
OpenAI/ChatGPT library for Java - Requires JDK 11 at minimum.

APACHE-2.0 License


OpenAI For Java

Note, this project is under active development. If there are any suggestions you may have, feel free to let me know.

You can use this library as part of your project & integrate it into your app.

OpenAI is free-to-use, but you will require an API key. You can get this for free by clicking here.

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                .setApiKey("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE") //Required
                .setOrganization("YOUR_ORGANIZATION_HERE") //Optional
                .createChatCompletion(chatMessageHistoryHere) //Optional (ChatGPT)
                .setTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) //Optional
                .setProxy(proxy) //Optional
                .build() //Creates our OpenAI class from our OpenAI.Builder
                .sendRequest(); //Optional - Sends request to OpenAI

Minimum Requirements

Release 1.1.2

The dependencies I am using for this project are jackson-databind for JSON parsing, junit-jupiter for testing and jacoco for reporting.




//Groovy (build.gradle)
implementation group: 'io.github.jetkai', name: 'openai', version: '1.1.2'

//Kotlin (build.gradle.kts)


Binary (Recommended) Binary (Excluding Dependencies) JavaDoc Sources
> Download < > Download < > Download < > Download <

Available API(s) March 2023

ChatGPT 3.5 (Latest) - using CreateChatCompletion

Spell Checking - using CreateCompletion

Transcriptions (From Audio File) - using CreateTranscription

Translations (From Text or Audio File) - using CreateTranslation / CreateTranscriptionTranslation

AI Image Creation / Editing - using CreateImage / CreateImageEdit / CreateImageVariation

OpenAI API Reference

Source Code (Examples)

ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo

Scenario: Say "Hello" to the AI and ask the AI to respond back with the last thing I said.
 public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExampleChatGPT gpt = new ExampleChatGPT();

        //The first message that we want to send
        String message1 = "Hello ChatGPT!";
        //The second message that we want to send
        String message2 = "What was the first thing I said?";

        //Response 1 from ChatGPT
        String response1 = gpt.exampleBuilders(message1);
        System.out.println("Sent: " + message1);
        System.out.println("Response: " + response1);

        //Response 2 from ChatGPT
        String response2 = gpt.exampleBuilders(message2);
        System.out.println("Sent: " + message2);
        System.out.println("Response: " + response2);

    private String exampleBuilders(String message) {
        //Create the Message Data object with the message we wish to send
        ChatCompletionMessageData messageData = ChatCompletionMessageData.builder()

        //Store the message that we want to send, to the MessageHistory List

        //Build the data structure which contains the message history and model information
        ChatCompletionData completionData = ChatCompletionData.builder()

        //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data
        //Instead of openAI.sendRequest(); you can initialize the request
        //for the class manually - openAI.createChatCompletion().initialize();
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()

        //Check to see if there is a valid response from OpenAI
        //You can also call Optional<CreateChatCompletion> createChatCompletion = openAI.chatCompletion();
        CreateChatCompletion createChatCompletion = openAI.getChatCompletion();

        //Store chat response from AI, this allows the AI to see the full history of our chat
        //Including both our messages and the AI's messages

        //Parse the response back as plain-text & replace \n & ascii characters ( -> String)
        return createChatCompletion.asNormalizedText();

AI Image Creation

Scenario: Have an AI create a red panda with glasses, and have this drawn as a cartoon.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //Initialize ExampleImageCreation class
        ExampleImageCreation imageCreation = new ExampleImageCreation();

        //A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters
        String description = "A picture of a red panda with glasses, drawn as a cartoon.";

        //The number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10.
        int amount = 1;

        //The size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024
        String size = "1024x1024";

        URI[] imageLinks = imageCreation.communicate(description, amount, size);

        for(URI imageLink : imageLinks) {
            System.out.println("Opening URI ["+imageLink+"] in the web browser.");

    private URI[] communicate(String imageDescription, int numberOfImages, String size) {
        //Alternatively can use ImageData.create(imageDescription, numberOfImages, size);
        ImageData imageData = ImageData.builder()
                //A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters
                //The number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10.
                //The size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Set our OpenAI API key
                //Specify the createImage API endpoint
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the CreateImage API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateImage> createImage = openAI.image();

        //Gather the URI(s) from the API response

Spelling Correction

Scenario: Correct the spelling within the sentence "Wha dai of the wek is it?".
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Initialize ExampleSpellingCorrection class
        ExampleSpellingCorrection spelling = new ExampleSpellingCorrection();

        String spellingMistake = "Wha dai of the wek is it?";
        String instruction = "Fix the spelling mistakes";

        //Send request to API - response as string
        String spellingCorrection = spelling.communicate(spellingMistake, instruction);

        //Print out the mistake & correction
        System.out.println("Mistake: " + spellingMistake);
        System.out.println("Correction: " + spellingCorrection);

    private String communicate(String spellingMistake, String instruction) {
        //Call the ListModels API from OpenAI & create instance
        //You can also specify the model and use the following:
        //EditData.create(model, spellingMistake, instruction);
        EditData editData = EditData.create(spellingMistake, instruction);

