
'Drop-in' Kafka Streams State Store implementation that persists data to Apache Cassandra / ScyllaDB

APACHE-2.0 License




Kafka Streams State Store implementation that persists data to Apache Cassandra. For now, only KeyValueStore type is supported.

ℹ️ Kafka Streams is a Java client library for building stream-processing applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. ℹ️ Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source, distributed, wide-column store, NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

Blog post introducing the library + Demo YouTube


Implemented/compiled with

  • Java 17
  • kafka-streams 3.6
  • datastax java-driver-core 4.17.0

Supported client-libs

  • Kafka Streams 2.7.0+ (maybe even earlier versions, but wasn't tested further back)
  • Datastax java client (v4) 'com.datastax.oss:java-driver-core:4.17.0'
  • ScyllaDB shard-aware datastax java client (v4) fork 'com.scylladb:java-driver-core:'

Supported databases

  • Apache Cassandra 3.11
  • Apache Cassandra 4.0
  • Apache Cassandra 4.1
  • ScyllaDB (tested from 4.3+)

Integration Tests

Get it!

kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store is available on Maven Central:



Classes of this library are in the package dev.thriving.oss.kafka.streams.cassandra.state.store.

Gradle (Groovy DSL)

implementation 'dev.thriving.oss:kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store:${version}'

Datastax Java Client

To avoid library collisions, the cassandra java driver is non-transitive. Therefore you have to choose and add a datastax driver based java client dependency to your project.

  • Datastax java client (v4) 'com.datastax.oss:java-driver-core:4.17.0' (works for Cassandra 3.11, 4.0, 4.11)
  • ScyllaDB shard-aware datastax java client (v4) fork 'com.scylladb:java-driver-core:'


Quick start

‼️Important: notes upfront

  1. Disable logging => withLoggingDisabled()
    ...enabled by default, kafka streams is 'logging' the events making up the store's state against a changelog topic to be able to restore state following a rebalance or application restart. Since cassandra is a permanent external store, state does not need to be restored but is always available.
  2. Disable caching => withCachingDisabled()
    ...enabled by default, kafka streams is buffering writes - which is not what we want when working with cassandra state store
  3. Do not use standby replicas => num.standby.replicas=0
    ...standby replicas are used to minimize the latency of task failover by keeping shadow copies of local state stores as a hot standby. The state store backed by cassandra does not need to be restored or re-balanced since all streams instances can directly access any partitions state.

High-level DSL <> StoreSupplier

When using the high-level DSL, i.e., StreamsBuilder, users create StoreSuppliers that can be further customized via Materialized.

For example, a topic read as KTable can be materialized into a cassandra k/v store with custom key/value serdes, with logging and caching disabled:

StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
KTable<Long,String> table = builder.table(
                 CassandraStores.builder(session, "store-name")

Processor API <> StoreBuilder

When using the Processor API, i.e., Topology, users create StoreBuilders that can be attached to Processors.

For example, you can create a cassandra stringKey value store with custom key/value serdes, logging and caching disabled like:

StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<String, Long>> sb = 
        CassandraStores.builder(session, "store-name")


Examples (incl. docker-compose setup) can be found in the /examples folder.

Instructions on how to run and work with the example apps can be found at the individual example root folder's README file.

Take a look at the notorious word-count example with Cassandra 4 -> /examples/word-count-cassandra4.

Common Requirements for running the examples

  • Docker to run
  • kcat for interacting with Kafka (consume/produce)

Store Types

kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store comes with 4 different store types:

  • partitionedKeyValueStore
  • globalKeyValueStore
  • partitionedVersionedKeyValueStore
  • globalVersionedKeyValueStore


A persistent KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>. The underlying cassandra table is partitioned by the store context task partition. Therefore, it behaves exactly like the regular state stores (RocksDB/InMemory/MemoryLRUCache). All CRUD operations against this store always query by and return results for a single stream task.


A persistent KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>. The underlying cassandra table uses the record key as sole PRIMARY KEY. Therefore, all CRUD operations against this store work from any streams task and therefore always are “global”. Due to the nature of cassandra tables having a single PK (no clustering key), this store supports only a limited number of operations.

This global store should not be confused with a Kafka Streams Global Store! It has to be used as a non-global (regular!) streams KeyValue state store - though it allows to read entries from any streams context (streams task/thread).

Tip: This store type can be useful when exposing state store access via an API. Each running instance of your app can serve all requests without the need to proxy the request to the right instance having the streams task assigned for the key in question.

⚠️ For querying this global CassandraKeyValueStore, make sure to restrict the WrappingStoreProvider to a single (assigned) partition. The KafkaStreams instance returns a CompositeReadOnlyKeyValueStore that holds the WrappingStoreProvider, wrapping all assigned tasks' stores. Without the correct StoreQueryParameters the same query is executed multiple times (for all assigned partitions) and combines multiple identical results.


