
πŸ“Š Codebase-digest is a Python tool that analyzes your codebase, generating a structured overview of its contents, including directory tree, file sizes, token counts, and more. Useful for understanding project structure, code complexity, and preparing data for LLM analysis.


Codebase Digest

Codebase Digest is a command-line tool written in Python that helps you analyze and understand your codebase. It provides a structured overview of your project's directory structure, file sizes, token counts, and even consolidates the content of all text-based files into a single output for easy analysis with Large Language Models (LLMs).

Table of Contents


  • πŸ“Š Directory Tree Visualization: Generate a hierarchical view of your project structure
  • πŸ“ˆ Codebase Statistics: Calculate total files, directories, code size, and token counts
  • πŸ“„ File Content Consolidation: Combine all text-based files into a single output
  • 🚫 Flexible Ignore System: Support for custom patterns, defaults, and .gitignore files
  • 🎨 Multiple Output Formats: Choose between text, JSON, Markdown, XML, or HTML
  • 🌈 Colored Console Output: Visually appealing and informative summaries
  • 🧠 LLM Analysis Support: Comprehensive prompt library for in-depth codebase analysis


Via pip (Recommended)

pip install codebase-digest

From source

git clone
cd codebase-digest
pip install -r requirements.txt


Basic usage:

cdigest [path_to_directory] [options]


  1. Analyze a project with default settings:

    cdigest /path/to/my_project
  2. Analyze with custom depth and output format:

    cdigest /path/to/my_project -d 3 -o markdown
  3. Ignore specific files and folders:

    cdigest /path/to/my_project --ignore "*.log" "temp_folder" "config.ini"
  4. Show file sizes and include git directory:

    cdigest /path/to/my_project --show-size --include-git
  5. Analyze and copy output to clipboard:

    cdigest /path/to/my_project --copy-to-clipboard


Option Description
path_to_directory Path to the directory you want to analyze
-d, --max-depth Maximum depth for directory traversal
-o, --output-format Output format (text, json, markdown, xml, or html). Default: text
-f, --file Output file name
--show-size Show file sizes in directory tree
--show-ignored Show ignored files and directories in tree
--ignore Patterns to ignore (e.g., '*.pyc' '.venv' 'node_modules')
--keep-defaults Keep default ignore patterns when using --ignore
--no-content Exclude file contents from the output
--include-git Include .git directory in the analysis
--max-size Maximum allowed text content size in KB (default: 10240 KB)
--copy-to-clipboard Copy the output to clipboard

Ignore Functionality

Default Ignore Patterns

The following patterns are ignored by default:

'.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd', 'pycache', # Python
'node_modules', 'bower_components', # JavaScript
'.git', '.svn', '.hg', '.gitignore', # Version control
'venv', '.venv', 'env', # Virtual environments
'.idea', '.vscode', # IDEs
'.log', '.bak', '.swp', '.tmp', # Temporary and log files
'.DS_Store', # macOS
'Thumbs.db', # Windows
'build', 'dist', # Build directories
'.egg-info', # Python egg info
'.so', '.dylib', '.dll' # Compiled libraries

Custom Ignore Patterns

You can specify additional patterns to ignore using the --ignore option. These patterns will be added to the default ignore patterns unless --no-default-ignores is used.

Patterns can use wildcards (* and ?) and can be:

  • Filenames (e.g., 'file.txt')
  • Directory names (e.g., 'node_modules')
  • File extensions (e.g., '*.pyc')
  • Paths (e.g., '/path/to/ignore')


cdigest /path/to/my_project --ignore ".txt" "temp" "/path/to/specific/"

.cdigestignore File

You can create a .cdigestignore file in your project root to specify project-specific ignore patterns. Each line in this file will be treated as an ignore pattern.

Overriding Default Ignores

To use only your custom ignore patterns without the default ones, use the --no-default-ignores option:

cdigest /path/to/my_project --no-default-ignores --ignore "custom_pattern" "another_pattern"

LLM Prompts for Enhanced Analysis

Codebase Digest includes a comprehensive set of prompts in the prompt_library directory to help you analyze your codebase using Large Language Models. These prompts cover various aspects of code analysis and business alignment:

Use Cases

  1. Codebase Mapping and Learning: Quickly understand the structure and functionality of a new or complex codebase.
  2. Improving User Stories: Analyze existing code to refine or generate user stories.
  3. Initial Security Analysis: Perform a preliminary security assessment.
  4. Code Quality Enhancement: Identify areas for improvement in code quality, readability, and maintainability.
  5. Documentation Generation: Automatically generate or improve codebase documentation.
  6. Learning Tool: Use as a teaching aid to explain complex coding concepts or architectures.
  7. Business Alignment: Analyze how the codebase supports business objectives.
  8. Stakeholder Communication: Generate insights to facilitate discussions with non-technical stakeholders.

