
A GraphQL document and schema language based on S-expressions in Clojure & ClojureScript

EPL-1.0 License

  • Grafeo

    #+author: r0man #+LANGUAGE: en

    [[][]] [[][]] [[][]] [[][]]

    /Grafeo/ is [[][Clojure]] and [[][ClojureScript]] library that provides a S-expression based language for [[][GraphQL]] documents and schemas.

** Usage

Require the library.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results silent (require '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]) (require '[grafeo.core :as gql]) #+END_SRC

Define a GraphQL document in s-expression format. Take a look at the [[][doc]] folder to learn how to write GraphQL documents and schemas in S-expression format.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results silent (def my-document '((human [(id "1000")] name (height [(unit FOOT)])))) #+END_SRC

*** Pretty printing

Pretty print the GraphQL document.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results output
 (gql/pprint my-document)

: query {
:   human(id: "1000") {
:     name
:     height(unit: FOOT)
:   }
: }

*** Alumbra

[[][Alumbra]] is a very complete GraphQL library for Clojure. It
provides an [[][analyzer]], a [[][parser]] and Clojure [[][Specs]] around
GraphQL. When parsing a /Grafeo/ GraphQL document in S-expressions
format it is converted into Alumbra's AST format.

The following example parses the GraphQL document and prints the
[[][Alumbra]] AST.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results output
 (binding [*print-namespace-maps* false]
   (pprint (gql/parse-document my-document)))

{:alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
 [{:alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
   :alumbra/operation-type "query",
   [{:alumbra/field-name "human",
     :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
     [{:alumbra/argument-name "id",
       {:alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
        :alumbra/string "1000",
        :alumbra/value-type :string},
       :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0}}],
     [{:alumbra/field-name "name",
       :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0}}
      {:alumbra/field-name "height",
       :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
       [{:alumbra/argument-name "unit",
         {:alumbra/enum "FOOT",
          :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0},
          :alumbra/value-type :enum},
         :alumbra/metadata {:column 0, :row 0}}]}]}]}]}

*** JavaScript

In the JavaScript world, GraphQL clients like [[][Apollo]] and [[][Relay]] use
a different AST format. /Grafeo/ can translate between the Alumbra
and JavaScript formats.

The following example parses the GraphQL document and prints the
JavaScript AST.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results output
 (pprint (gql/parse-document-js my-document))

 [{:directives [],
   :kind "OperationDefinition",
   :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
   :name nil,
   :operation "query",
   {:kind "SelectionSet",
    [{:alias nil,
      [{:kind "Argument",
        :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
        {:kind "Name",
         :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
         :value "id"},
        {:block false,
         :kind "StringValue",
         :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
         :value "1000"}}],
      :directives [],
      :kind "Field",
      :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
      {:kind "Name",
       :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
       :value "human"},
      {:kind "SelectionSet",
       [{:alias nil,
         :arguments [],
         :directives [],
         :kind "Field",
         :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
         {:kind "Name",
          :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
          :value "name"},
         :selectionSet nil}
        {:alias nil,
         [{:kind "Argument",
           :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
           {:kind "Name",
            :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
            :value "unit"},
           {:kind "EnumValue",
            :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
            :value "FOOT"}}],
         :directives [],
         :kind "Field",
         :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
         {:kind "Name",
          :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}},
          :value "height"},
         :selectionSet nil}]}}]},
   :variableDefinitions []}],
 :kind "Document",
 :loc {:startToken {:column 0, :line 0, :start nil}}}

*** HTTP Client

/Grafeo/ provides a [[][clj-http]] based HTTP client for GraphQL. The
following example show how to query a GraphQL based server. Start
the SWAPI server in this repository on

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results silent
  node server.js

Require the HTTP client.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results silent
  (require '[grafeo.http :as http])

Define the server we are talking to.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results silent
  (def my-server
    {:scheme :http
     :server-name "localhost"
     :server-port 4000})

Query the local Star Wars API server and print the result.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results output
  (->> (http/request my-server my-document) :body pprint)

: {:data {:human {:name "Luke Skywalker", :height 5.6430448}}}

With variables.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports both :results output
  (->> (http/request
           [($episode Episode)]
            [(episode $episode)]
            (friends name))))
        {:variables {:episode "JEDI"}})
       :body pprint)

: {:data
:  {:hero
:   {:name "R2-D2",
:    :friends
:    [{:name "Luke Skywalker"}
:     {:name "Han Solo"}
:     {:name "Leia Organa"}]}}}

** License

Copyright © 2019 [[][r0man]]

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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