
Data Eval Return Loop. A REPL-based Clojure IDE

EPL-1.0 License



Data Eval Return Loop (pronounced like Daryll). A REPL-based Clojure IDE.

Why does it exist?

Because code is data, data is code. Why are we bringing text into it?

Traditional editors are more optimized for Algol-like syntax. Parinfer and Paredit can improve the Lisp experience, but why not just stick with data.

See the blog post describing my motivations for more detail.

What is it?

Right now (0.1.0) is just a JavaFX prepl client. Not exactly an IDE or embodying any of the data-oriented editing. That's to come.

How do I use it?

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run clojure -M:derl


Copyright (C) 2020 Andrew Oberstar

This program is available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 for maximal compatibility with Clojure. See the LICENSE file for full terms.