
🪄 One-click deployment of many github open source projects to facilitate fast experience 一键部署各种Github开源AI项目


One-click deployment of various github open source projects.


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Projects Name Description deployment
ChatGPT-Next-Web 一键免费部署你的私人 ChatGPT、谷歌Gemini 网页应用 Deploy with Vercel
AutoGPT-Next-Web 一键免费部署你的私人 AutoGPT 网页应用 Deploy with Vercel
GeminiProChat Minimal web UI for GeminiPro. Deploy with Vercel
chatgpt-web 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页 Deploy with Railway
wechat-chatgpt 通过wechaty在微信上使用ChatGPT Deploy with Railway
chatgpt-demo Minimal web UI for ChatGPT. Deploy with Vercel
chatbot-ui 开源的ChatGPT UI界面,非常接近原版. Deploy with Vercel
chatgpt-on-wechat 使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于GPT3.5/4.0 API实现,支持个人微信、公众号、企业微信部署 Deploy with Railway
ChuanhuChatGPT 为ChatGPT/ChatGLM/LLaMA/StableLM/MOSS等多种LLM提供了一个轻快好用的Web图形界面 Deploy with Railway
auto-gpt-web 基于AutoGPT的前端UI界面
langflow LangFlow is a UI for LangChain, designed with react-flow to provide an effortless way to experiment and prototype flows. Deploy with Railway

Service provided

  1. Free one-click deployment in 1 minute
  2. Provide generation deployment service and help with deployment for a fee


  • 1. Support mainstream ChatGPT-like projects for deployment with Vercel etc
  • 2. Support the privatization deployment of mainstream ChatGPT-like projects
  • 3. Support other projects about LLM


AI SDK Application
🎒OpenAI Go-OpenAI 🏅Feishu-OpenAI, 🎖Lark-OpenAI, Feishu-EX-ChatGPT, 🎖Feishu-OpenAI-Stream-Chatbot, Feishu-TLDR,Feishu-OpenAI-Amazing, Feishu-Oral-Friend, Feishu-OpenAI-Base-Helper, Feishu-Vector-Knowledge-Management, Feishu-OpenAI-PDF-Helper, 🏅Dingtalk-OpenAI, Wework-OpenAI, WeWork-OpenAI-Node, llmplugin
🤖 AutoGPT ------ 🏅AutoGPT-Next-Web
🎭 Stablediffusion ------ 🎖Feishu-Stablediffusion
🍎 Midjourney Go-Midjourney 🏅Feishu-Midjourney, 🔥MidJourney-Web, Dingtalk-Midjourney
🍍 文心一言 Go-Wenxin Feishu-Wenxin, Dingtalk-Wenxin, Wework-Wenxin
💸 Minimax Go-Minimax Feishu-Minimax, Dingtalk-Minimax, Wework-Minimax
⛳️ CLAUDE Go-Claude Feishu-Claude, DingTalk-Claude, Wework-Claude
🥁 PaLM Go-PaLM Feishu-PaLM,DingTalk-PaLM,Wework-PaLM
🎡 Prompt ------ 📖 Prompt-Engineering-Tutior
🍋 ChatGLM ------ Feishu-ChatGLM
⛓ LangChain ------ 📖 LangChain-Tutior
🪄 One-click ------ 🎖Awesome-One-Click-Deployment
Extracted from project README
Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Railway Deploy with Railway Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Railway Deploy with Railway Deploy with Railway
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