
CLI and UI interface for OpenAI and Gemini with prompts 🔮

GPL-3.0 License


heygpt 🔮

A simple command line tool to generate text using OpenAI GPT or Palm based on ready made templated prompts.

Using heygpt in Web-UI mode:

heygpt stream


  • To provide a simple command line tool to generate text using GPT or Palm based on ready made templated prompts, in both cli as well as web-ui interface.

  • CLI demo

  • UI demo


  • There is an optional dependency of fzf for interactive prompt selection. You can install it using your package manager.
  • refer: fzf README for more info on steps to install fzf.
pip install heygptcli

help page:

heygpt --help

For debug logs use: export LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG or set LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG on windows.


You will need openai API credentials to use heygpt. You can get them from here.

# gpt custom prompts (optional)

# openai
OPENAI_ORG=<org-*****> # optional openai organization id
MODEL=gpt-4o # optional openai model name (default: gpt-3.5-turbo)

In order to configure them you can use heygpt config command:

 heygpt config --help

 Usage: heygpt config [OPTIONS]

 Configure heygpt.

╭─ Options -----------------------------------------------------+
 --prompt-file         TEXT  Prompt file path.                 |
 --prompt-url          TEXT  Prompt file url.                  |
 --openai-key          TEXT  OpenAI API key.                   |
 --openai-org          TEXT  OpenAI organization id.           |
| --model               TEXT  Default model name [OpenAI/Gemini]|
 --help                      Show this message and exit.       |

Default model name is gpt-3.5-turbo for this tool. You can change it to gpt-4o or any other model name you want to use.

heygpt config --openai-key <your-openai-api-key>

Using local/remote prompts

Prompt YAML formate

# ~/path/to/prompts.yaml
- Title: Fix Grammar
    - role: user
      content: |
        Review the provided text and correct any grammatical errors. Ensure that the text is clear, concise, and free of any spelling mistakes.

To use your saved prompts run:

heygpt config --prompt-file ~/path/to/prompts.yaml

Here, --prompt-url and --prompt-file is optional. If you want to use own custom prompts.

For providing a URL of yaml file containing your prompts.

# remote yaml file
heygpt config --prompt-url <url-to-your-prompt-file.yaml>

Note: This is the default yaml used for prompts: default-prompts.yaml, for using your own prompts, you need to follow the same format as in this file.

For your own prompts by providing a URL to a yaml file containing your prompts. You can also use local yaml file by providing a relative path to it.

# local yaml file
heygpt config --prompt-file ~/path/to/prompts.yaml
# ~/.config/heygpt/config.json
# You can manually add list of `available_models` in config file for easy access in streamlit UI.

    "openai_key": "sk-proj-********",
    "model": "gpt-4o",
    "available_models": [
    "prompt_file": "/home/user/.config/heygpt/prompt.yaml"

Usage Examples

Asking heygpt to perform a cretain task based on prompt template:

heygpt ask
  • heygpt will ask you to choose a prompt from a list of available templates.

  • After that, it will ask you to enter your query/task and will provide you with the result based on type of prompt you selected.

  • If you want to see output from palm instead of openai gpt, you can pass --palm flag to ask command.

heygpt ask --palm
  • For asking queries without any prompt templates you can use --no-prompt flag.
heygpt ask --no-prompt

Convert audio to text using heygpt:

heygpt wisper ../path/to/audio.mp3
  • You can provide standard output as well to heygpt ask

    echo "why sky is blue" | heygpt ask --no-prompt

    An other way to use it can be providing wisper audio 2 text, output to heygpt ask:

    heygpt wisper ../path/to/audio.mp3 | heygpt ask

This will start a streamlit server on localhost:

Using heygpt as an API:

heygpt api

This will start a fastapi server on localhost:

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