
Run a browser extension in a sandboxed web browser and without any fear of corrupting or loosing your real data.

MIT License


Browser Extension Automation

Run a browser extension in a sandboxed web browser, completely isolated from your main / daily web browser, and without any fear of corrupting or loosing your real data.

Whom is this script intended for?

  • Software engineers for unit testing purposes.
  • Quality assurance engineers for quality control purposes.
  • Product owners for demonstration purposes.
  • Cybersecurity engineers for security testing purposes.

For demonstration purposes, this script is based on MetaMask (v11.13.1) browser extension for Chrome web browser, but can easily be modified to suit all of your needs.

As of this writing, Playwright only supports Chromium browser extensions.

Tested on:

  • macOS Sonoma 14.0
  • Windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Pro
  • Kali Linux 2024.1 (Debian)

Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!

Future plans:

  • add more security related flows.

Table of Contents

How to Run

Open your preferred console from /src/ and run the commands shown below.

Install required packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install Chromium web browser:

playwright install chromium

Make sure each time you upgrade your Playwright dependency to re-install Chromium web browser.

Install MetaMask to your main / daily web browser.

Run the script:


Environment Setup

To set up a sandboxed environment, run:

python3 -s my_automation_session

If -s option is not specified, a new random user session directory will be created in your current working directory; otherwise, do the setup in your desired directory.

If -e option is not specified, the script will try to locate, copy, and load the copied browser extension for you based on the identifier; otherwise, do the same from the directory you specified.

If -t option is not specified, the script will open a web browser and only load the browser extension.

To continue using the same browser session, simply run the above command again.

If you wish to update your browser extension, then, inside your my_automation_session directory, delete the browser_extension directory and simply run the above command again.

If a browser extension already exists in your user session directory, you will be prompted to overwrite it.

Manually Load a Browser Extension

Unpack your desired Chrome browser extension, then, load the dist directory:

python3 -s my_automation_session -e dist --dev

To switch the internal script settings to the development environment, add --dev option.

For Developers

Follow the comments inside the source code for more information.


Automation v1.1 ( )

Usage: python3 [-b browser] [-s session] [-e extension] [-i identifier] [-p password] [-t test] [-v value] [-w wait] [--dev] [-x proxy]

    Browser extension automation script
    Browser to run
    Default: chromium
    -b, --browser = chromium
    User session directory
    Default: random
    -s, --session = my_automation_session | etc.
    Browser extension directory
    Default: auto-located based on the identifier
    -e, --extension = dist | "/Users/john.doe/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/11.13.1_0" | etc.
    Browser extension identifier
    Default: nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
    -i, --identifier = nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn | etc.
    Browser extension setup and unlock password
    Default: Password123!
    -p, --password = my_password | etc.
    Test to run
    Default: open
    -t, --test = open | create | existing | unlock | brute_force_unlock | idle_lock | access_control
    Pass an extra value to a specific test
        existing:           pass a mnemonic
        unlock:             pass a [wrong] password
        unlock_brute_force: pass a wordlist
        access_control:     pass a lock state
    -v, --value = "w1 w2 ... w12" | WrongPassword123! | wordlist.txt | locked | unlocked | etc.
    Wait time between browser actions
    Default: 2
    -w, --wait = 2 | etc.
    Switch the internal script settings to the development environment
    -d, --dev
    Web proxy to use
    -x, --proxy =
    Display this help message
    -h, --help


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