
Chrome Extension to open a zeplin current tab screen url in zeplin app

MIT License


Zeplin Open In App Chrome Extension

Opens a zeplin current tab screen url in zeplin app

(Only works with screen as of now)

To-Do : Add customization to open any zeplin url in the respective zeplin app window

How it works

Go to a screen of zeplin with url like this https://app.zeplin.io/project/xxxxx/screen/yyyyy in chrome and click on the extension icon. It will prompt you to open current screen in zeplin app client if it's installed locally.

It can be useful when you want to use pop out feature for given screen which is available in app only.

To download a GitHub repository and configure a Chrome extension locally:

  1. Click the "Code" button above the file list.
  2. Download the repository as a ZIP file by clicking "Download ZIP".
  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a local directory on your computer.
  4. To load the extension in Chrome, open the Chrome Extensions page chrome://extensions/, enable "Developer mode" (from top right), and click "Load unpacked" to select the extracted folder (the folder that contains manifest.json).
  5. The Chrome extension should now be installed and available in your browser.
  6. Pin the extension so that it stays visible.