
Autograd experiments in Clojure.

EPL-1.0 License



These are some experiments to bring a pytorch-like autograd 1 2 library to Clojure. This is not primarily a neural network library, but rather a means of abstraction to calculate gradients for scientific computing. clj-autograd is built with denisovan, a core.matrix backend for neanderthal at the moment, because we want to be as fast as possible with linear algebra and build competitive deep learning and Bayesian inference on top. We hope to keep the general autograd machinery portable along core.matrix backends, but will explore optionally inlined neanderthal operations, where they improve performance.

Feel free to drop in slack or gitter and ask me questions.

Do not consider the API stable yet, there will be quite some changes to a terse math notation.


To build a logistic regression model and do gradient descent with the automatic gradient, you can do something like this:

(let [X (tape (m/matrix [[5 2] [-1 0] [5 2]]))
          Y (tape (m/matrix [1 0 1]))
          c (tape 0 true)
          b (tape (m/matrix [0 0]) true)]
      (loop [i 1000]
        (when (pos? i)
          (let [Y* (sigmoid (add (mul X b) (broadcast-like c Y)))
                out (bcrossent Y* Y)
                grads ((:backward out) out 1)]
            (when (zero? (mod i 100))
              (prn "Loss:" @(:data out) ", b:"  @(:data b) ", c:" @(:data c)))
            (gd! grads)
            (recur (dec i)))))
      (is (= (seq @(:data (sigmoid (add (mul X b) (broadcast-like c Y)))))
             '(0.9998655456159079 0.04813488562019285 0.9998655456159079))))

Look also at the tests for more examples.


  • polymorphic product for scalar, vector, matrix, tensor
  • identity of Variable? yes, as atom for inplace ops
  • trace shapes
    1. demo
    • linear regression DONE
    • gradient check DONE
  • basic operations to classify MNIST:
  • loss: sub, pow DONE
  • forward with (mini)batches:
    • mmul DONE
  • activations:
  • sigmoid DONE
  • requires_grad DONE
  • optimizer DONE
  • lazyness?
  • figure out how to do in-place ops?


Copyright 2017 Christian Weilbach

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.