
Clojure server-sent events Event Source client

EPL-1.0 License



A Clojure server-sent events event stream client. Provides a core.async based interface for consuming events.


cjohansen/clj-event-source {:mvn/version "2019.11.30"}


This library is implemented on top of, which requires JDK 11.


clj-event-source allows you to consume events from an event stream over a core.async channel. The vals put on the channel will be maps with:

  • :kind - a keyword
  • :content - depends on the :kind, see below

:kind will take one of four values:

  • :meta - Process information from clj-event-source. Basically a log message.
    See below for details.
  • :error - An error occurred. :content will be an error object
  • :message - A message without the event field was received over the event
    stream. :content will be an event.
  • :event - An event was received over the event stream. :content will be an


(let [event-stream (event-source/connect "http://localhost:9119/event-stream")]
  (go-loop []
    (if-let [msg (<! event-stream)]
        (case (:kind msg)
          :error (println "Encountered error" (:content msg))
          :message (let [{:keys [id data]} (:content msg)]
                     (println "Message without event" id data))
          :event (let [{:keys [id event data]} (:content msg)]
                   (println "Message with event" id event data)))
      (println "Event source disconnected")))
  (Thread/sleep 60000)
  (close! event-stream))

If you want to control the buffer size etc, you can supply your own chan when connecting:

(event-source/connect "http://localhost:9119/event-stream" {:chan my-chan})

Event stream events

The event stream event is a map:

  • :data - a string
  • :id - a string
  • :event - a string

The map will never be empty, but it may have any combination of 1, 2, or all of these keys.

Meta events

The library emits meta events instead of logging directly. Meta events always have an :event key in :content:

  • :retry means the connection was lost and a retry is about to be attempted.
    This event will also have :retry-attempts, the number of retries tried so
    far (including this), and :retry-after, which indicates for how long it will
    wait until attempting the retry.
  • :no-connection means the connection was lost an retries are exhausted - the
    channel is about to close. Contains :retry-attempts, the number of retries


clj-event-source.core.async/connect takes an optional second parameter - a map of parameters:

  • :chan - the channel to use for relaying messages
  • :retry-attempts - number of times to retry a failed connection. Defaults to
    3 times. This number of retries will be attempted for every lost connection.
    If the connection is re-established after 2 retries, the next time the
    connection is lost, 3 new retries will be attempted before giving up.
  • :retry-delay - the number of milliseconds to wait between retries.
    Optionally this can be a vector of numbers. The default value is [1000 2000 3000] which means wait 1 second before the first retry, 2 seconds before the
    second retry, and 3 seconds before any subsequent retry.


Copyright © 2019 Christian Johansen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.