
Apache Daffodil SBT Plugin

APACHE-2.0 License


Apache Daffodil SBT Plugin

Plugin to run Daffodil on DFDL schema projects.


To enable the plugin, add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.apache.daffodil" % "sbt-daffodil" % "<version>")

And add the following to build.sbt:



Common Settings

This plugin configures a number of SBT settings to have better defaults for DFDL schema projects. This includes setting dependencies for testing (e.g. daffodil-tdml-processor, junit), juint test options, and more.

By default, this plugin configures the Daffodil dependency to be the latest version available at the time of the plugins release, but to pin to a specific Daffodil version set the daffodilVersion setting in build.sbt, for example:

daffodilVersion := "3.6.0"

Notably, this plugin sets scalaVersion, which should usually not be defined in schema projects using this plugin. This setting is set to the version of Scala used for the release of daffodilVersion and raised to the minimum JDK compatible Scala version if required.

Saved Parsers

This plugin adds the ability to create and publish saved parsers of a schema.

For each saved parser to generate, add an entry to the daffodilPackageBinInfos setting. This setting is a Seq[DaffodilBinInfo], where each element in the sequence defines information to create a saved parser with the following parameters:

Name Type Reqiured Description
schema String yes Resource path to the main schema
root Option[String] no Root element in the schema. If None, uses the first element in the schema
name Option[String] no If Some, includes value in the jar classifier, useful to distinguish saved parsers
config Option[File] no Path to a configuration file used during compilation

An example of this settings supporting two roots looks like this:

daffodilPackageBinInfos := Seq(
  DaffodilBinInfo("/com/example/xsd/mainSchema.dfdl.xsd", Some("record"))
  DaffodilBinInfo("/com/example/xsd/mainSchema.dfdl.xsd", Some("fileOfRecords"), Some("file"))

You must also define which versions of Daffodil to build comptiable saved parsers using the daffodilPackageBinVersions setting. For example, to build saved parsers for Daffodil 3.6.0 and 3.5.0:

daffodilPackageBinVersions := Seq("3.6.0", "3.5.0")

Then run sbt packageDaffodilBin to generate saved parsers in the target/ directory. For example, assuming a schema project with name of "format", version set to "1.0", and the above configurations, the task would generate the following saved parsers:


Note that the artifact names have the suffix "daffodilXYZ".bin, where XYZ is the version of Daffodil the saved parser is compatible with.

The publish, publishLocal, publishM2 and related publish tasks are modified to automatically build and publish the saved parsers as a new artifacts.

If used, one may want to use the first value of this setting to configure daffodilVersion, e.g.:

daffodilVersion := daffodilPackageBinVersions.value.head

Some complex schemas require more memory or a larger stack size than Java provides by default. Change the packageDaffodilBin / javaOptions setting in build.sbt to increase these sizes, or more generally to specify options to provide to the JVM used to save parsers. For example:

packageDaffodilBin / javaOptions ++= Seq("-Xmx8G", "-Xss4m")

Saved Parsers in TDML Tests

For schemas that take a long time to compile, it is often convenient to use a saved parser created by the packageDaffodilBin task in TDML tests. If this is the case, set the following:

daffodilTdmlUsesPackageBin := true

When set to true , running sbt test automatically triggers packageDaffodilBin and puts the resulting saved parsers on the classpath so that TDML files can reference them. Note that when referencing saved parsers from a TDML file, version numbers and daffodilXYZ are excluded--this way TDML files do not need to be updated when a version is changed. For example, a TDML file using a saved parser created at target/format-1.0-file-daffodil350.bin is referenced like this:

<parserTestCase ... model="/format-file.bin">

Note that only saved parsers for daffodilVersion can be referenced. For this reason, daffodilVersion must also be defined in daffodilPackageBinVersions if daffodilTdmlUsesPackageBin is true.

This is implemented using a SBT resource generator which some IDE's, like IntelliJ, do not trigger during builds. So you must either run sbt Test/compile to manually trigger the resource generator, or let SBT handle builds by enabling the "Use SBT shell for builds" option.

Charsets, Layers, and User Defined Functions

If your schema project builds a Daffodil charset, layer, or user defined function, then set the daffodilBuildsCharset, daffodilBuildsLayer, or daffodilBuildsUDF setting to true, respectively. For example:

daffodilBuildsCharset := true

daffodilBuildsLayer := true

daffodilBuildsUDF := true

Setting any of these values to true adds additional dependencies needed to build the component.

Note that this also sets the SBT crossPaths setting to true, which causes the Scala version to be included in the jar file name, since charsets, layers, and UDF jars may be implemented in Scala and are specific to the Scala version used to build them. However, if your schema project implements charsets/layers/UDFs using only Java, you can override this in build.sbt and remove the Scala version from the jar name, for example:

crossPaths := false

Flat Directory Layout

Instead of using the standard src/{main,test}/{scala,resources}/ directory layout that SBT defaults to, a flatter layout can be used for simple schemas, like when testing or creating examples. One can set daffodilFlatLayout to enable this:

daffodilFlatLayout := true

This configures SBT to expect all compile source and resource files to be in a root src/ directory, and all test source and resource files to be in a root test/ directory. Source files are those that end with *.scala or *.java, and resource files are anything else.


This plugin use the scripted test framework for testing. Each directory in src/sbt-test/sbt-daffodil/ is a small SBT project the uses this plugin, and defines a test.script file that lists sbt commandss and file system checks to run.

To run all tests, run either of these commands:

sbt test
sbt scripted

To run a single scripted test, run the command:

sbt "scripted sbt-daffodil/<test_name>"

Where <test_name> is the name of a directory in src/sbt-test/sbt-daffodil/.

When a scripted test fails it is sometimes helpful to directly run SBT commands within the test directory. To do so, publish the plugin locally, cd to the scripted test directory, and run SBT defining the version of the plugin that was just published, for example:

sbt publishLocal
cd src/sbt-test/sbt-daffodil/<test_name>
sbt -Dplugin.version=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT


Apache Daffodil SBT Plugin is licensed under the Apache License, v2.0.