
Working Groups Documents for the Apache Community Development


Apache Community Development

This repo contains documentation and work product around the meta-task of building communities at the Apache Software Foundation. Community Development ("ComDev") is tasked with providing tools, processes, and advice around community building. Apache projects (and, really, any open source project!) is welcome to benefit from, and contribute to, this effort, but are not obliged to do so.

Other repos

This is one of several repos that ComDev maintains. Those repos can mostly be found here. Most importantly, our website is here.

This one is on GitHub at apache/comdev-working-groups

Working Groups

Some of the work of ComDev is subdivided into working groups, which you will find in this repo. We are still in the process of booting up this process, so everything is in flux. Come help.

We do not, at this time, draw any distinction between SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and WGs (Working Groups). If you care about that kind of thing, come help us define this.


The first step to contributing to this effort is to join the ComDev mailing list and introduce yourself.


Some of the inspiration for this work comes from Kubernetes, who have been around a much shorter time than we have, and do a better job of this. Thank you.