Prompt Categories

I. Code Quality & Understanding:

II. Learning & Knowledge Extraction:

III. Code Improvement & Transformation:

IV. Testing & Security:

V. Business & Stakeholder Analysis:

VI. Architecture & Design:

  • Analysis:
    • Identify Architectural Layers: Analyze the codebase and identify different architectural layers (e.g., presentation, business logic, data access), highlighting inconsistencies or deviations from common architectural patterns.
    • Analyze Coupling and Cohesion: Evaluate coupling and cohesion between modules or components, identifying areas with high coupling or low cohesion that might indicate design flaws.
    • Identify Design Patterns: Analyze the codebase for instances of common design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Observer), explaining their implementation and purpose.
    • Database Schema Review: Review the database schema for normalization, indexing, and potential performance bottlenecks, suggesting improvements based on best practices.
    • API Conformance Check: Given an API specification (e.g., OpenAPI), analyze the codebase to identify any inconsistencies or deviations from the defined API contract.
  • Generation:
    • Generate Architectural Diagram: Based on codebase structure and dependencies, generate a visual representation of the system architecture, including components, layers, and interactions.
    • Suggest Refactoring for Design Patterns: Analyze the codebase and suggest opportunities to implement design patterns for improved maintainability, extensibility, or reusability.
    • Generate Database Schema Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation for the database schema, including table descriptions, relationships, indexes, and constraints.
    • Generate API Client Code: Based on an existing API specification or codebase implementation, generate client code (e.g., in JavaScript, Python) to interact with the API.

VII. Performance & Optimization:

  • Analysis:
    • Identify Performance Bottlenecks: Analyze the codebase for performance bottlenecks like inefficient algorithms, excessive database queries, or slow network requests, focusing specifically on performance-related issues.
    • Resource Usage Profiling: Analyze the codebase to identify areas with high CPU utilization, memory consumption, or disk I/O, providing insights into potential optimizations for efficient resource usage.
    • Scalability Analysis: Analyze the codebase and architectural choices to assess the system's scalability, identifying potential limitations and suggesting improvements for handling increased load.
    • Concurrency and Synchronization Analysis: Analyze the codebase for potential concurrency issues like race conditions or deadlocks. Suggest solutions to improve thread safety and synchronization mechanisms.
  • Generation:
    • Suggest Code Optimization Techniques: Based on the analysis of potential bottlenecks, suggest specific code optimization techniques like caching, asynchronous operations, or algorithm improvements.
    • Generate Performance Test Scenarios: Create realistic performance test scenarios (e.g., using tools like JMeter or Gatling) to simulate high load and identify performance bottlenecks.
    • Suggest Configuration Tuning: Recommend optimal configuration settings for databases, application servers, or other infrastructure components to improve performance.

VIII. Code Evolution & History:

  • Analysis:
    • Code Churn Hotspot Analysis: Analyze code commit history to identify areas of the codebase with high churn rates, which can indicate areas requiring refactoring or potentially problematic code.
    • Technical Debt Estimation: Based on code complexity, code smells, and other factors, estimate the amount of technical debt present in the codebase and prioritize areas for refactoring. Focus on estimations derived from historical code analysis rather than general code quality.
    • Impact Analysis of Code Changes: Analyze the potential impact of specific code changes (e.g., bug fixes, new features) on other parts of the system to identify potential regressions or conflicts.
  • Generation:
    • Generate Code Evolution Report: Create a report summarizing the evolution of the codebase over time, including key metrics like code churn, code complexity, and contributor activity.
    • Generate Refactoring Recommendations (History-Based): Based on code evolution analysis and technical debt estimation, generate specific refactoring recommendations to improve code quality and reduce maintenance costs, focusing on areas identified through historical analysis.
    • Visualize Codebase Evolution: Generate visualizations (e.g., heatmaps, graphs) to represent the codebase's evolution, highlighting areas of frequent change, code complexity, and potential technical debt.

For detailed instructions on using these prompts, refer to the individual files in the prompt_library directory.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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