
FontAwesome icons as hiccup for Clojure(Script)

MIT License


FontAwesome SVG icons as Hiccup

This library provides tooling to use the icons in the Fontawesome Icons package as hiccup, usable from both Clojure and ClojureScript.


With tools.deps:

no.cjohansen/fontawesome-clj {:mvn/version "2024.01.22"}

With Leiningen:

[no.cjohansen/fontawesome-clj "2024.01.22"]

Download FontAwesome

Due to FontAwesome's commercial license, the icons are not shipped with the library. Instead, you will import the resources to your classpath. You can either do this as a build step, or commit the resources to your project - so long as you don't distribute your project in a way that conflicts with the FontAwesome license (e.g. it's open source).

fontawesome-clj needs a couple dependencies to import icons that are not necessary at runtime. To reduce the number of dependencies at runtime, you will have to provide those dependencies while importing:

To use the free distribution:

clojure -Sdeps "{:deps {no.cjohansen/fontawesome-clj {:mvn/version \"2024.01.22\"} \
                        clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version \"3.12.3\"} \
                        hickory/hickory {:mvn/version \"0.7.1\"}}}" \
  -M -m fontawesome.import :download resources 6.4.2

This will install version 6.4.2 icons into your resources directory.

To use a pro distribution you must first download the zip file, then import it:

clojure -Sdeps "{:deps {no.cjohansen/fontawesome-clj {:mvn/version \"2024.01.22\"} \
                        clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version \"3.12.3\"} \
                        hickory/hickory {:mvn/version \"0.7.1\"}}}" \
  -M -m fontawesome.import :import resources 6.4.2 ~/Downloads/

Usage from Clojure

Usage from Clojure is straight forward:

(require '[fontawesome.icons :as icons])

(icons/render :fontawesome.regular/bell)

;;=> [:svg
;;    {:xmlns ""
;;     :viewBox "0 0 448 512"
;;     :style {:display "inline-block"
;;             :line-height "1"}}
;;    "<!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. -->"
;;    [:path {:d "M224 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32V49.9C119.5 61.4 64 124.2 64 200v33.4c0 ..."}]]

More on the render function below.

Usage from ClojureScript

The Fontawesome icons package contains thousands of icons. You probably do not want to include all of them in your build. To work around this, the library provides a macro that "installs" an icon into your build. After you've installed it, you can render it as much as you want.

(require '[fontawesome.icons :as icons])

(icons/render (icons/icon :fontawesome.brands/apple))

This will both pull the Apple logo icon into your build and render it. icons/icon needs only be called once per unique id. It returns the keyword, so can be used where you build data - it doesn't have to sit in your rendering code:

(def data
  {:name "Christian"
   :icon (icons/icon :fontawesome.regular/user)})

(icons/render (:icon data) {:size 32})

More on the render function below.

You can also install icons in a separate namespace and forget about icons/icon in the rest of your application. The important part is that fontawesome.icons/icon is called once for every icon you intend to use, and that it is called with the static keyword - it is a macro, and cannot dynamically look up refs. This will not work:

;; Doesn't work, don't do it!

(for [id [:fontawesome.regular/building
  (fontawesome.icons/icon id))

Icon keywords

Icons are identified with a keyword. The keyword has the following anatomy:


group is one of:

  • regular
  • brand
  • solid

id is the icons id. Use the Fontawesome icons website to find icons.

The render function

The render function takes two arguments:

(render id {:size :color :style :class})

All the map options are optional.

  • size is a number that is used for the icons width and height
  • color is the icon's color. Icons use currentColor, so you can also set
    color with CSS in parent elements.
  • style is a map of styles for the svg element
  • class is either a compatible format for specifying CSS classes that your
    rendering library supports (usually either an array of strings or a
    space-separated list)

The remaining map is merged into the SVG element's attributes, e.g.:

(require '[fontawesome.icons :as icons])

(icons/render (icons/icon :fontawesome.regular/file-pdf) {:on-click (fn [e] ,,,)})

;;=> [:svg {:on-click (fn [e] ,,,)
;;          :viewBox ",,,"
;;          ,,,}
;;    ,,,]


Copyright code in this repo © 2023 Christian Johansen

Distributed under the MIT license.

FontAwesome icons use a commercial license, see the website.

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