
Clojure in-memory database modeled on sets, not tables. Comprehend supports pattern matching, forward matching, rewriting, and transactional storage.

EPL-1.0 License



Clojure in-memory database modeled on sets, not tables. Comprehend supports pattern matching, forward matching, rewriting, and transactional storage. Indexes are lazily constructed and stored in replaceable caches. Queries are evaluated using parallel folding.

Comprehend contains a data structure for immutable indexed sets and a macro comprehend for pattern matching on such sets. It also comes with features that make it easy to update indexed sets based on pre-existing patterns.

Indexed sets effectively serve as in-memory databases, but are just as easy to set up as native Clojure sets. The syntax for the comprehend macro is reminiscent of the set comprehension idiom {expr : {pattern1, pattern2, …} ⊆ S}.

Comprehend also comes with a mutable abstraction for indexed sets. This abstraction can be used as a transactional flat-file database.

Basic usage

To start, create a Leiningen project and add the following dependency to project.clj:

Next, load Comprehend as follows:

(require '[comprehend :as c])

Creating indexed sets is no different than creating other collections in Clojure:

(c/indexed-set 1 2 3) ; indexed counterpart of (hash-set 1 2 3)

The functions cons, conj, disj, contains?, get, count, hash, empty, and seq operate on indexed sets as expected. Moreover, (s k) = (get s k) if s is an indexed set, and if k is a symbol or keyword then (k s) = (get s k).

Use the function c/indexed-set? to test if an object is an indexed set. Use c/index to convert an existing set into an indexed set. Similarly, c/unindex converts an indexed set into a regular (hash) set.

Indexed sets shine when performing pattern matching:

(def s (c/indexed-set [:person 1] [:person 2] [:person 3]
                      [:parent-of 1 2] [:parent-of 2 3] [:parent-of 3 4]))
(c/comprehend s
              [:parent-of a b] ; pattern 1
              [:parent-of b c] ; pattern 2
              [:grandparent-of a c]) ; result expression
;=> ([:grandparent-of 1 3] [:grandparent-of 2 4])

In the above example we match the patterns [:parent-of a b] and [:parent-of b c] on the indexed set s. For every match we yield the pattern [:grandparent-of a c].

It is also possible to match on patterns in subcollections:

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set [[1 2]] [[2 3]] [[1 2 3]])
              [[1 x]]
;=> (2)

Like core.match, vector patterns will match only vectors of the same member count but map patterns will also match supermaps:

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set {1 2 3 4})
              {x y}
              [x y])
;=> ([1 2] [3 4])

Similar to core.match, unbound symbols are interpreted as logical variables:

(def bound-symb 1)
(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set [1 2] [3 4])
              [bound-symb unbound-symb]
              [bound-symb unbound-symb])
;=> ([1 2])

Notice that round brackets () in patterns are not interpreted as lists, contrary to core.match. There's no need to as Comprehend considers sequential structures interchangeble, and so you can simply use square brackets [] to do pattern matching on lists. This has the advantage that functions can be called from within patterns:

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set [0 1] [1 2])
              [(dec 1) x]
;=> (1)

Using patterns to navigate nested structures

When a complex pattern matches a nested structure, it can sometimes be useful to navigate from the atomic variables to the collections that contain them.

Use c/up or c/top within a result expression to obtain the collections that were matched as containing the variable x.

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set [1 2 3])
              [x y 3]
              (c/up x))
;=> (([1 2 3]))

When c/up is applied to a variable that matches a map key or value, it returns the matching key-value pairs:

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set {:a 1} {:b 1} {:a 2 :b 2})
              {:a x}
              (c/up x))
;=> (([:a 1]) ([:a 2])}))

Additionally, c/up takes an optional second argument n for navigating upwards n steps.

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set {:a 1} {:b 1} {:a 2 :b 2})
              {:a x}
              (c/up x 2))
;=> (({:a 1}) ({:b 2, :a 2}))

Notice that c/up and c/top return lists of containers. The following example illustrates why a pattern may have more than one matching container.

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set #{:a 1} #{[:a] 2} #{[[:a]] 3})
              (c/top x))
;=> ((#{2 [:a]} #{3 [[:a]]}))

Updating indexed sets

There's a macro c/rcomprehend that is to c/comprehend as reduce is to map. It is useful when updating indexed sets based on existing patterns:

(c/rcomprehend [s (c/indexed-set [1] [2] [3])]
               (conj s [(- x)]))
;=> (c/indexed-set [1] [-1] [2] [-2] [3] [-3])

Notice that a let-like syntax is used for the first argument to c/rcomprehend. On the first match s is bound to the indexed-set containing the elements [1], [2], and [3]. For every match an updated indexed set is returned, and this updated result is bound to s for the next match (if any).

The let-like syntax can also be used with c/comprehend, in which case s is bound to the same indexed set for every match.

Forward matching

Forward pattern matching refers to pattern matching that only returns results that are new relative to some previous state.

Comprehend comes with a function c/mark for naming past states. Consider the following indexed set:

(-> (c/indexed-set 1)
    (c/mark :a :b)
    (conj 2)
    (c/mark :a)
    (conj 3))

In this set, :a marks the state where the indexed set contains 1 and 2 but not 3. Similarly, :b marks the point where the indexed set contained 1 but 2 and 3 had not yet been added.

