
HTTP and WebSocket server run from Chrome browser using Direct Sockets TCPServerSocket

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HTTP and WebSocket server run from Chromium and Chrome browsers using Direct Sockets TCPServerSocket.


WICG Direct Sockets specifies an API that provides TCPSocket, UDPSocket, and TCPServerSocket. Prior art: chrome.socket.

In Chromium based browsers, for example Chrome, this capability is exposed in Isolated Web Apps (IWA).

Previously we have created an IWA that we launch from arbitrary Web sites with open(), including SDP from a RTCDataChannel in query string of the URL, created in the Web page, and exchanged signals with the RTCDataChannel created in the IWA window using WICG File System Access for the ability to send data to the IWA which is then passed to a TCPSocket instance for that sends the data to a Node.js, Deno, Bun, or txiki.js TCP socket server for processing, then sends the processed data back to the Web page using RTCDataChannel in each window, see telnet-client (user-defined-tcpsocket-controller-web-api branch), which is a fork of telnet-client.

Now we will use the browser itself as a HTTP and WebSocket server over the TCPServerSocket interface.

HTTP server

Basic aspects of HTTP

HTTP is simple

HTTP is generally designed to be simple and human-readable, even with the added complexity introduced in HTTP/2 by encapsulating HTTP messages into frames. HTTP messages can be read and understood by humans, providing easier testing for developers, and reduced complexity for newcomers.

We'll also note this claim on the MDN Web Docs page from Client: the user-agent

The browser is always the entity initiating the request. It is never the server (though some mechanisms have been added over the years to simulate server-initiated messages).

is not technically accurate, as we'll demonstrate below, in code.

Some further reading about HTTP can be found here HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

The reason for and use of the Access-Control-Request-Private-Network and Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network headers can be found here Private Network Access: introducing preflights.

An article and example of a basic HTTP server with comments explaining what is going on, including comments in the code, written in C, can be found here Making a simple HTTP webserver in C. We have previously used that example to create a simple HTTP Web server for QuickJS, which does not include a built-in Web server in the compiled qjs executable, see webserver-c (quickjs-webserver branch).

WebSocket server

For the WebSocket implementation WebSocket - binary broadcast example (pure NodeJs implementation without any dependency) is used.

Isolated Web App and Signed Web Bundle

  • Substitute Web Cryptography API (wbn-sign-webcrypto) for node:crypto implementation of Ed25519 algorithm
  • Install and run same JavaScript source code in different JavaScript runtimes, e.g., node, deno, bun
  • Integrity Block V2 supported


  • Create valid close frame (server to client) for WebSocket server; currently we abort the request in the server with AbortController when the WebSocket client closes the connection. Completed.
  • Substitute ArrayBuffer, DataView, TypedArray for Node.js Buffer polyfill
  • TLS and HTTP/2 support
  • Create Signed Web Bundle and Isolated Web App in the browser


Fetch dependencies

bun install


npm install


deno add npm:wbn

Signed Web Bundle/Isolated Web App source files

Entry point is assets directory which contains index.html, script.js, .well-known directory with manifest.webmanifest, and any other scripts or resources to be bundled.

Generate private and public keys, write to file system

This only has to be done once. generateWebCryptoKeys.js can be run with node, deno, or bun.

deno -A generateWebCryptoKeys.js

Build the Signed Web Bundle and Isolated Web App

Write signed.swbn to current directory


node --experimental-default-type=module index.js


bun run index.js


deno -A --unstable-byonm index.js

Dynamically fetch dependencies and create node_module folder and create the .swbn file and IWA

deno -A --import-map=import-map.json --unstable-byonm index.js

Build/rebuild wbn-bundle.js from webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle/src/index.ts with bun

