammer formulae:

brew tap NSProgrammer/macos

Installing noz:

brew install noz

Upgrading noz (when already installed):

brew upgrade noz

Using noz

List noz compression methods

noz -A

Dump info of zip archive

noz -D [dump_options] -i zip_file

	-L                list all entries
	-v                verbose info
	-s                silence the archive info (the default info that is output)

Compress file

noz -c -m METHOD [-l LEVEL] -i in_file -o out_file

Example: noz -c -m Brotli -l 12 -i payload.json -o
(Use 'noz -A' for available compression methods and levels)

Decompress file

noz -d -m METHOD -i in_file -o out_file

Example: noz -d -m Brotli -i -o payload.json
(Use 'noz -A' for available compression methods)

Zip up an archive

noz -z [zip_options] -o output_file -i input_file1 [file_options] [... [-i intput_fileN [file_options]]]

	-c COMMENT        provide an archive comment
	-M METHOD NUMBER  map a METHOD to a different archive number... this impacts unzipping!

zip file_options:
	-c COMMENT        provide an archive entry comment
	-n NAME           override the name
	-m METHOD         specify a compression method, default is "deflate" (see METHODS below)
	-l LEVEL          specify a compression level, levels are defined per METHOD each with their own default
	-h                permit hidden file(s)
	-f                don't recurse into the director if provided path was a directory (default is to recurse)

Unzip an archive

noz -u [unzip_options] -i zip_file [-e [entry_options] entry1 [... [-e [entry_options] entryN]]]

	-f                forcibly guess METHOD when unzipping an unknown METHOD
	-F                forcibly fail when unzipping an unknown METHOD
	-M METHOD NUMBER  map a METHOD to a different archive number... this impacts unzipping!
	-b BASE_PATH      provide the base path output to.  Default is directory named after archive, './zip_file/'

unzip entry_options:
	-o OUTPUT_FILE    provide the specific output file
	-m METHOD         override the method to unzip the entry with



  • 64-bit file support (big file archiving)
  • add password support
    • This is low priority as encrypting zip file content is not the appropriate way to secure data
  • add support for per entry "extra info" in an archive
  • expand on progress info
    • state transitions
    • what files are being zipped/unzipped
    • per file progress



ZipUtilities includes Facebook's ZStandard (zstd) compression library.


ZipUtilities includes Google's Brotli (br) compression library. Brotli Github

Test files for zipping/unzipping

As a part of unit testing Aesop's Fables, the Star Wars Episode VII trailer and Maniac Mansion are used for unit testing. Aesop's Fables and Maniac Mansion no longer hold a copyright anymore and can be freely be distributed including the unorthodox use as test files for unit testing zip archiving and unarchiving. The Star Wars Episode VII Trailer is free for distribution and also provides a useful file for testing by being a large file.