
A browser service with a REST API


Browserlify - browser as a service

Browserlify is a browser service:

  • Content API: Retrieve web page content by URL, supporting PDF generation, screenshot capture, text extraction, and HTML dumping.
  • Headless Chrome: Connect to Headless Chrome via WebSocket and perform testing using Puppeteer.
  • 🔥 Remote Browser: Implement a remote browser based on noVNC, allowing browser access through a web interface.

With Browserlify, you can easily access web content, automate testing with Headless Chrome, and enjoy the convenience of a remote browser.

🚀 They is a cloud browser demo. 👏


How to run (via docker)

mkdir -p -m 777 `pwd`/data
docker run  -ti --rm --privileged  --shm-size=500m\
  -v `pwd`/data:/tmp/browserlify \
  -p 9000:9000 shenjinti/browserlify:latest

visit http://localhost:9000

Run via cargo & puppeteer (local development)

Note: you need to install puppeteer and rust first remote browser Only tested on linux

# for linux dev 
$ sudo apt-get install x11vnc xvfb scrot pkg-config libssl-dev chromium-browser 

$ cd browserlify
$ cargo run

Test via puppeteer

  const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
    browserWSEndpoint: `ws://localhost:9000`,
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');
  await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });

Session API

  • /list - list all session
  • /kill/:session_id - kill session by id
  • /kill_all - kill all sessions

Content API

  • The parameters:
  "url": "",

  "file_name": "example.pdf",
  "timeout": 60000, // total timeout: milliseconds
  "wait_load": 1000, // wait for load: milliseconds
  "selector": "#main", // wait for selector: css selector
  "images": true, // wait for images loaded
  "network_idle": 1000, // wait for network idle: milliseconds
  "page_ready": true,
  "scroll_bottom": 1000, // milliseconds
  "scroll_interval": 1000, // milliseconds

  "paper_width": 8.5, //pdf: inches
  "paper_height": 11, //pdf: inches
  "scale": 1,
  "margin_top": 0.4, // inches
  "margin_bottom": 0.4, // inches
  "margin_left": 0.4, // inches
  "margin_right": 0.4, // inches
  "background": true, // pdf: print background
  "landscape": false, // landscape or portrait
  "page_ranges": "1-5",  // pdf: page ranges: 1-5, 1,2,3
  "device": "ipad",  // emulate device: iphone, ipad, 2k, 4k
  "disable_link": true,  // pdf: disable link
  "paper_size": "A4",  // pdf: paper size: A4, A3, Letter, Legal
  "header_template": "<div>Header</div>",
  "footer_template": "<div>Footer</div>",
  "format": "png",    // screenshot: format: png, jpeg, pdf
  "quality": 100,     // screenshot: only used for jpeg format
  "clip": "0,0,800,600",   // screenshot: clip the screenshot to the specified rectangle
  "full_page": true,       // screenshot: capture the full scrollable page, not just the viewport
  "author": "Browserlify", // pdf: author
  • /pdf - generate pdf from url
curl "http://localhost:9000/pdf?url=" > browserlify.pdf
  • /screenshot - generate screenshot from url
curl "http://localhost:9000/screenshot?url=" > browserlify.png
  • /text - dump dom text from url
curl "http://localhost:9000/text?url=" > browserlify.txt
  • /html - dump html content from url
curl "http://localhost:9000/html?url=" > browserlify.html