
Count Lines of Clojure Code

EPL-1.0 License



Use this instead of cloc to count lines of clojure code.

Unlike cloc and other tools, lein-count uses clojure.tools.reader to parse code to decide which lines count. This means (comment ...) forms and #_(reader-ignored forms) are not counted.



Merge into ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-count "1.0.9"]]}}

Now you can run lein count in a project. Example:

$ cd ~/oss/clojurescript
$ lein count
Examining ("src/main/clojure" "src/main/cljs")
Found 62 source files.

| Ext  | Files | Lines of Code |  Nodes |
| cljs |    26 |         16247 |  84666 |
| cljc |    16 |          9567 |  73249 |
| clj  |    20 |          3843 |  19789 |
| ____ | _____ | _____________ |  _____ |
| SUM: |    62 |         29657 | 177704 |

Outside a project

It also works outside a project if you specify which files or directories to be scanned.

$ lein count some_file.clj
$ lein count /tmp/dir-of-files
$ lein count :by-file /tmp/dir-of-files


You can also use the :by-file switch to show individual file counts.

$ cd ~/git/lein-count
$ lein count :by-file
Examining ("src")
Found 3 source files.

| Ext  | File                                               | Lines of Code | Nodes |
| clj  | ./src/aiba/lein_count/constant_wrapping_reader.clj |           829 |  4203 |
| clj  | ./src/aiba/lein_count/core.clj                     |           154 |   893 |
| clj  | ./src/leiningen/count.clj                          |            67 |   355 |
| clj  | ./src/aiba/lein_count/utils.clj                    |            30 |   172 |
| ____ | __________________________________________________ | _____________ | _____ |
|      | SUM:                                               |          1080 |  5623 |


lein count works on maven artifacts.

$ lein count :artifact ring/ring-core 1.6.0
Examining ("/Users/aiba/.m2/repository/ring/ring-core/1.6.0/ring-core-1.6.0.jar")
Found 26 source files.

| Ext  | Files | Lines of Code | Nodes |
| clj  |    26 |          1537 |  6261 |
| ____ | _____ | _____________ | _____ |
| SUM: |    26 |          1537 |  6261 |

More examples:

$ lein count :by-file :artifact ring/ring-core 1.6.0
$ lein count :artifact reagent 0.6.1
$ lein count :by-file :artifact reagent 0.6.1

This is a potentially interesting way to evaluate which libraries to depend on.

Counting Nodes

You might notice that there is another column called "nodes". This is a potentially more accurate measure of the "length" of code. Let's see if it's useful.


We use a modified version of clojure.tools.reader to parse the source files. The modifications make the reader more lenient and also wrap constant values in metadata so they get counted. Once a file is parsed, we simply count the unique lines upon which a clojure form starts or ends.

If you find an example where this seems off, please file an github issue.

The node count is just the total number of parsed forms.

Known Issues

Versions prior to 1.0.8 had a bug that overcounted constant nodes in the syntax tree by a lot. See #8.


Source Copyright © 2017 Aaron Iba

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure uses.