
rocketchat reminder and bot powered by clojure

EPL-2.0 License


An event bot for rocketchat.

Released versions:

for a released version, take a look at GitHub releases.

High-level Description:

As user of a Rocketchat, you can automatize your regular meeting events with fullrocketmetal easy.

Fullrocketmetal let you schedule in a crontab regulary syntax, a regular message event/reminder, which will sent to a channel name of your server.


Use either the released jar or the devel one


Make sure this 2 edn files are in the same directory to the JAR clojure file you execute.

  1. create a .rocketchat.edn file in same dir of fullrocketmetal jar with following content:
{:credentials  {:username "myusername" :server-url "myserver-rocketchat-url.com" :token "my-token-rocketchat"}}
  1. create a event.edn file in same dir of fullrocketmetal with following content:

the cron-schedule is a cron syntax time.

{:reminders [
             {:channel-name "clojure" :cron-schedule "0 0/1 * * * ?" :message "[autogenerated] @here i'm a fullrocket-message-autogenerated-running each minute.https://github.com/MalloZup/fullrocketmetal "},
             ;;{:channel-name "my-other-channel" :cron-schedule "0 0/1 * * * ?" :message "i'm just a text after the default message"}

this will send to channel-name a message which is a reminder, and you can specify the frequence of the message via cron-schedule which follow the crontab syntax.

Build from src

Use lein uberjar to build the jar

Use java -jar fullrocketmetal-VERSION-standalone.jar. This will run fullrocketmetal

Technical infos:

This project is using rocketchat missile library and quartz scheduler.

( https://github.com/MalloZup/missile)

Fullrocketmetal plan only to implement the rocketchat Messanger.

I plan maybe to implent a generic bot where one could plugin others client (Slack,irc etc) using same syntax.