A persistent VersionedKeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>. The underlying cassandra table is partitioned by the store context task partition. Therefore, it behaves exactly like the regular versioned state store (RocksDB). All CRUD operations against this store always query by and return results for a single stream task.


A persistent VersionedKeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>. The underlying cassandra table uses the record key + validTo as composite PRIMARY KEY (validTo as the clustering key). Therefore, all CRUD operations against this store work from any streams task and therefore always are “global”.

Interactive Queries

The CassandraStateStore interface provides static helper methods to get a correctly configured read-only store facade:

💡Please read the blog post for more details: https://thriving.dev/blog/interactive-queries-with-kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store


// get a read-only store to exec interactive queries ('global' type cassandra KeyValueStore)
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Long> store = CassandraStateStore.readOnlyGlobalKeyValueStore(streams, STORE_NAME);
// Get the value from the store
Long value = store.get(key);

Example provided: examples/global-store-restapi

partitionedKeyValueStore: Get an optimised special implementation of {@link ReadOnlyKeyValueStore} for 'local' type CassandraKeyValueStore. The returned object can be used to query the state directly from the underlying Cassandra table. No 'RPC layer' is required since queries for all/individual partitions are executed from this instance, and query results are merged where necessary.

// get a read-only store to exec interactive queries ('partitioned' type cassandra KeyValueStore)
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Long> store = CassandraStateStore.readOnlyPartitionedKeyValueStore(
        streams,                                                // streams
        "word-count",                                           // storeName
        session,                                                // session
        "kstreams_wordcount",                                   // keyspace
        true,                                                   // isCountAllEnabled
        "dml",                                                  // dmlExecutionProfile
        stringSerde,                                            // keySerde
        longSerde,                                              // valueSerde
        CassandraStateStore.DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME_FN,              // tableNameFn
        new DefaultStreamPartitioner<>(keySerde.serializer())   // partitioner
// Get the value from the store
Long value = store.get(key);

⚠️ The special implementation CassandraPartitionedReadOnlyKeyValueStore requires application.server config to be set (to be able to access metadata).

Example provided: examples/partitioned-store-restapi

More examples can also be found in the integration tests.

partitionedVersionedKeyValueStore/globalVersionedKeyValueStore: With Kafka 3.5 interactive queries interfaces are not yet available for versioned key value stores. Plans exist to add this in the future. Following KIPs have been identified (asOfTImestamp 2023-08-25): KIP-960, KIP-968, KIP-969.

Supported operations by store type (KeyValueStore)

partitionedKeyValueStore globalKeyValueStore
approximateNumEntries ✅* ✅*

*opt-in required

Supported operations by store type (VersionedKeyValueStore)

partitionedVersionedKeyValueStore globalVersionedKeyValueStore
get(key, asOfTimestamp)
put(key, value, timestamp)
delete(key, timestamp)


The CassandraStores class provides a method public static CassandraStores builder(final CqlSession session, final String name) that returns an instance of CassandraStores which ultimately is used to build an instance of KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier to add to your topology.

Basic usage example:

CassandraStores.builder(session, "word-grouped-count")

Advanced usage example:

CassandraStores.builder(session, "word-grouped-count")
                compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }
                AND default_time_to_live = 86400
        .withTableNameFn(storeName ->
            String.format("%s_kstreams_store", storeName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z0-9_]", "_")))

Please also see Quick start for full kafka-streams example.

Builder options

withKeyspace(String keyspace)

The keyspace for the state store to operate in. By default, the provided CqlSession session-keyspace is used.

withTableOptions(String tableOptions)

A CQL table has a number of options that can be set at creation.

Please omit WITH prefix. Multiple options can be added using AND, e.g. "table_option1 AND table_option2".

Recommended compaction strategy is 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' which is applied by default. -> Do not forget to add when overwriting table options.

Please refer to table options of your cassandra cluster.

Please note this config will only apply upon initial table creation. ('ALTER TABLE' is not yet supported).

Default: "compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }"

withTableNameFn(Function<String, String> tableNameFn)

Customize how the state store cassandra table is named, based on the kstreams store name.

⚠️ Please note changing the store name for a pre-existing store will result in a new empty table to be created.

Default: ${normalisedStoreName}_kstreams_store - normalise := lowercase, replaces all [^a-z0-9_] with '_' e.g. ("TEXT3.word-count2") -> "text3_word_count2_kstreams_store"


Enable (opt-in) the CassandraKeyValueStore to use SELECT COUNT(*) when ReadOnlyKeyValueStore#approximateNumEntries() is invoked.

⚠️ Cassandra/CQL does not support getting approximate counts. Exact row count using SELECT COUNT(*) requires significant CPU and I/O resources and may be quite slow depending on store size... use with care!

Disabled by default.


