
APACHE-2.0 License



A clojure DSL for calling objective c code.



Clojure Type Objective-C Type
nil NULL (null pointer)
boolean BOOL
byte int8
short int16
int int32
long int64
float float32
double float64


Clojure Objective-C
nil NULL
true YES
false NO
(byte 1) 1
(short 1) 1
(int 1) 1
1 1
(float 1.0) 1.0
1.0 1.0


Coercions for common objective-c types are also provided via @.

Clojure Objective-C
@"mystring" @"mystring"
@true @YES
@false @NO
@1 @1
@1.0 @1.0
@{@"key" @"value"} @{@"key" @"value"}
@[@1, @2] @[@1 @2 ]
@#{@1, @2} [NSSet setWithArray: @[@1 @2 ]]


If a symbol can be resolved in the current context, it will use the value of the binding. Otherwise, it is assumed to be the name of a class which will be looked up at runtime.

Function Calls

Function calls are represented by vectors (similar to how they appear in objective-c).

Some examples:

clojure objective-c
[NSArray :array] [NSArray array]
[nsdict :setValue:forKey info @"nowPlayingInfo"] [nsdict setValue:info forKey:@"nowPlayingInfo"]

Note the differences:

  • the method selector is a keyword
  • the method selector is the full selector (splitting up the selector into its parts to more closely match objective c may be supported in the future).
  • No trailing : in method name!

The return type is assumed to be a pointer, but can be coerced via type hint.

;; Return a long.
(objc ^long [[NSArray :array] :count])
;; Return void
(objc ^void [my-player :play])

;; Return a type by hinting the dtype next struct name
(objc ^cm_time [~(:player @pod-state) :currentTime])

The following type hints are supported:

  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • pointer
  • pointer?
  • void
  • The name (as a symbol) of a dtype next struct.


Anonymous functions are automatically coerced to blocks. The return value and args are assumed to be of type pointer, but can be specified via type hint.

(objc ^void
      [[AVAudioSession :sharedInstance]
       (fn ^void [^byte activated error]
         (println "activated" activated error))])


Arbitrary clojure can be inserted anywhere using ~.

(objc [NSNumber :numberWithLong ~(+ 1 2 3 4)])


Copyright © 2024 Adrian

Distributed under the under Apache License v2.0.