
ChatGPT desktop app

ISC License


Project Archived

ChatGPT now supports a native desktop app, so this app is no longer maintained.


Visit the releases page to download the latest release of Chatter for your OS and follow the installation process


  • Toggle to stay on top of other windows.
  • Minimal styles to keep you focused.
  • Keyboard shortcuts!


Shortcut Action
/ Focus prompt
cmd+n Start new chat
cmd+k Switch GPT version
cmd+s Toggle sidebar open/closed
cmd+shift+j Toggle stay on top of other windows (global)


Chatter is built with Electron and packaged/distributed with Electron Forge. To start contributing, first install the required packages using yarn.


Running the app

yarn dev

Note: When running the app in development mode, the icon and name of the app will be the stock Electron icon and name. The real icon is only used when packaging.

Testing the packaged output

To test the packaged output on various operating systems, first run the make task to package and compile the app.

yarn make

Next, follow the OS-specific instructions for testing the installation.


To run the app, run the following command after running yarn make.

open out/Chatter-darwin-arm64/

To test the installer, run the following command after running yarn make.

open out/make/Chatter-*.dmg

Linting, formatting, and type checking

The following commands can be used to manually run ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript.

yarn lint
yarn format
yarn ts
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