  1. git clone
  2. cd webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle
  3. bun install -p
  4. In src/index.ts comment line 18, : EnforcedPlugin, line 32 const opts = await getValidatedOptionsWithDefaults(rawOpts); and lines 65-121, because I will not be using Rollup
  5. Bundle with Bun bun build --target=node --format=esm --sourcemap=none --outfile=webpackage-bundle.js ./webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle/src/index.ts
  6. Create reference to Web Cryptography API that will be used in the code in the bundled script instead of node:crypto directly import { webcrypto } from "node:crypto";
  7. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/utils/utils.js use switch ( {
  8. getRawPublicKey becomes an async function for substituting const exportedKey = await webcrypto.subtle.exportKey("spki", publicKey); for publicKey.export({ type: "spki", format: "der" });
  9. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/signers/integrity-block-signer.js use const publicKey = await signingStrategy.getPublicKey(); and [getPublicKeyAttributeName(publicKey)]: await getRawPublicKey(publicKey); verifySignature() also becomes an async function where const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519" }; const isVerified = await webcrypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, publicKey, signature, data); is substituted for const isVerified = crypto2.verify(undefined, data, publicKey, signature);
  10. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/web-bundle-id.js serialize() function becomes async for return base32Encode(new Uint8Array([...await getRawPublicKey(this.key), ...this.typeSuffix]), "RFC4648", { padding: false }).toLowerCase();; and serializeWithIsolatedWebAppOrigin() becomes an async function for return ${this.scheme}${await this.serialize()}/;; toString() becomes an async function for return Web Bundle ID: ${await this.serialize()} Isolated Web App Origin: ${await this.serializeWithIsolatedWebAppOrigin()};
  11. In src/index.ts export {WebBundleId, bundleIsolatedWebApp};
  12. In index.js, the entry point for how I am creating the SWBN and IWA I get the public and private keys created with Web Cryptography API, and use Web Cryptography API to sign and verify

Install Isolated Web App using Signed Web Bundle

Navigate to chrome://web-app-internals/, on the line beginning with Install IWA from Signed Web Bundle: click Select file... and select signed.swbn.


See https.js and ws.js in examples directory.

We could recently open the IWA window from arbitrary Web sites in DevTools console or Snippets with

var iwa = open("isolated-app://<IWA_ID>");

iwa: Mark isolated-app: as being handled by Chrome evidently had the side effect of blocking that capability, see"isolated-app://") is blocked. isolated-web-app-utilities provides approaches to open the IWA window from arbitrary Web sites, chrome:, chrome-extension: URL's.

HTTP and WebSocket server

const socket = new TCPServerSocket("", {
    localPort: 44818,

  const {
    readable: server,
  } = await socket.opened;

  console.log({ server });
  // TODO: Handle multiple connections
  await server.pipeTo(
    new WritableStream({
      async write(connection) {
        const {
          readable: client,
        } = await connection.opened;
        console.log({ connection });
        const writer = writable.getWriter();

        const abortable = new AbortController();
        const { signal } = abortable;
        // Text streaming
        // .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
        await client.pipeTo(
          new WritableStream({
            start(controller) {             
            async write(r, controller) {
              // Do stuff with encoded request
              const request = decoder.decode(r);
              // HTTP and WebSocket request and response logic              
              // Create and send valid WebSocket close frame to client
              await writer.write(new Uint8Array([0x88, 0x00])); // 136, 0
              await writer.close();
              return await writer.closed;
            close: () => {
              console.log("Client closed");
            abort(reason) {
        , {signal}).catch(console.warn);
      close() {
        console.log("Host closed");
      abort(reason) {
        console.log("Host aborted", reason);
  ).then(() => console.log("Server closed")).catch(console.warn);

HTTP client

Using WHATWG Fetch

fetch("", {
  method: "post",
  body: "test",
  headers: {
    "Access-Control-Request-Private-Network": true,
  .then((r) => r.text()).then((text) =>

WebSocket client

var wss = new WebSocketStream("ws://");
wss.closed.catch((e) => {});
wss.opened.catch((e) => {});
var {
} = await wss.opened.catch(console.error);
var writer = writable.getWriter();
var abortable = new AbortController();
var {
} = abortable;
// .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
var pipe = readable.pipeTo(
  new WritableStream({
    start(c) {
      console.log("Start", c);
    async write(v) {
      console.log(v, decoder.decode(v));
    close() {
      console.log("Socket closed");
    abort(reason) {
      // console.log({ reason });
).then(() => ({ done: true, e: null })).catch((e) => ({ done: true, e }));

var encoder = new TextEncoder();
var decoder = new TextDecoder();
var encode = (text) => encoder.encode(text);
await writer.write(encode("X"));
// Later on close the WebSocketStream connection
await writer.close().catch(() => pipe).then(console.log);


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