
LLM Chat is an open-source serverless alternative to ChatGPT.

MIT License


GenAI Chat

GenAI Chat is an open-source serverless alternative to ChatGPT.

Design Goals

There are plenty of open source alternatives like chatwithgpt.ai. The goal of this particular project was to make a version that:

  • Supports plugins
  • Supports open source LLMs
  • Is completely pay-per-use ($0/mo if unused)
  • Runs as a progressive web app
  • Has no automatic log out

This comes at the cost of:

  • Being less secure and more buggy
  • Requiring 3 cloud accounts to host (netlify, cockroachlabs, modal)



  • Easy to add arbitrary plugins/functions/agents
  • Easy to add hugging face open source transformers (LLAMA 3)
  • OpenAI API streaming
  • Image generation (StableDiffusion XL, DALLE)
  • Automatic chat title generation
  • Sharable links (when you make a chat public)
  • Speech (STT) to Audio (TTS) voice chat


At a high level:

  • Netlify is used for cheap cloud functions and static hosting
  • Cockroach labs is used for cheap persistent storage
  • Modal is used for long-running functions and serverless GPU functions (this is the only thing that is not free)
  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a postgres database on cockroachlabs (free)
  3. Create a netlify app and connect it to your fork (free)
  4. Add netlify env vars
DATABASE_URL (from cockroachlabs)
OPENAI_API_KEY (from openai)
  1. Create a modal account
  2. On modal create llm-chat-secret
# Required
DATABASE_URL (from cockroachlabs)
HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN (from huggingface)
OPENAI_API_KEY (from openai)

# Semi Optional
SERPER_API_KEY (from https://serper.dev/)
WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID (https://developer.wolframalpha.com/)

# Semi Optional File Storage (uses imgur if provided or falls back to s3)
  1. Deploy modal cd modal && modal deploy modalapp
  2. Create an API key cd modal && python scripts/create_user.py --name "John Smith"
  3. Update src\backend.js with deployed modal endpoint (API_ENDPOINT) OR use ?backend=<modal endpoint> in the URL at chat.sshh.io.
  4. Go to <netlify site>/?key=<API key>


Add a new plugin

Note that plugins are only supported for openai functions agents.

Just add a new function to /modal/tools/tools.py.

Add a new model

  1. Update models/chat_hf_inference.py and adjust to whatever model you want
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