
DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript inspired by Enlive.



Enfocus is a DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript. Inspired by Christophe Grand's Enlive, Enfocus' primary purpose is providing a base for building rich interfaces in ClojureScript.

If you are unfamiliar with enlive I also recommend taking a look at these links.

David Nolen wrote a nice tutorial

Another tutorial by Brian Marick.

Documentation & Examples

Documentation & Demo Site

Example Website

Where do I get support?

On the group

Quick Start


From any leiningen project file:

For the best development experience, use lein-cljsbuild

The Basics

Every great journey starts with "Hello world!"

(ns my.namespace
  (:require [enfocus.core :as ef]
            [enfocus.events :as events]
	    [enfocus.effects :as effects])
  (:require-macros [enfocus.macros :as em]))

(defn start []
  (ef/at js/document
    ["body"] (ef/content "Hello enfocus!")))

(set! (.-onload js/window) start)

See hello-enfocus repo.

The at form

At the core to understanding Enfocus is the at form used in the "Hello world!" example above. It comes in two basic flavors listed below:

A single transform

(at a-node (transform arg1 ...))

;or with implied js/document

(at selector (transform arg1 ...))

and a series of transforms

(at a-node
    [selector1] (transform1 arg1 ...)
    [selector2] (transform2 arg1 ...))

;or with implied js/document

(at [selector1] (transform1 arg1 ...)
    [selector2] (transform2 arg1 ...))

In the first case at is passed a node, node set or selector and a transform. This form of at calls the transform on each element in the node set.

A transform is nothing more than a function that takes a set of arguments and returns a function that takes a set of nodes. In case of the "Hello World!" example above, we see the use of (em/content "Hello world!") this call returns a function that takes node or node set and replaces the content with "Hello world!"

In the second case, we see at is optionally passed a node or node set and a set of selector/transform pairs. The selectors are scoped by the node, node set or js/document, if a node is not passed in, and the results of each selector is passed on to its partner transformation.

A selector is a string representing a CSS3 compliant selector

Handling Events

Enfocus has event handling. Below is a simple example to add an onclick event handler to a button.

(em/defaction change [msg]
  ["#button1"] (ef/content msg))

(em/defaction setup []
  ["#button1"] (events/listen :click #(change "I have been clicked")))

(set! (.-onload js/window) setup)

The defaction construct is use here instead defn. defaction creates a function that calls the at form like discussed above and passes in js/document as the node to be transformed.


Enfocus has the concept of effects. Effects are nothing more than transformations over a period of time. Below is a simple example of a resize effect. Notice how the effects can be chained.

(em/defaction resize-div [width]
  ["#rz-demo"] (effects/chain
                 (effects/resize width :curheight 500 20)
                 (effects/resize 5 :curheight 500 20)))

(em/defaction setup []
  ["#button2"] (events/listen #(resize-div 200)))

(set! (.-onload js/window) setup)

Actions, templates and snippets

A snippet is a function that returns a seq of nodes, it can be used as a building block for more complex templates or actions.

You define a snippet by providing a remote resource, a selector and series of transformations.

The snippet definition below selects a table body from the remote resource templates/template1.html and grabs the first row. It then fills the content of the row.

(em/defsnippet snippet2 "templates/template1.html" ["tbody > *:first-child"]
               [fruit quantity]
               ["tr > *:first-child"] (ef/content fruit)
               ["tr > *:last-child"] (ef/content (str quantity)))

A template is very similar to a snippet except it does not require a selector to grap a sub section, instead the entire remote resource is used as the dom. If the remote resource is a full html document only what is inside the body tag is brought into the template.

(em/deftemplate template2 "/templates/template1.html" [fruit-data]
                ["#heading1"] (ef/content "fruit")
                ["thead tr > *:last-child"] (ef/content "quantity")
                ["tbody"] (ef/content
                           (map #(snippit2 % (fruit-data %)) (keys fruit-data))))

Normally, snippets and templates are loaded via an AJAX request, but you can also create :compiled templates, which will be inlined in to resulting code at compile time:

(em/deftemplate template2 :compiled "/templates/template1.html" [fruit-data]
                ["#heading1"] (ef/content "fruit")
                ["thead tr > *:last-child"] (ef/content "quantity")
                ["tbody"] (ef/content
                           (map #(snippit2 % (fruit-data %)) (keys fruit-data))))

If, snippets and/or templates are loaded via AJAX it is important to make sure the content has been loaded before calling the template or snippit function. Enfocus provides a convient macro that works like an onload callback but for AJAX driven snippets and templates.

(em/wait-for-load (render-page))

An action is a set of transforms that take place on the live dom. below is a definition of a an action.

(em/defaction action2 []
             [".cool[foo=false]"] (ef/content (template2 {"banana" 5 "pineapple" 10}))
             ["#heading1"] (ef/set-attr :id "new-heading1"))

Enfocus also support hiccup style emitters introduced in enlive "1.1.0".

