
Chrome Extension that lets you beautify Hemnet with Pinterest like style gallery instead of the default image slider.



🚩 Discontinued. No longer working.

🖼️ Beautify Hemnet with Pinterest style galleries instead of the default image slider. A nicer browsing experience!


  • Clone repo or download zip
  • Open upp Google Chrome Extensions. Window → Extensions. Or goto chrome://extensions/
  • Click Developer Mode
  • Click Load Unpacked Extension
  • Navigate to the folder where you saved it

Enjoy the improved hemnet.se object pages. Just reload the page!


  • 2021-01-10: Simplify a bit
  • 2018-08-03: Show all images in the carousel as gallery images. Added large price in the top left corner. Using css-grid for better columns
  • 2017-08-18: Published the Extension to Chrome Web Store
  • 2017-05-21: Better handling of figure items, no heights in css. Nicer price design.
  • 2017-05-19: Add ribbon to price field, css width fix for wrapper
  • 2017-03-03: First version released


MIT © Urban Sanden

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