
PsChat is a Powershell module that allows the user to use OpenAI Chat Completion in the shell.

MIT License


PsChat - OpenAIs ChatGPT for PowerShell

PsChat is a Powershell module that allows the user to use OpenAI Chat Completion in the shell. If you spend a lot of time in Powershell, this may be useful to you.

The module consists of two functions:

  • Invoke-PsChat - Chat UI, similiar to OpenAI web interface
  • Get-PsChatAnswer - Pipeable function that allows more direct access to the API

I made it to use and explore ChatGPT the place, I mostly find myself: In the shell.

The module requires OpenAI API access. You can get an API key from:


  • 2023-12-15 - Audio (TTS) support, see SaveAudio extension and example
  • 2023-11-14 - Example of using non-OpenAI API in examples
  • 2023-10-22 - Better copy-paste support (press ALT-P + V)
  • 2023-10-01 - Support for function calling, end-to-end tests

Getting started

# install module from PSGallery
Install-Module PsChat -Force

# get an openai api key and put it in a env variable

# start a chat session


# start a chat session with a question
Invoke-PsChat "Lets talk Powershell"

# ask single question
Invoke-PsChat "How is Powershell compared to Zsh" -Single

# ask single question using functions, result as PSObject
Invoke-PsChat -Single -Question "Whats the uptime?" `
     -Functions_Names @("Get-Uptime") `

# does the same using Get-PsChatAnswer
Get-PsChatAnswer "What is your name?

# pipe in question
"Hello OpenAI" | Get-PsChatAnswer

# post an entire dialog to the api
$dialog = @(
    @{ "role"="user"; "content"="Hello OpenAI. Can we talk Powershell?" },
    @{ "role"="assistant"; "content"="Hello! Of course, we can talk about PowerShell. What would you like to know or discuss?" },
    @{ "role"="user"; "content"="How does piping work?" }
Get-PsChatAnswer -InputObject $dialog -NoEnumerate

# for parameters you can use Get-Help
Get-Help Invoke-PsChat
Get-Help Get-PsChatAnswer


Started using alias 'q': Screenshot of the chat UI.

Asking for help (available commands) in the chat: Screenshot of the chat having pressed H.


  • Dual Minded: Dual-minded makes OpenAI have both sides of a conversation. Now with audio-support!
  • Bad Code Finder: Powershell script that traverses source codes and uses GPT to find sensitive data. Usage: Download the ps1-file, run it (with $ENV:OPENAI_AUTH_TOKEN set) in a directory containing source code.
  • Save and Load: Simple examples of saving and preloading context for chats.
  • Alternative API: Using another API, such as a local model using


The following extensions are available:

  • AutoSave - Saves the chat to json (which can later be loaded back in using PreLoad)
  • WordCountWarning - Informs the user when a certain word-count is reached (for cost-saving purposes)
  • PreLoad - Preloads messages from a file or string. Optionally "lock" the loaded messages
  • Commands - In-chat commands, such as clipboard access and API settings
  • ShortTerm - ShortTerm(Memory) starts pruning early messages when a certain word threshold is reached - in order to avoid token limit
  • Functions - Allows OpenAI chat to call Powershell functions during an answer/chat-completion
  • Api - Allows you to set chat-completion API parameters, such as base-url, model and temperature
  • SaveAudio - NEW: Allows you generate audio using the TTS api. Requires ffmpeg (install it using homebrew, apt or choco)

Extensions can have multiple parameters, that can be set when calling Invoke-PsChat, such as Invoke-PsChat -Api_Model "gpt-4". With multiple parameters a Powershell alias can come in handy:

# setup function
function Invoke-PsChat-Yaml { Invoke-PsChat -Api_Model "gpt-4" -PreLoad_Prompt "Answer only with YAML" -PreLoad_Lock $true }

# define alias
New-Alias -Name q -Value Invoke-PsChat-Yaml -Force -Option AllScope -Description 'Usage: q "What is consciousness?"'

# usage
q "Describe the rules of tic-tac-toe?"

List of extension parameters

All extension parameters are optional.

Extension Parameter Type Description
Api Enabled bool Enable/disable extension. Defaults to $true.
Api Verbose bool If $true writes out parameters on startup
Api AuthToken string OpenAI auth token to use
Api Model string Model name, eg. gpt-4
Api Temperature decimal Model temperature
Api Top_P decimal Model top_p
Api Baseurl string Base url for model API
AutoSave Enabled bool Enable/disable extension. Defaults to $false.
AutoSave Path string Specifies the path the chat will be saved to, eg. ~/my-chat.json. If not specified the path ./pschat-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss").json will be used.
Functions Enabled bool Enable/disable extension. Defaults to $true.
Functions Names string[] Powershell functions to expose in the chat. Eg. @( "Get-Uptime" )
PreLoad Prompt string Simple prompt to start chat with.
PreLoad Role string Role for Prompt, for OpenAI can be user, assistant or system.
PreLoad Path string Load chat from this path eg. ./my-chat.json.
PreLoad Objects object[] Allows preloading based on PsObjects, eg. @( @{ "Role"="system"; "Content"="Hi!"; "Locked"=$true } )
PreLoad Verbose bool Makes the extension more talkative.
PreLoad Lock bool Locks the preloaded prompt/chat, so an extension like ShortTerm does not affect them.
SaveAudio Enabled bool Enable/disable extension. Defaults to $true.
SaveAudio Path string Output file path. Defaults to autogenerated based on timestamp.
SaveAudio Model string Optional TTS model to use
SaveAudio UserVoice string Maps to OpenAI voice parameter for users voice
SaveAudio AssistantVoice string Maps to OpenAI voice parameter for assistants voice
SaveAudio Response_Format string Maps to OpenAI Response_Format paramter
SaveAudio Speed decimal Maps to OpenAI speed parameter
SaveAudio ShowProgress bool Shows Powershell progress bar while processing. Defaults to $true
SaveAudio ConcatUsingFfmpeg bool FFmpeg: Merge audio clips using ffmpeg. Defaults to $true
SaveAudio TurnDelay int FFmpeg: Amount of time in ms between each audio clip. Defaults to 600
SaveAudio FfmpegExecutablePath string FFmpeg: Executable to use
SaveAudio FfmpegQuality int FFmpeg: Audio quality from 1 (best) - 10 (worst). Defaults to 3
ShortTerm Enabled bool Enable/disable extension. Defaults to $true.
ShortTerm Verbose bool Makes the extension more talkative.
ShortTerm Compress bool Compresses messages that are due to be removed.
ShortTerm CompressPrompt string Prompt to use when compressing messages to be "forgotten".
ShortTerm TokenCountThreshold int Number of (approx) tokens that triggers removal of the oldest messages. Defaults to model context size minus 1.000.
ShortTerm WordCountThreshold int Same as TokenCountThreshold, but based on words. Considered deprecated.


Commands are extensions for the UI chat, such as changing the model on-the-fly. These are available when the user enters 'h' in the chat.

Dev notes

For development this approach seems to work best:

# open chat ui (talkative, with debug)
pwsh -NoProfile -Command { Remove-Module PsChat -Force; $DebugPreference="Continue"; Import-Module ./src/PsChat/PsChat.psd1 -Verbose -Force && Invoke-PsChat }

# get anwer (quiet)
pwsh -NoProfile -Command { Remove-Module PsChat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Import-Module ./src/PsChat/PsChat.psd1 -Force && Get-PsChatAnswer "hello" }
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