
Apache zeppelin


Zeppelin Project Website

This readme will walk you through building the Zeppelin website


  • Docker: Ensure Docker is installed and running on your machine.
  • Ruby: Check that your Ruby version is compatible with all gems listed in the Gemfile.

Develop website

Follow these steps to set up and run the development environment:

1. Clone the Repository

$ git clone <repository-url>
$ cd <repository-directory>

2. Ensure Docker is Running:

Make sure Docker is installed and running on your machine. Below is an example how.

$ open -a Docker

3. Build the Docker Image:

$ ./zeppelin-site.sh --build-image

4. Run the Development Server:

$ ./zeppelin-site.sh

5. Open the Website:

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:4000 or

Adding a new page

$  rake page name="new-page.md"

Build website

Follow these steps to build the production site:

1. Build the Production Site:

$ ./zeppelin-site.sh --build-dist

2. The built site will be available in the _site directory.

Troubleshooting and Notes:

Ensure all dependencies are correctly listed and installed.

If you encounter issues, you may need to run:

$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" zeppelin-site-dev:latest /bin/bash
$ bundle install

Dockerfile and Gemfile Adjustments:

  • Updates to the Dockerfile or Gemfile may include necessary system dependencies for gems like Nokogiri.
  • Refer to these files for specific details.