
BibiGPT v1 · one-Click AI Summary for Audio/Video & Chat with Learning Content: Bilibili | YouTube | Tweet丨TikTok丨Dropbox丨Google Drive丨Local files | Websites丨Podcasts | Meetings | Lectures, etc. 音视频内容 AI 一键总结 & 对话:哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨推特丨小红书丨抖音丨快手丨百度网盘丨阿里云盘丨网页丨播客丨会议丨本地文件等 (原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI课代表)

GPL-3.0 License


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BibiGPT-v1 - v2.38.0 Latest Release

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.38.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added copy and comment functionality for simple summary results
  • Introduced new user_contents_note and polished the video list
    引入了新的 user_contents_note 并完善了视频列表
  • Displayed content notes for users and added support for summarizing again
  • Enabled summarizing again for cached pages

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Added notes entry when cached and set persistSession: false
    缓存时添加注释条目并设置 persistSession: false
  • Redirected to the homepage for quick try sessions and increased the $rate
    重定向到主页进行快速尝试会话并增加了 $rate
  • Returned cached results and preserved video content when refreshing summaries
  • Memoized videos when fetching and fixed password input for user API key
    获取用户 API 密钥时记住的视频并修复密码输入
  • Updated the refresh logic for generating content and renamed API key
  • Returned error messages when checking license keys and reverted isEnBuild
    检查许可证密钥时返回错误消息并恢复 isEnBuild
  • Updated cache times and displayed date for video tables
  • Simplified the user layout and improved user key presentation
  • Added language support for articles and showed language cache when isEnBuild
    添加了对文章的语言支持,并在 isEnBuild 时显示语言缓存
  • Tracked tabs in user/videos and updated Supabase auth helper imports
    user/videos 中的跟踪选项卡和更新的 Supabase auth helper 导入
  • Enhanced SEO text and updated URL handling
    增强的 SEO 文本和更新的 URL 处理
  • Fixed isOnlineMedia values and updated onComment functionality
    修复了 isOnlineMedia 值并更新了 onComment 功能
  • Waited for onStreamEnd event and prevent re-fetch when click tabs
    等待 onStreamEnd 事件并防止单击选项卡时重新获取

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.37.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.37.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added BibiGPT cached video content and intro video for the index page
    为索引页添加了 BibiGPT 缓存视频内容和介绍视频
  • Support for Twitter login and implemented DataTableDemo
    支持 Twitter 登录并实现了 DataTableDemo
  • Added npx shadcn-ui@latest init, tabs for user videos, and a user contents table
    添加了 npx shadcn-ui@latest init、用户视频选项卡和用户内容表
  • Split license key and user key, and added support for commenting on videos with different text
  • Implemented download from icon feature

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Downloaded Tweet videos on the Railway server and extracted SupabaseAuth with the use client
    在 Railway 服务器上下载 Tweet 视频并使用 use 客户端提取 SupabaseAuth
  • Faked hashtags and grouped subtitles for articles, and improved i18n for tables
  • Adjusted mobile space-x for icons and prevented fetching content if not logged in
    调整了图标的移动 space-x 并在未登录时阻止获取内容
  • Parsed Xiaohongshu links and resolved SSR issues, and re-fetched content when loading
  • Reduced subtitles when downloading and copying, and reverted Tailwind config changes
    下载和复制时减少字幕,并恢复 Tailwind 配置更改
  • Displayed correct error messages, updated dependencies, and improved i18n for multiple languages
    显示正确的错误消息、更新的依赖项并改进了多种语言的 i18n
  • Updated image cover width, image width for mobile, and remaining rate_limit values
  • Improved the copy text based on the selected tab and adjusted URL color in video descriptions
    改进了基于所选选项卡的复制文本并调整了视频描述中的 URL 颜色
  • Implemented next/script usage
    实现了 next/script 用法

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.36.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.36.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added support for Douyin, Tweet videos and text, and Xiaohongshu
  • Implemented cache for autoMV, new audio_url for user_contents table, and fetching multiple image prompts at once
    实现了 autoMV 缓存、user_contents 表的新 audio_url 以及一次获取多个图像提示
  • Fixed cache issues, added entry, and generated images by video subtitles
  • Created images for videos with image following subtitle timeline
  • Polished prompts, switched music files, and added support for multiple languages and artist styles
  • Implemented Remotion player and upgraded LangchainJS version