Disable (opt-out) automatic table creation during store initialization. Enabled by default.

withDdlExecutionProfile(String ddlExecutionProfile)

Set the execution profile to be used by the driver for all DDL (Data Definition Language) queries.

ℹ️ Note: Only applies if table creation ({@link CassandraStores#withCreateTableDisabled()}) is enabled (default). If no profile is set - DDL queries are executed with consistency ALL. When using a custom profile, it is recommended to also set consistency=ALL (Reason: avoid issues with concurrent schema updates)

Reference: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/4.15/manual/core/configuration/#execution-profiles

Must be a non-blank String. Set to null to disable (basic applies).

Default: null

withDmlExecutionProfile(String dmlExecutionProfile)

Set the execution profile to be used by the driver for all DML (Data Manipulation Language) queries.

Reference: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/4.15/manual/core/configuration/#execution-profiles"

Must be a non-blank String. Set to null to disable (basic applies).

Default: null

Fine Print

Known Limitations

Adding additional infrastructure for data persistence external to Kafka comes with certain risks and constraints.


Kafka Streams supports at-least-once and exactly-once processing guarantees. At-least-once semantics is enabled by default.

Kafka Streams exactly-once processing guarantees is using Kafka transactions. These transactions wrap the entirety of processing a message throughout your streams topology, including messages published to outbound topic(s), changelog topic(s), and consumer offsets topic(s).

This is possible through transactional interaction with a single distributed system (Apache Kafka). Bringing an external system (Cassandra) into play breaks this pattern. Once data is written to the database it can't be rolled back in the event of a subsequent error / failure to complete the current message processing.

⚠️ => If you need strong consistency, have exactly-once processing enabled (streams config: processing.guarantee="exactly_once_v2"), and/or your processing logic is not fully idempotent then using kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store is discouraged! ⚠️

ℹ️ Please note this is also true when using kafka-streams with the native state stores (RocksDB/InMemory) with at-least-once processing.guarantee (default).

For more information on Kafka Streams processing guarantees, check the sources referenced below.


Incomplete Implementation of Interfaces StateStore & ReadOnlyKeyValueStore

Not all methods have been implemented. Please check store types method support table above for more details.

Cassandra Specifics

Underlying CQL Schema


Using defaults, for a state store named "word-count" following CQL Schema applies:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS word_count_kstreams_store (
    partition INT,
    key BLOB,
    value BLOB,
    time TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY ((partition), key)
) WITH compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }

Using defaults, for a state store named "clicks-global" following CQL Schema applies:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clicks_global_kstreams_store (
    key BLOB,
    value BLOB,
    time TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY (key)
) WITH compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }

Using defaults, for a state store named "word-count" following CQL Schema applies:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS word_count_kstreams_store (
    partition INT,
    key BLOB,
    validFrom TIMESTAMP,
    validTo TIMESTAMP,
    value BLOB,
    time TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY ((partition), key, validTo)
) WITH compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }

Using defaults, for a state store named "clicks-global" following CQL Schema applies:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clicks_global_kstreams_store (
    key BLOB,
    validFrom TIMESTAMP,
    validTo TIMESTAMP,
    value BLOB,
    time TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY ((key), validTo)
) WITH compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }

Feat: Cassandra table with default TTL

💡 Tip: Cassandra has a table option default_time_to_live (default expiration time (“TTL”) in seconds for a table) which can be useful for certain use cases where data (state) can or should expire.

Please note writes to cassandra are made with system time. The table TTL will therefore apply based on the time of write (not stream time).

Cassandra table partitioning (avoiding large partitions)

Kafka is persisting data in segments and is built for sequential r/w. As long as there's sufficient disk storage space available to brokers, a high number of messages for a single topic partition is not a problem.

Apache Cassandra on the other hand can get inefficient (up to severe failures such as load shedding, dropped messages, and to crashed and downed nodes) when partition size grows too large. The reason is that searching becomes too slow as search within partition is slow. Also, it puts a lot of pressure on (JVM) heap.

⚠️ The community has offered a standard recommendation for Cassandra users to keep Partitions under 400MB, and preferably under 100MB.

For the current implementation, the cassandra table created for the 'default' key-value store is partitioned by the kafka partition key ("wide partition pattern"). Please keep these issues in mind when working with relevant data volumes. In case you don't need to query your store / only lookup by key ('range', 'prefixScan'; ref Supported operations by store type) it's recommended to use globalKeyValueStore rather than keyValueStore since it is partitioned by the event key (:= primary key).

ℹ️ References:



  • Java 17
  • Docker (integration tests with testcontainers)


This library is bundled with Gradle. Please note The build task also depends on task testInt which runs integration tests using testcontainers (build <- check <- intTest).

./gradlew clean build

Integration test

Integration tests can be run separately via

./gradlew :kafka-streams-cassandra-state-store:intTest


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