Pass the keyword :mark as the first argument to c/comprehend or c/rcomprehend to limit results to matches that are new relative to the marker that immediately follows :mark:

(c/comprehend :mark "marker"
              (-> (c/indexed-set [1 2] [2 3])
                  (c/mark "marker")
                  (conj [3 4]))
              [a b]
              [b c]
              [a b c])
;=> ([2 3 4])

When :mark is used in combination with let-syntax, as previously discussed in relation to c/rcomprehend, the bound indexed set is marked afresh.

(c/comprehend :mark :a
              [s (-> (c/indexed-set 1)
                     (c/mark :a)
                     (conj 2))]
              {x (c/comprehend :mark :a
                               (conj s 3)
;=> ({2 (3)})

Finally, use c/unmark to remove markers from an indexed set. Like c/mark, it takes an indexed set and a variable number of markers as arguments.

Mutable and stored indexed sets

The namespace comprehend.mutable contains a mutable abstraction for indexed sets.

(require '[comprehend.mutable :as cm])

(def db (cm/mutable-indexed-set))

(cm/conj db 1)
(cm/conj db 2)
(cm/disj db 2)
(cm/conj db 3)

(seq @db)
;=> (1 3)

Behind the scenes mutable indexed sets maintain a ref to a regular (immutable) indexed set. Use the functions cm/conj, cm/disj, cm/mark, and cm/unmark to update mutable indexed sets. Use deref (or @) to obtain the backing immutable container.

Upon instantiation it is possible to configure mutable sets to load and save data via a custom function. When given no arguments, the function should return a sequence to load into the indexed set. Whenever the mutable indexed set is modified, the function is called in a separate thread with two arguments—the updated immutable indexed set and a changelog.

(defn f
  ([] [1 2 3])
  ([s diff] (println diff "=>" s)))

(def db (cm/mutable-indexed-set f))

(cm/conj db 4) ; {4 :added} => #{1 2 3 4}
(cm/disj db 4) ; {4 :removed} => #{1 2 3}
(cm/conj db 5) ; {5 :added} => #{1 2 3 5}

Transactions are supported using Clojure's software transactional memory (STM):

  (cm/conj db 6)
  (cm/disj db 6)
  (cm/conj db 7)) ; {6 :removed, 7 :added} => #{1 2 3 5 7}

Moreover, changelogs from different transactions are coalesced when db is modified faster than f can handle.

Building on the above features, comprehend.mutable comes with a flat file database out of the box. The following code creates a mutable indexed set whose contents are loaded from "example.edn":

(def db (cm/stored-indexed-set "example.edn"))

Whenever cm/conj or cm/disj is used on db, the new contents are written to the same file. Note that markers and other metadata are not currently serialized to disk.

Replaceable caches

By default, indexed sets use a soft cache. This means that the responsibility of disposing of indexes is delegated to the garbage collector. Use c/index to swap in a custom cache:

(c/index s cache)

Here, s can either be an indexed or a regular set; cache is expected to be an object that implements both clojure.core.cache/CacheProtocol from core.cache and c/CacheProtocolExtension.

The purpose of c/CacheProtocolExtension is to allow for caching mechanisms that evict obsolete intermediate results as elements are added or removed. Such a cache is currently not included out of the box, however.

Notice that for some types of caches it might be useful to inspect the cache key. This key is defined as [f args] and its associated value is (delay (apply f args)).

Other features

A c/comprehend expression may return ::c/skip to filter results:

(c/comprehend (c/indexed-set 1 2 3 4)
              (if (even? x)
;=> (2 4)

The macro c/auto-comprehend is used like c/comprehend but with the last argument (the result expression) omitted. Instead c/auto-comprehend always returns maps from variables-as-keywords to values:

(c/auto-comprehend (c/indexed-set [1 [2 [3]]]
                                  [10 [20 [30 [40]]]])
                   [a [b c]])
;=> ({:a 1 :b 2 :c [3]} {:a 10 :b 20 :c [30 [40]]})

Sets are considered equivalent by = if and only if they are indexed and marked equivalently.

(assert (not= (c/indexed-set 1)
              (c/mark (c/indexed-set 1) :a)))

(assert (= (-> (c/indexed-set 1)
               (conj 2)
               (c/mark :a))
           (-> (c/indexed-set 1)
               (c/mark :a)
               (conj 2)
               (c/mark :a))))

(assert (not= (c/indexed-set 1) #{1}))

Finally, the package contains several functions that may come in handy when using Comprehend. For example, it contains a macro for computing fixed points. This is useful for closing indexed sets under a rewriting operation. The following example computes the transitive closure of an indexed set:

(require '[ :as ct])

(ct/fixpoint [s (c/indexed-set [1 2] [2 3] [3 4])]
             (c/rcomprehend [s' s]
                            [a b]
                            [b c]
                            (conj s' [a c])))
;=> (c/indexed-set [1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [1 3] [2 4] [1 4])

Similarly, (ct/fix f) returns a function that iteratively applies f to its arguments until a fixed point is found, which it then returns.

Further information

For more information see these blog posts:

More examples:


Copyright © 2014 Jonas De Vuyst

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.