(defn hiccup-template [arg1]
    [:h1#hiccup.clazz {:width arg1} "Hiccup Emitters are Cool"]))


A transformation is a function that returns either a node or collection of node.

Enfocus defines several helper functions for transformations:

Supported Enlive Transformations

  content            (content "xyz" a-node "abc")
  html-content       (html-content "<blink>please no</blink>")
  set-attr           (set-attr :attr1 "val1" :attr2 "val2")
  remove-attr        (remove-attr :attr1 :attr2)
  add-class          (add-class "foo" "bar")
  remove-class       (remove-class "foo" "bar")
  do->               (do-> transformation1 transformation2)
  append             (append "xyz" a-node "abc")
  prepend            (prepend "xyz" a-node "abc")
  after              (after "xyz" a-node "abc")
  before             (before "xyz" a-node "abc")
  substitute         (substitute "xyz" a-node "abc")
  clone-for          (clone-for [item items] transformation)
                     or (clone-for [item items]
                          selector1 transformation1
                          selector2 transformation2)
  wrap               (wrap :div) or (wrap :div {:class "foo"})
  unwrap             (unwrap)
  replace-vars       (replace-vars {:var1 "value" :var2 "value")

New Transformations

  focus              (focus)
  blur               (blur)
  set-prop           (set-prop :value "testing")
  set-style          (set-style :font-size "10px" :background "#fff")
  remove-style       (remove-style :font-size :background)
  listen             (listen :mouseover (fn [event] ...))
  remove-listeners   (remove-listeners :mouseover :mouseout)
  fade-in            (fade-in time)
                     or (fade-in time callback)
                     or (fade-in time callback accelerator)
  fade-out           (fade-out time)
                     or (fade-out time callback)
  resize             (resize width height ttime)
                     or (resize width height ttime callback)
                     or (resize width height ttime callback accelerator)
  move               (move x y ttime)
                     or (move x y ttime callback)
                     or (move x y ttime callback accelerator)
  scroll             (scroll x y ttime)
  		     or (scroll x y ttime callback)
		     or (scroll x y ttime callback accelerator)
  chain              (chain (fade-in ttime) ;serialize async effects
                            (move x y ttime)
                            (fade-out ttime)
  set-data           (set-data key value)

Currently there is one transformation that is supported by Enlive but not Enfocus. (Patches very welcome!!)

  move               (move [:.footnote] [:#footnotes] content)
                     ;this will be called relocate in enfocus


Enfocus supports both CSS3 and XPath selectors:

(ns example
  (:require [enfocus.core :as ef])
  (:require-macros [enfocus.macros :as em]))

(em/defaction action2 []
             [".cool[foo=false]"] (ef/content ....)) ;CSS3
             (ef/xpath "//tr[@id='1']/th[2]") (ef/set-attr :id "new-heading1")) ;XPATH

The from form

The from form is how we get data from the dom in enfocus. It comes in two basic flavors listed below:

This form returns the result of the extractor.

(from a-node (extractor arg1 ...))

;or with selector

(from selector (extractor arg1 ...))

and this form returns a map of the form {:key1 result1 :key2 result2}

(from a-node
    :key1 [selector1] (extractor arg1 ...)
    :key2 [selector2] (extractor arg1 ...))

;or implied js/documnt

    :key1 [selector1] (extractor arg1 ...)
    :key2 [selector2] (extractor arg1 ...))


An extractor is a function that takes a node and returns information about.

Enfocus defines several helper fuctions for extractors:

An extractor is a funciton that takes a node and returns information about

  get-attr           (get-attr :attr1)
  get-text           (get-text)
  get-prop           (get-prop :value)
  get-data           (get-data :key1)
  read-form          (read-form)  - returns {:field1 ("val1" "val2") :field2 val}


Compile Enfocus

 git clone git://github.com/ckirkendall/enfocus.git
 cd enfocus
 lein do cljx once, compile

Test Enfocus

After having compiled down enfocus as explained above

lein test

bREPLing with Enfocus

After having compiled down enfocus as explained above issue the following lein task:

 lein repl

Then run the http server as follows

user=> (run)
2013-10-15 12:34:33.082:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.8.v20121106
2013-10-15 12:34:33.138:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:3000
#<Server org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server@7aed9585>

Next launch the browser-connected REPL as follows:

user=> (browser-repl)
Browser-REPL ready @ http://localhost:55211/4347/repl/start
Type `:cljs/quit` to stop the ClojureScript REPL

Finally, visit the http://localhost:3000/ URI

The page is empty and it used for bREPLin only. Wait few moments while the connection is established and then you can start bREPLing with Enfocus.

cljs.user=> (js/alert "Hello, Enfocus!")

Final note

All the Austin use cases should work as expected.


Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Creighton Kirkendall

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

Special Thanks!

Christophe Grand for creating enlive and building a simple api for dom manipulation.