
Mirror of Apache Stanbol (incubating)


Apache Stanbol

Apache Stanbol is a modular set of components and HTTP services for semantic content management.

Building Stanbol

To build Stanbol you need a JDK 1.6 and Maven 3.0.3+ installed. You probably need

$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"

The following builds the Apache Stanbol plus available Enhancement Engines and a default set of linked open data for the EntityHub. If you want to have a ready to use version of Apache Stanbol, this is the way to go.

In the Apache Stanbol source directory type

$ mvn install

If you want to skip the tests, use :

$ mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Launching the Apache Stanbol Server

The recommended lanchers are packaged under the launchers/ folder.

Launching the Apache Stanbol runnable jar

For running the full launcher you need to execute:

$ java -Xmx1g -jar launchers/full/target/org.apache.stanbol.launchers.full-0.10.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar

Your instance is then available on http://localhost:8080. You can change the default port number by passing a -p 9090 options to the commandline launcher.

Upon first startup, a folder named sling/ is created in the current folder. This folder will hold the files for any database used by Stanbol, deployment configuration and logs.

If Stanbol is launched with a FactStore a folder named factstore is created in the current folder. This folder holds the FactStore database (Apache Derby).

Launching the Apache Stanbol runnable war

For running the full war launcher you need to go to the launcher directory:

$ cd launchers/full-war

and then execute:

$ mvn clean package tomcat7:run

Your instance is then available on http://localhost:8080/stanbol. You can change the default port number by passing -Pstanbol.port=9090 property to maven.

Running Apache Stanbol on a application container

For running the full war launcher on a external application container, just deploy there in your usual way the file launchers/full-war/target/stanbol.war.

Importing the source code as Eclipse projects

Eclipse is the most popular IDE among Stanbol developers. Here are instructions to get you started with this IDE. For other IDEs / editors, please refer to their documentation and maven integration plugins.

To generate the Eclipse project definition files, go to Stanbol source directory and type:

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse

If you want to recreate already existing Eclipse projects, you have to delete the old ones first by using eclipse:clean.

Then in Eclipse, right click on the Project Explorer panel and select your source folder from the following menu / import wizard:

> Import... > General > Import Existing Projects into Workspace

You will also need to setup the build path variable M2_REPO pointing to ~/.m2/repository (where ~ stands for the path to your home folder). To set up this variable go to:

> Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables > New...

If you plan to contribute patches to the project, please ensure that your style follow the official sun java guidelines with 4 space indents (no tabs). To ensure that your files follow the guidelines you can import the formatter definitions avaiable in the conventions/ folder:

> Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Import...

You can then apply the formatter to a selected area of a Java source code files by pressing Shift+Ctrl+F.

Debugging an Apache Stanbol Instance from Eclipse

To debug a locally running Stanbol instance from eclipse, run the stanbol launcher with::

$ java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n \
       -jar org.apache.stanbol.some.launcher-[VERSION].jar -p 8080

In eclipse, you can then create a new "Debug Configuration" with type "Remote Java Application" and connect it to localhost on port 8787.

Build without SNAPSHOTs from Apache Repository

Apache Stanbol deployes current SNAPSHOTS of components from the trunk to the Apache SNAPSHOT Maven repository. This is done on each succesful Jenkins build at

To locally build Stanbol without loading available SNAPSHOTs from the Apache SNAPSHOT repository, use can use the 'no-snapshot-dep' profile.

$ mvn clean install -Pno-snapshot-dep

This profile especially useful if you are preparing a release and want to ensure that there are no dangling SNAPSHOT dependencies that can not be resolved from within the locally available components.

License check via the Apache's Release Audit Tool (RAT)

To check for license headers within the source code Stanbol uses the RAT Maven plugin [1]. You can activate a 'rat:check' by using the 'rat' Maven profile.

For example to check the licenses in the Stanbol Framework use

$ mvn install -Prat

Release Apache Stanbol

You should read [1,2] before doing any release related actions.

To do a release test build, you have to activate the 'apache-release' profile. For building Apache Stanbol plus signing the artifacts as it would be done during a release you can use

$ mvn install -Papache-release

The 'apache-release' profile will be automatically activated when the Maven release plugin [3] is used. For doing official release you start with

$ mvn release:prepare

[1] [2] [3]

Useful links