
Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.

MIT License



Use ChatGPT to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.


  1. Some topics for presentation named topic.txt:
what's OpenAI?
how OpenAI works?
what is the future of OpenAI?
  1. Save your openai token to token.txt.
  2. Generate a ppt in seconds:

And you get one:

With multi languages support:

Or different render engine:


You can download prebuild binaries from release page.

  1. Download a executable binary
  2. Add your topics to topic.txt
  3. Add your token (official openai api key, with no extra white space, no empty line) to token.txt
  4. run ./cgp

Everything done. You can get some help about command line arguments with cgp --help.

$ ./cgp_macos --help
Usage of ./cgp_macos:
  -client string
        gpt client type (default "GPT35")
  -output string
        out path (default "./output.html")
  -renderer string
        renderer type (default "REMARK")
  -rendererBin string
        binary file for renderer
  -token string
        token file path (default "./token.txt")
  -topic string
        topic file path (default "./topic.txt")

Interactive mode

-i flag allows you checking and correcting generated contents one by one.

@williamfzc ➜ /workspaces/chat-gpt-ppt (main) $ ./cgp -i
start preparing ...
start generating ...
2023/03/18 08:17:23 topic what's OpenAI? done 
Here is your response, type any key to continue, type 'n' to edit 
# what's OpenAI?

- OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research lab.
- It was founded by a group of well-known tech industry figures in 2015 as a non-profit organization.
- OpenAI's mission is to ensure that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) benefits all of humanity.
- Their research covers many areas of AI, such as reinforcement learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.
- OpenAI also develops and releases several powerful AI-based tools, including GPT-3, which has revolutionized natural language processing.



Thanks for your interest. This project is really simple to hack.

This project consists of two pluggable parts:

  • Client: Send topics to GPT and get their responses
  • Renderer: Build slides from these pairs

If you want to make some changes:

  • git clone
  • change code
  • run make to build a binary file (Go installation required)
  • check
  • push to repo and send a PR

Feel free to send us PR/issues.


[2023-03-02] Rewrite with golang. All in one file.

[2023-01-13] OpenAI's services are not available in my country.

[2022-12-06] Currently, ChatGPT has no official API. I am waiting for it to make this repo a real production.



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