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the CreateEdit API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateEdit> createEdit = openAI.edit();

        //Return model as a JSON string

Translate Language

Scenario: Translate "Hello, how are you today?" from English to French.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Initialize ExampleTranslation class
        ExampleTranslation translation = new ExampleTranslation();

        //This is the language we want to translate our audio file to
        String toLanguage = "French";

        //Example audio file that we are going to upload to OpenAI to be translated
        String message = "Hello, how are you today?";

        //Response from OpenAI with the translated string
        String response = translation.communicate(message, toLanguage);

        //Print the translation to the console

    private String communicate(String message, String toLanguage) {
        //TranslationData, ready to send to the OpenAI API
        CompletionData translationData = CompletionData.translation(message, toLanguage);

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the CreateTranslation API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateTranslation> createTranslation = openAI.translation();

        //Return as text, do not replace \n or ascii characters

Audio Transcript

Scenario: Create a transcript from an audio file.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
        //Initialize ExampleTranslationFromAudioFile class
        ExampleTranscriptionFromAudioFile transcriptAudioFile = new ExampleTranscriptionFromAudioFile();

        //Example audio file that we are going to upload to OpenAI to be translated
        URL audioUrl = ExampleTranscriptionFromAudioFile.class.getResource("what-can-i-do.mp3");
        Path filePath = null;
        if (audioUrl != null) {
            filePath = Path.of(audioUrl.toURI());

        //Response from OpenAI with the translated string
        String response = transcriptAudioFile.communicate(filePath);

        //Print the translation to the console

    private String communicate(Path filePath) {
        //AudioData, ready to send to the OpenAI API
        AudioData transcriptionData = AudioData.create(filePath);

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the CreateTranscription API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateTranscription> createTranscription = openAI.transcription();

        //Return as text, do not replace \n or ascii characters

Audio Transcript & Translate

Scenario: Create a transcript from an audio file, then translate the transcript from English to French.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
        //Initialize ExampleTranslationFromAudioFile class
        ExampleTranslationFromAudioFile translateFromAudioFile = new ExampleTranslationFromAudioFile();

        //This is the language we want to translate our audio file to
        //Language parameter must be specified in ISO-639-1 format or Locale
        //Example -> "French" = "fr" | "English UK" = "en_GB"
        //String language = "fr";
        Locale language = Locale.FRENCH;

        //Example audio file that we are going to upload to OpenAI to be translated
        URL audioUrl = ExampleTranslationFromAudioFile.class.getResource("what-can-i-do.mp3");
        Path filePath = null;
        if (audioUrl != null) {
            filePath = Path.of(audioUrl.toURI());
        if(filePath == null) {
            System.err.println("File could not be found.");

        //Response from OpenAI with the translated string
        String response = translateFromAudioFile.communicate(filePath, language);

        //Print the translation to the console

    private String communicate(Path filePath, Locale language) {
        //Alternatively can use AudioData.create(audioPath, "fr");
        AudioData audioTranslationData = AudioData.create(filePath, language);

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()

        //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the CreateTranslation API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateTranscriptionTranslation> createTranslation = openAI.transcriptionTranslation();

        //Return as text, do not replace \n or ascii characters

List Model Information

Scenario: Get information about a specific model.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Initialize ExampleListModel class
        ExampleListModel getModel = new ExampleListModel();

        //Send request to API - response as JSON string
        String modelJson = getModel.communicate();

        //Print out the model information in JSON

    private String communicate() {

        String modelName = "davinci";

        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the ListModels API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<ListModel> getModels = openAI.model();

        //Return model as a JSON string

List All Models

Scenario: List all the models available from OpenAI.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Initialize ExampleListModels class
        ExampleListModels getModels = new ExampleListModels();

        //Send request to API and deserialize response as List<ModalData>
        List<ModelData> models = getModels.communicate();
        for(ModelData model : models) {
            Optional<String> id =;
            if(id.isEmpty()) {
            //Print out the names of all the available models, to the console

    private List<ModelData> communicate() {
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Sends the request to OpenAI's endpoint & parses the response data

        //Call the ListModels API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<ListModels> getModels = openAI.models();

        //Return models as a data structure list, so that we can get the name from each model


    void createCompletionTest() {
        //Grab OpenAI API key from system environment variables (
        String apiKey = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_API_KEY");
        String organization = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_ORGANIZATION");

        //CompletionData, ready to send to the OpenAI API
        CompletionData completion = CompletionData.builder()
                //ID of the model to use. You can use the List models API to see all of your available models,
                //or see our Model overview for descriptions of them.

                //The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a string, array of strings, array of tokens,
                //or array of token arrays.
                //Note that <|endoftext|> is the document separator that the model sees during training, so if a prompt
                //is not specified the model will generate as if from the beginning of a new document.
                .setPrompt("Say this is a test")

                //The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
                //The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length.
                //Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, which support 4096).

