
Hacking up some rich numerics for clojurescript



This library is deprecated

Because I made a better one that does the same thing: exact.

The old README

cljs-numbers is currently a library for doing exact arithmetic (big-integers and ratios) in ClojureScript. No assumptions should be made about its performance or correctness.

Maybe in the future (if needed and wanted) it could include a full numeric tower.

Getting it

In the project.clj:

[com.gfredericks/cljs-numbers "0.1.2"]


The cljs-numbers.core namespace gives its own versions of most of the core math functions. So if you want to use them nakedly, you'll have to have a rather elaborate ns declaration to exclude the clojure.core versions.

  (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / = < > <= >= zero? pos? neg?])
  (:require-macros [cljs-numbers.macros :refer [num-literals]])
  (:require [cljs-numbers.core :refer [+ - * / = < > <= >= bigint bigint?
                                       ratio? double? zero? pos? neg?]]
            ;; in case we need the normal stuff
            [cljs.core :as cljs]))

  (.log js/console (str (+ 84/7 4828948388888888888888838488441110N))))


  • Look into extending compiler instead of num-literals
  • Make string versions of Ratio and Integer look nice

Running Tests

Run lein cljsbuild once, then load tests.html in a browser.