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Added support for Tweet videos with multiple entities and included missing migration script
  • Improved logging for webhook and added prompt in video detail
    改进了 webhook 的日志记录并在视频详细信息中添加了提示
  • Cleared license key after successful activation and decreased subtitle range
  • Limited maximum video duration and moved audio upload to Supabase functionality outside
    限制最大视频持续时间并将音频上传移至外部的 Supabase 功能
  • Removed Lemon JS and unused functions, and returned cached audioUrl
    删除了 Lemon JS 和未使用的函数,并返回缓存的 audioUrl
  • Fixed parsedUrl return, small type issues, and updated duration
    修复了 parsedUrl 返回、小类型问题和更新持续时间
  • Enhanced mobile styling, updated type and log, and adjusted WeChat text

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.35.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.35.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added cache for AI-generated articles and support for downloading them
  • Implemented new /express route to rewrite articles and support for rewriting in formal express
    实现了新的 /express 路线来重写文章并支持正式表达重写
  • Displayed summary in articles and simplified language when rewriting
  • Added support for list and watch later pages, and support for Bilibili watch later URLs
    添加了对列表和稍后观看页面的支持,以及对 Bilibili 稍后观看 URL 的支持
  • Used tabs to show AI-generated articles
    使用选项卡显示 AI 生成的文章

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Added alerts in /release and thanks acknowledgment in the footer
    /release 中添加了提醒,并在页脚中添加了感谢确认
  • Cleaned up imports and handled errors for AI-generated articles
  • Improved i18n support and increased the number of API key options
    改进了 i18n 支持并增加了 API 密钥选项的数量
  • Ensured user dropdown menu is not hidden and prevented reload if fetching /api/content encounters an error
    确保用户下拉菜单不隐藏,并在获取 /api/content 遇到错误时阻止重新加载
  • Removed unused files and displayed the sign-in prompt when viewing articles

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.34.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.34.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Implemented sticky content, styling, and header, and added support for starting chat in the sidebar
  • Added support for WeChat JSAPI pay, WeChat link in menu, and WeChat MP files
  • Implemented welcome message and moved the create-order and updateUserTimeByOrder logic to the backend
    实现欢迎消息并将 create-order 和 updateUserTimeByOrder 逻辑移至后端
  • Simplified the WeChat JSAPI and used the correct WeChat-JSAPI URL
    简化了微信JSAPI并使用了正确的WeChat-JSAPI URL

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Fixed URI encoding and extracted the updateUserTimeByOrder functionality
    修复了 URI 编码并提取了 updateUserTimeByOrder 功能
  • Updated order status with orderId and added redirection only for WeChat
    使用 orderId 更新订单状态并添加仅适用于微信的重定向
  • Refreshed page only when no code is present and set language only if not cached
  • Restrict usage of JSAPI params to WeChat and fixed undefined openid issue
    限制微信使用 JSAPI 参数并修复未定义的 openid 问题
  • Polished mobile navigation style and implemented refreshCodeIfNeed function
  • Removed the refresh query and ensured language is retained
  • Made minor text, style, and index adjustments, and fixed a small webpage issue
  • Updated summarization for articles, language settings, and tab names
  • Improved i18n and updated the OAuth app information
    改进了 i18n 并更新了 OAuth 应用程序信息

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.33.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.33.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added article tab, buttons, and tabs for webpages, and enabled user API key functionality
    添加了文章选项卡、按钮和网页选项卡,并启用了用户 API 密钥功能
  • Implemented fetching of webpage content when clicking on tabs, and displayed images in articles
  • Improved webpage information display and supported parsing of markdown content and static tweets
  • Added support for showing 'tab' from route and only displayed error when API key usage is limited
    添加了对显示路由中的“选项卡”的支持,并且仅在 API 密钥使用受到限制时才显示错误

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Fixed cache error when uploading audio and improved scrolling experience
  • Included the website in relevant processes and adjusted the color of options for better visibility
  • Restricted displaying of notices only to mobile devices and returned htmlUrl for API
    限制仅向移动设备显示通知并返回 API 的 htmlUrl
  • Set user after login, updated shop text, and added support for YouTube live URLs
    登录后设置用户、更新商店文本并添加对 YouTube 直播 URL 的支持
  • Implemented tracking for adding notes and user keys, and attempted to extract chapters for podcasts
  • Updated activation message and improved HTML rendering by using the <article /> tag
    使用 <article /> 标记更新了激活消息并改进了 HTML 呈现
  • Enhanced tracking with the use of utm_source parameter
    使用 utm_source 参数增强跟踪

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.32.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.32.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features🎉 新功能

