
An example module to illustrate the usage of ClojureScript and npm



FIXME: Write a one-line description of your library/project.


FIXME: Write a paragraph about the library/project and highlight its goals.


Most of the following scripts require rlwrap (on OS X installable via brew).

Build your project once in dev mode with the following script and then open index.html in your browser.


To auto build your project in dev mode:


To start an auto-building Node REPL:


To get source map support in the Node REPL:

lein npm install

To start a browser REPL:

  1. Uncomment the following lines in src/hello_npm/core.cljs:
;; (defonce conn
;;   (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))
  1. Run ./scripts/brepl
  2. Browse to http://localhost:9000 (you should see Hello world! in the web console)
  3. (back to step 3) you should now see the REPL prompt: cljs.user=>
  4. You may now evaluate ClojureScript statements in the browser context.

For more info using the browser as a REPL environment, see this.

Clean project specific out:

lein clean

Build a single release artifact with the following script and then open index_release.html in your browser.



Copyright © 2015 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.