
leiningen template for apps that use reagent and liberator


lein new liberagent

Template for apps that use Reagent on the client and Compojure+Liberator on the server.

Dependencies and plugins for app

  • clojure 1.6.0
  • clojurescript + lein cljsbuild
  • core.async
  • ring-core + lein ring
  • ring-jetty-adapter
  • compojure
  • liberator
  • React 0.11.2
  • Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • cljs-http
  • reagent
  • sablono
  • figwheel + lein figwheel (live javascript reloading)
  • weasel + piggieback (clojurescript REPL)


To create a new project:

lein new liberagent example

In one terminal:

$ cd example
$ lein repl
example.api=> (brepl) ;; starts browser repl

In a second terminal:

cd example
lein figwheel

Changes to Clojurescript (.cljs) code will automatically be compiled when files change. Figwheel takes care of reloading changes the browser. Also see this blog post.

In a third terminal:

cd example
lein ring server

A browser window will automatically open. If not, go to http://localhost:8090/index.html.

Changes to Clojure (.clj) code will automatically be compiled upon browser request.

In the browser repl type for example:

(.click (js/$ "#myButton"))

You are now controlling the client from a REPL!

Start project without figwheel and weasel:

Use normal lein cljsbuild +

IS_DEV=false lein ring server


This template is inspired by the Chestnut template.


Copyright Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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Top 23.77% on Clojars.org
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