  • Added simple summary, Supabase Admin, Lemon callback, and support for missing environment variables
    添加了简单摘要、Supabase Admin、Lemon 回调以及对缺失环境变量的支持
  • Implemented tracking for payment button, shop link, and enabled Twitter login
    实现了对支付按钮、商店链接的跟踪,并启用了 Twitter 登录
  • Polished the quick start user flow, improved caching of summaries and chat data fetching
  • Switched submit button position for better usability, and added image support for article chapters
  • Expanded podcast support with new routes, open API, and compatibility with more websites
    通过新路线、开放 API 以及与更多网站的兼容性扩展了播客支持
  • Improved article chapter layout, online audio support, and video detail retrieval for transcribe
  • Split uploadYoutubeVideo functionality and excluded Spotify from certain processes
    拆分上传 YoutubeVideo 功能并将 Spotify 排除在某些进程之外

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Activated license when redirected from Lemon, added button tracking, and improved URL validation
    从 Lemon 重定向时激活许可证、添加按钮跟踪并改进 URL 验证
  • Enabled showTimestamp for better interaction, disabled Twitter temporarily, and removed X-signature check
    启用 showTimestamp 以实现更好的交互,暂时禁用 Twitter,并删除 X 签名检查
  • Added fallback to Bilibili audio list, improved HTTP status and error messages, and reset shouldFocus after quick try
  • Updated various components, including JSON parser, file duration, share button order, i18n text, and podcast title
    更新了各种组件,包括 JSON 解析器、文件持续时间、共享按钮顺序、i18n 文本和播客标题
  • Fixed issues with language display, release page error, and summary reset when re-selecting or deleting files
  • Improved YouTube chapter display, image visibility, and made minor style and polish adjustments
    改进了 YouTube 章节显示、图像可见性,并对样式和润色进行了细微调整

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能进一步提升您使用 BibiGPT 的体验,让它变得更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.30.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.30.0 (2023-07-02)

BibiGPT Update NotesBibiGPT 更新说明

We are excited to announce a new round of updates for our BibiGPT - AI-powered Audio and Video Content Summarization product! This update includes various new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the changes:
我们很高兴地宣布 BibiGPT - AI 驱动的音频和视频内容摘要产品进行新一轮更新!此更新包括各种新功能和错误修复,以增强您的体验。以下是更改的摘要:

🎉 New Features 🎉 新功能

  • Added WeChat public account support, more URL extraction, and fetching WeChat summaries at once
  • Supported web page summaries retrieval, asynchronous processing, and custom message sending
  • Improved Markmap, added SVG download support, and supported downloading as an image
  • Enhanced mind maps with timestamp links, direct SVG downloading from parent button, and web page summaries retrieval
    带有时间戳链接的增强型思维导图、从父按钮直接下载 SVG 以及网页摘要检索

🐛 Bug Fixes🐛 错误修复

  • Added daily limit, mobile hot feature, and more logs for better user experience
  • Improved QR code tip, added WeChat OA encoding AES key environment variable, and downgraded open-graph-scraper
  • Fixed markdown image, hid notice on mobile, and showed Alipay only on mobile
  • Displayed system configuration, WeChat Pay button, and continued to show WeChat Pay
  • Made several small refactors, updated summary response, i18n for download, and handled cases with no results
    进行了一些小的重构,更新了摘要响应,i18n 可供下载,并处理了没有结果的案例
  • Sent custom message after first reply, implemented summary cache, and updated summary style
  • Verified the message, added tracking for summarize button in header, and moved access token position
  • Added optional base URL parameter, note for detailed summary, and improved chapter style
    添加了可选的基本 URL 参数、详细摘要注释以及改进的章节样式
  • Checked domain in WeChat when sending out, reduced logs, and supported internal links

We hope these updates further enhance your experience with BibiGPT and make it more enjoyable! As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. Happy summarizing!
我们希望这些更新能够进一步增强您使用 BibiGPT 的体验并使其更加愉快!一如既往,我们感谢您的反馈和支持。快乐总结!

BibiGPT-v1 - Desktop App v2.10.1

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

Take a look at the assets to download and install this app.

BibiGPT-v1 - v2.8.0

Published by JimmyLv over 1 year ago

2.8.0 (2023-04-05)

🎉 Features

  • add users_time (66762d1)
  • count remaining time by duration (63dc21a)
  • only show video info if openai error (7edf73e)
  • show subtitle even openai error (d352e7f)
  • add current isTauri logic (36843b6)
  • add release action to build Tauri app (f1c7087)
  • update to use next-export-i18n, support export (6bd8055)
  • add basic file uploader 🎉 (efa1e66)
  • handle transcribe result (42de784)
  • only login user can transcribe video (eb265f6)
  • support summarize & play local video (b39f13c)
  • toggle to show upload file (2ce56fe)

🐛 Bug Fixes

Extracted from project README
BibiGPT音视频总结神器 Star History Chart
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