                //What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the
                //output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
                //We generally recommend altering this or top_p but not both.

                //An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers
                //the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the
                //top 10% probability mass are considered.
                //We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.

                //How many completions to generate for each prompt.
                //Note: Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota.
                //Use carefully and ensure that you have reasonable settings for max_tokens and stop.

                //Whether to stream back partial progress. If set, tokens will be sent as data-only server-sent
                //events as they become available, with the stream terminated by a data: [DONE] message.

                //Include the log probabilities on the logprobs most likely tokens, as well the chosen tokens.
                //For example, if logprobs is 5, the API will return a list of the 5 most likely tokens.
                //The API will always return the logprob of the sampled token, so there may be up to logprobs+1
                //elements in the response.
                //The maximum value for logprobs is 5. If you need more than this, please contact us through our
                //Help center and describe your use case.

                //Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
                //The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.

        //Create OpenAI instance using API key & organization
        //Organization is optional
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()


        //Call the CreateCompletion API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateCompletion> optionalCreateCompletion = openAI.completion();

        CreateCompletion createCompletion = optionalCreateCompletion.get();

        //Data structure example
        CompletionResponseData responseData = createCompletion.asData();

        //Json example
        String json = createCompletion.asJson();


    void createEditTest() {
        //Grab OpenAI API key from system environment variables (
        String apiKey = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_API_KEY");
        String organization = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_ORGANIZATION");

        //EditData, ready to send to the OpenAI Api
        EditData edit = EditData.builder()
                //ID of the model to use. You can use the text-davinci-edit-001 or
                //code-davinci-edit-001 model with this endpoint.

                //The input text to use as a starting point for the edit.
                .setInput("What day of the wek is it?")

                //The instruction that tells the model how to edit the prompt.
                .setInstruction("Fix the spelling mistakes")

        //Create OpenAI instance using API key & organization
        //Organization is optional
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()


        //Call the CreateEdit API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateEdit> optionalCreateEdit = openAI.edit(); //You can call "data" to see the response

        CreateEdit createEdit = optionalCreateEdit.get();

        //Data structure example
        CompletionResponseData responseData = createEdit.asData();

        //StringArray example
        String[] stringArray = createEdit.asStringArray();

        //Json example
        String json = createEdit.asJson();


    void createImageVariationTest() {
        //Grab OpenAI API key from system environment variables (
        String apiKey = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_API_KEY");
        String organization = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_ORGANIZATION");

        //Example image file that we are going to upload to OpenAI
        URL imageUrl = CreateImageVariationTest.class.getResource("otter.png");
        Path imagePath = null;
        try {
            if (imageUrl != null) {
                imagePath = Path.of(imageUrl.toURI());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


        //ImageVariationData, ready to send to the OpenAI API
        ImageVariationData imageVariationData = ImageVariationData.builder()
                //Set the path for the image file
                //Set the number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10.
                //Set the size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024.

        //Create OpenAI instance using API key & organization
        //Organization is optional
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()
                //Finally, send our request to the API, this initiates the request (after .build())

        //Call the CreateTranscription API from OpenAI & create instance
        Optional<CreateImageVariation> optionalCreateImageVariation = openAI.imageVariation();

        CreateImageVariation createImageVariation = optionalCreateImageVariation.get();

        //String List example (contains all the image urls)
        List<String> stringList = createImageVariation.asStringList();

        //URI array example (contains all the image urls)
        URI[] uriArray = createImageVariation.asUriArray();
        assertNotEquals(0, uriArray.length);

        //Data structure example
        ImageResponseData responseData = createImageVariation.asData();

        //Json example
        String json = createImageVariation.asJson();


    void createEmbeddingTest() {
        //Grab OpenAI API key from system environment variables (
        String apiKey = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_API_KEY");
        String organization = System.getenv("OPEN_AI_ORGANIZATION");

        //EmbeddingData, ready to send to the OpenAI API
        EmbeddingData embed = EmbeddingData.builder()
                //ID of the model to use. You can use the List models API to see all of your available models,
                //or see our Model overview for descriptions of them.
                //Input text to get embeddings for, encoded as a string or array of tokens.
                //To get embeddings for multiple inputs in a single request, pass an array of strings or array of token arrays.
                //Each input must not exceed 8192 tokens in length.
                .setInput("The food was delicious and the waiter...")

        //Call the CreateEmbedding API from OpenAI & create instance
        OpenAI openAI = OpenAI.builder()

        Optional<CreateEmbedding> optionalEmbedding = openAI.embedding();

        CreateEmbedding createEmbedding = optionalEmbedding.get();

        //Data structure example
        EmbeddingResponseData embeddingBlock = createEmbedding.asData();

        //Float List example
        List<Float> floatList = createEmbedding.asFloatList();

        //Json example
        String json = createEmbedding.asJson();
Extracted from project README